—— Oh, no. No more.

It was the moment when the open mouth, the fangs there, touched her nose.

"Wow wow wow!!"

Someone popped out like a black gust and blew the viper from the side.

"Miminono! What a mess!! It's Gitsnake, dude!

"Heh? Yeah, yeah, yeah!?"


When the sitting big man stood on his knees and threw the short knife he had in his hand, the blade slashed the sickle of a brilliant viper and threw it away. Good......

"And you there! Who is it?


It's a man with dark gray hair upside down and lumps behind him like a bump. Often burnt eyes hoist and canine teeth glance at the mouth. He is over 180 in height. Both leg muscles were developed enough for black leather pants to thrive, and he was a man like a whole spring all over his body.

"Oh, I..."

A man who has stirred up animosity approaches. I was surprised to hear little noise from that foot. With so much body, there should be a sound of falling leaves —— so much trained awesome arm. People like this, they weren't among the slaves.

"Stop it, Liquila. He's just a kid."

"Children? Look closely, this kid's clothes. This guy's probably --"

"Probably a benefactor of life!

The big man sitting there tried to cover me up, but before that it was the gray-haired man and the woman in the hood who had interrupted me.

"Because I haven't noticed Gitsnake, this child has taught me! What else is there!?"

"Come on, Mimino... You've even noticed. He's a slave."

"And a fugitive slave."

I hid my tattooed arm, but it was too late.

It's something you'll find out so easily. After all, it's shallow that you acted to save people's lives without looking over...

"... Still, wouldn't it be nice"

A woman who had kept her mouth shut until now opened. He has green hair tied behind him and is wearing monastic clothes. The age is the same as mine -- meaning "I in my previous life," about 16 years old? But he had sleepy eyes.

"Slaves are regulated in their behavior by contract magic. But being in the back of a forest like this means that the magic has already expired. Either the boy's identity has been freed, or the boy's lord has died, right?

"... I don't know how the Lord escaped with his death. In that case, the contract for the slave trade remains. Slaves have to stay on the spot. You know what I mean, huh?

"I don't know."

".................. hey now what the fuck mimino"

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't want to know."

"Um! I didn't say I hated you or fuzzed you! Troubleshooting --"

"This girl!

Mimino, said the woman in the hood was as tall as I am now. The way she talks is like an adult when she says she's small —— maybe she's not a human race. Like a gray-haired man is a beast man.

"You tried to help me because you knew you were going to be in a bad position! That's enough!?"


Strongly said, the gray-haired beast man wandered.

"Hey, I'm sorry I scared you. What's your name?

I looked back at me and laughed. I loved that face so much.

She had feathered loose dark green hooded robes, embroidered on the edges by yarns dyed in various colors such as red, white and yellow.

I guess she's some kind of wizard around wearing a bunch of misangas on her arm.

"Reggie, it's"

"Reggie, that's a good name! I'm Mimino, and I'm a natural magician (Druid) at this party. Lykira is the bad gala there."

"Whose gala is wrong?!?"

Liquila, the beast man, had already put a cheek wand on his knees like he had been plugged with his hips down by a bonfire.

Half of the skin exposed is covered by hair. Born in a village full of human races and in a mine where all human races work, I rarely get to see a beast man, which is very rare. This world is fantasy after all......

"... I'm Dantes. This is my daughter, Non."

That's what the big man, who threw a short knife at the venomous snake, said he would come back to drag his leg. Daughter...... Daughter!? You only look like you're about 30 in pah, but are you pretty old going?

Dantes was equipped with metal armor at fortifications such as shoulders, chest and elbows, while the other parts were dressed in scales braided with brownish-like scales - even if they were about 3 cm. Skyle Mail, which was in Earth's historical reality, should have been something that braided metal pieces like scales, but this is real scales.

Even wearing armor, I can see his flesh is so muscular and exuberant. The steel plate rolling on the side says, "Why is the seat of the bench here? I almost think," but I'm sure Dantes will wield this more than he has a handshake on there...... be Selk?

His face is graceful, but his eyes are gentle. Shortly pruned green hair and green eyes are like "daughter" non.

I noticed that his neck was partly gray. [M] That's "petrification"... Apparently. [Mori Luo Wan] The teacher even told me not to ask.

"... my body is petrified by Medusa's curse, my daughter will follow me for cure"

"For the treatment of your father, we aspire to the King's Capital of the Knight of Light. We have a very good saint who is very healing magic."

"Yes, what is it..."

That's what I had to say. There is such a thing as a petrification curse in this world... [Mori Luo Wan] The image of the material that comes to mind even when trying to see how to treat it was all I didn't know. I don't know, this... leaves like red leaves, but something with a tip split into five parts. Silver metal...... but very deep silver. And the creature you're flirting with? Mimi? I don't know.

I didn't think you could use it this way. Is this really a material that can cure petrification? I don't know if I should say this... but I can't answer how you got that knowledge, and I'm not sure what this material is in the first place...

In the meantime, Mr. Nong is thinking of treating you by magic, so let's not say anything weird.

"Reggie, come here, be! I was just about to cook some meat too!

I was brought to a burning place by a Minotaur. [M] Her hands were very small.

There was...

When I sat on the ground, I felt more tired.

"Yes, do you want some?

Mimino offered me skewered grilled meat. [M] I don't know what kind of meat it is, but the surface is covered with tons of spices.

I don't have much fat, but that didn't matter. I grabbed her hand and hit her with meat when I smelled the hot air and the meat.


Sparks scattered in front of me. The spice irritation spreads painfully, then the fat of the meat that my tongue feels. Though I thought the heat would burn my tongue, I never opened my mouth because I didn't even want to miss a drop of gravy.

My gums ache when I bite off the meat. I have a pair of back teeth. You were surprised by the sudden animal proteins that came, or your heart went bulky and your body became feverish.

The moment of swallowing was bliss. The stomach, which has received a surprising piece of meat, is pounding stomach fluids like a firefighter snorting at the extinguishing activity.

"... Reggie-kun"

I returned to me in a carefree voice. [M] He kept holding Mimino's hand.

"Oh, su, excuse me... I'm such a mess..."

"Yeah. That's good. That's good. Kids don't eat."

When Mimino makes me grip the skewered meat in my hand, he gently reaches out and holds my head.


"Forget the hard stuff now, it's BE to eat. What?"

That's when I realized.

I was crying in tears. [M]