Lev Magic Imperial Tenten Street

All I knew about El-- and that was just my mother's correspondence —— was Lucia. Even Lucia didn't know what Elle was like, and she never thought she was a giant rabbit.

Sudden visitors often watched the people who immediately rebelled. Using the silence, Elle continued to explain.

Information about the formation of the two worlds and the red crack in the sky (Red Gate) was a breakthrough, but people had to listen in silence to the fact that it was treated as confidential but true in the Holy Kingdom of Kurvan and that their esteemed emperor had already trusted it.

However, the information on Red Gate and the treatment of heroic armies (heroic gear) are different. No - there may be aspects of lending heroic armies in return for Elle's information, but many Lev people still couldn't allow heroic armies that they believed belonged to the Empire to travel to other countries.

"... that rabbit made me suffer, but we must not take heroic armies out of the country."

The section chief of the Labyrinth Tactics Division 1 and the head of the "Rollo Chamber of Commerce", one of the chambers of commerce dealing with magical instruments, met closely after the meeting.

"... at all. In general, we have not been able to confirm whether the magic equipment from Section 4 is suitable for heroic arming. Most likely, you will find a good looking magic armor (magic gear) and associate it with heroic armor. You have an" Omboro Chamber of Commerce. "

The warden referred to the "Muge Chamber of Commerce" as the "Omboro Chamber of Commerce" without enmity.

The watchman died using the "Emotional Attack" Automaton he encountered in the "Labyrinth of Fear", soaked his bones and learned the beauty of the "Emotional Attack". As a result, the Muge Chamber of Commerce purchased the Automaton for 1,000 Imperial Gold Coins - the Dungeon itself had "Emotional Traps" and the Automaton did not contain "Emotional Attack" features.

To put it bluntly, I wanted a gun, but all I bought was a gun trigger.

I didn't intend to pay for this kind of fraud, but rather to sue him for fraud, but Abba, the deputy director of the Bureau of External Relations, and his cousin, the owner of the Chamber of Commerce, dropped the charges and paid for the gold.

This is your responsibility.

I still remember the pain on my left cheek when I was beaten.

It's the only way to buy junk and do a lot of damage to the Chamber of Commerce. The "Rollo Chamber of Commerce" has grown large and young, and I did not know when to change the head.

The head is like an unrepresented CEO who handles all the work and personnel of the Chamber of Commerce.

In the Lev Magic Empire, "head of the Rollo Chamber of Commerce" is a position that attracts respect. The warden wanted to regain his honor no matter what.

"... I wonder if the Chamber of Commerce employs anyone who can do some rough work?

"... what are you going to do?

The voice of the warden, who felt a disturbing sign, naturally decreased.

"... what, don't be alarmed. We will use the heroic armor acquired by Division 4 effectively."

"... you mean to take it away? We can do that, but if we put it in this tent, we'll find out soon."

There are now many tents in the square in front of Sekimo, and troops from other countries are deployed to the surrounding hills. Every morning, a line of queues ran through the narrow passage of the Sekiguchi branch through the tent town of the Lev.

If you want to temporarily hide your heroic army, you'll need a lot of equipment when you research it, and there's only a limited number of places where it's available. The warden said there was no place to hide it because it would be suspicious if we took the equipment out of there.

"... I have an idea about that. So, is the Rollo Chamber of Commerce on board? Aren't you getting in?

Heroic Armor found only 20. If there were new heroic armies and they were able to protect them from flow to other countries, the people would be delighted. They are the heroes.

Rather than being in the forefront, the investors may be able to launch a new chamber of commerce - and the foreman's voice trembled when he thought so.

"... of course, I will cooperate with you. So, what do you want me to do?

The first section chief laughed and the close-up meeting with the warden continued.

A few days later, it was Abba who jumped in to Rusha, who had a very short nap on heavy duty.

"Wake up, Lucha!

After stopping the candy, Abba, who was completely skinny —— whether she missed her mouth or Yang Zi remained scared —— raised her voice outside the tent where Lucia woke up in disturbance.

"... what's the matter? It's early in the morning."

It's the time when the sun began to rise. It's a little early for the smoke to go up to prepare breakfast.

There were few people who were up and walking outside.

Abba says to Rusha, who comes out rubbing his eyes.

"Calm down and listen.... it looks like the heroic army we kept in the tent of the Muge Chamber of Commerce has been robbed."


Words that shocked Luisa too hard didn't penetrate her head.

"-- I know you were particularly careful to place guards there, but it seems that the rotation of the guards was skewed by mistake, leaving about 30 minutes of security clearance. I think they did it in the meantime."

"Wait a minute. Mr. Muge. Mr Muge must have been inside all along. He is."

"I was hit in the head and bleeding. But you're safe. I'm on treatment now."

I'm relieved to hear that you're safe, but I can't stand the temper to fall out of my body.

Are you okay?

Abba grabbed Lucha's shoulder in haste. Even if she lost weight, her muscles were not weakened, and Lucia rubbed against her unexpected arm.

"... all the heroic armies?

"Ah... all three I kept."

"The killer--"

The investigation is still going on.

"--First section chief."

Aba frowned at the assertive tone.

"Lucia, I don't think it's easy to say that."

"Of course it is. You think so, don't you? He was the one who was most opposed to lending the heroic army to other countries, and he was the one who tried to take away the results of Division 4. In the meantime, there's only one person inside who can execute a crime while the security rotation is off."

I know that the most suspicious thing about Ava is the first section chief.

That's why I thought the first section chief couldn't cross such a dangerous bridge.

We'll start searching soon.

And Abba's intuition was right.

The Chief of Section 1 allowed all tents owned by Labyrinth Division 1 to be investigated, and nothing suspicious happened to them. Sections 2 and 3 also offered to cooperate, and even the chambers of commerce allowed the tents to be investigated - there was no heroic army anywhere.

Items being transported out of the country are strictly checked, but there are no signs of heroic forces being transported out, and even the Lev have been widely solicited for information, but are carrying suspicious things - no information has come up.

The heroic army vanished without a trace.