The next morning, the sun still did not show itself, and the eastern sky became slightly brighter.

We got everything ready and left Mr Rusha's tent.

"Be careful. Well, you know enough about that."

Lucha, too. I'm sure you'll be busy from now on... "

"Yeah, but that's what I want."

I shook hands with Lucia, who smiled.

The way I smiled —— not at all similar, but reminiscent of some old Hinga figure -- I opened my eyes unexpectedly.

This body is there to be punished. For I have committed a sin that cannot be atoned for by death. However, I took a bath in the sun. Blessed be this abomination, Almighty God who reigns in heaven and earth...

I remember perfectly what Old Hinga said the last time.

"Death is not a sin to atone for"... I still don't know what it is.

"You were led by your grandfather to this Lev Magic Empire. And he became my messiah, not only the messiah of this country. I really have to raise my country and celebrate your glory....."

"That's not true. I don't need that. Even the soldiers of the Empire did their best."

"You're really humble. I want the great people here to be apprentices."

And Abba said,

"Absolutely... All subordinates are the responsibility of their superiors, and all failures of their superiors are their fault. Now officials don't do their jobs."

"Still, it's not a big deal because you're up to the deputy director. I want you to be the director of the Bureau of External Relations."

"... that's what I'm going to do. When I become the director, I'll have to do it first...."

Oh, I'm looking forward to it.

"Ahh... stay tuned."

Mr Abba asked him to think of something while holding Yang Zhang.

Ah, this is it. You're going to propose when you become the director. I'm not the only one who figured it out. (Lucha looks at herself) I'm smiling.

Abba, who noticed our expression, was in a hurry.

"Yes, yes, I had a job. Now, the Silver Balance. I'll see you later."

And then he left —— no matter how much work he had, no one would still be working this morning.

"... uhh, thank you all for your help."

Another person who came to see me off, Muge, was shaking hands with us one by one and tearing in his eyes.

"I really wanted to come out with you... but the expansion of Cat Chang isn't over yet."

In restarting the market, Muge is remodeling Cat Chang so that he can carry a large quantity of materials for reconstruction. Nonetheless, Mr. Muge began his research on "heroic arming", and now he may be the best black worker who continues to work by modifying Cat Chang and cutting down his sleep time every day.

"Mugue-san, please, don't be stuck in front of Cat Chang.

"Be careful, Mr. Dantes. Now I'm hiring a driver and I'm thinking about going to bed."


Do you want to rest briefly when you move and work without sleeping? Mr Dantes will look real. The idea does not come out of the black labor. I've never heard of the word "overwork death" in this world, but is it okay if I sleep on the move time...?

Well then, it's time to go.

We say goodbye to Mr Rusha and Mr Muge and leave the tent.

Even just before sunrise, there were many people who had already woken up and started preparing breakfast, and I saw that the smoke was pouring up.

When will the tents spread out in this square disappear? Or, even as reconstruction progresses, will it remain for those who visit the empire in the future?

"How far can I go today?

"I don't know how fast that wagon is."

"Anyway, it's hard to ride for a long time if you're too cramped."

If you can sleep, you can do anything ~

Mr. Dantes, Mr. Mino, Mr. Non, and Mr. Zelly are talking and moving on.

And the dawn came, and many people trampled him, and illuminated the rough plains.

Looking back, I saw "Below the Moon Beauty" in front of my eyes.

I found myself on the deck of a sublunar beauty illuminated on one side by the sun.

If it's not a mistake —— no, it's not a mistake.

I can't be mistaken for Miss Eva.

Miss Eva was staring at me with her hair in a gentle breeze.

Put your hands against your mouth and shout something out loud.

That doesn't sound like it at this distance, but I could perfectly hear what the lady was saying.

--Come back soon. I have an appointment.


I looked back, one knee down, my right hand against my chest, and my head hanging. [M]

That would have been good enough for the escort to respond to the employer.

Well, the lady only accepts "yes", "yes" or "yes".

I got up and caught up with the slightly late Dantes.

"What is it, kid? What are you doing?

Zelly told me,

"Yes, just to let you know I have a little time...."

I was embarrassed to talk about it in detail, so I deceived myself.

"--Shall we go quickly? And let's catch up and do something fast."

My sister, Lark.