The light was constant, and it is normal to lose track of time after walking for hours in a long mine, but we mine slaves knew immediately what time it was.

If we felt hungry, it was past noon, and if we felt we had to go home soon, it was dusk.

It wasn't until I left the mine that I realized that this was something embedded in contract magic, but at the time it was just a convenient feeling for me.

"I'm hungry, little brother.

"Yeah, .......

We're growing up, why do we only get two meals a day, breakfast and dinner? Oh no.

Lark walks in front of me, mumbling.

I've seen his back every day since I came to this mine... even on the first day, he said, "Follow me! Even on the first day, Lark had walked in front of me saying, "Follow me!

At first, I was wary. At first, I was wary, thinking that this person was trying to take away my food and other things, acting like a senior. But I soon realized that I was wrong.

"You must be hungry, little brother.

"Yeah, ......, but don't say that again. It makes me even hungrier.

"What do you think this is?

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. What was in his hand?

I'm not sure what to do with it. Why do you have it?

I thought he had skipped the bread for breakfast, but Lark said, "This isn't enough!" and ate the bread and soup twice as fast as I did. This morning was no different.

"I played poker with Drek's old man yesterday, and I won, so I took it.

You're not allowed to bet on .......

It's no big deal to bet a piece of bread. Everyone does it. I mean, the look on Drek's face when he gave me that loaf of bread was priceless! He sounded like he was about to cry and said, "Are you really going to take the bread away from me? What is it, little brother? You look so bitter.


I turned my face away from him, feeling somewhat blocked.

It was the first time I had felt that way since I came to this mine.

I hadn't felt that way since I came to this mine. This place was calm, everyone was kind, and it was full of warmth.

Hahaha? Little brother, you're sulking because I went on a bender and left you out, aren't you?

No, that's not true.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'll take you with me next time. - They do it secretly late at night, just in case the miners are watching. My brother slept very well last night.

Lark reached out her arms and cradled my head in hers.

You can feel her body heat slowly rising.

What are you doing?

...... I'm sorry I left you alone at night.


I have not had any problems since I came to this mine. But for some reason, in the beginning, I couldn't sleep and I cried a lot at night.

At first I was in a separate hut from Lark.

--I'll sleep with him.

Lark raised her hand, "I'll sleep with him," and we ended up sleeping and waking in the same hut.

When I was still awake and crying aloud, Lark came up to me and cradled my head in her arms. Then I was able to fall asleep easily.

It probably didn't last more than ten days, but I think it was because of this that I was able to adjust to the mine so quickly.

Maybe it was the fact that I was so nervous when I first arrived at the mine that I felt so nervous at night.

"...... is fine, I'm already alone at night.

It's not pretty, is it? Then I'll eat the bread by myself.

Give it to me. Bread is innocent.

Now you're talking.

With a grin, Lark handed me half a loaf of bread.

Thank you.

The bread was warm and delicious to me, even if it was an inferior piece of bread that had been deceptively cheated.

I've never eaten better bread in my life.

I've never had better bread.

The carriage rattled along. It's not a great road, but there was a fair amount of traffic, and there were several adventurers and merchants riding in the carriage.

"How can I help you? Is that bread still not to your taste?

The merchant, who happened to be sitting next to me, offered me a piece of bread. The bread I received was crispy and reminded me of the mines, although it was a kind of preserved food that I missed.

I think the merchant was disturbed, because I froze for a while after receiving it.

No, no, no, not at all. I'll take it.

Please, please. It's not much, but we're neighbors now, after all.

The man said with a smile.

You look very young. What brings you to the Elven Forest?

This carriage will take us to the Elven Forest, the forest controlled by the Kingdom of Silvis.

I'm on my way there to see Asha.

Yes, I'm going to visit someone.

"You know an elf? That's nice. For a merchant, connecting with elves is like having a great supplier. ......

Oh, he's not an elf.

I see.

I chuckled at the merchant's shrinking momentum. There is no way I can say here that I am not an elf but a high elf.

I think that Asha went back to the kingdom to seek the secret medicine.

It's a great way to help Lark,......, the sister who protected and raised me.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

But I don't think that Asha is not important.

(......) It's wrong to sacrifice yourself to do something.

I'm sure that Lark will get what he wanted, saying "I've been fooling around with you".

I'm sure Lady Eva would say, "Negotiation is a part of being a noblewoman," and get what she wanted in exchange for something.

Asha is clumsy.


I have to tell her. You don't have to go that far. The world is more forgiving than that. ......)

I made a new promise to myself and took a bite of bread.

The bread is crumbly and soggy, like I'm biting into a piece of plaster. I can even feel the grains of wheat.

Still, it gives me energy. I ate it every day as I paraded through the mines.


The wind that blew through the carriage changed. The wind that blew through the carriage had changed; it was now full of the smell of the forest.

It wasn't long before I could see the green horizon ahead of me - the great forest.