* Escort: Lelenoa *

The halfling had several characteristics, but one could say that it was an easy feature to understand about its sense of colour.

Mimino had winged orange robes with bright cuffs, and the bag he was raising from his shoulders was also embroidered with silver and scarlet yarn. It was the Great Wheel of Hua depicted, a "whooping flower" with a legend of bringing the dead back to life.

Long candy hair is intricately tied, and thickly draped forehead flows to hang in the right eye area. The big blue eyes, even from the first Lelenoa I've seen in a long time,

"Mimino hasn't changed at all."

Lelenoa and Mimino, who moved closer to the Adventurer's Guild to the open terrace café, once again faced each other when they asked for fruit water made from the famous oranges of the Holy King of Kulvern.

"Lerenoa is no different. Be. Instead, it's the same clothes we had when we met some years ago..."

"Well, I won't tell you that, though I promise! I've been dressed all the time."

"Oh, escort work"

"Sort of."

"Are you okay today?

"Today, my boy is inviting a customer to a tea party, so it's okay. We have to keep up with each other when we go to see each other... I recently had a good friend (...) and he came out every day."

"Oh, my God."

"The timing was good. Because I couldn't move for 3 days from tomorrow. I have a gift pearl award ceremony for your boy, and he's loud and loud about that rehearsal and confirming his escort."

"Giving gifted pearls? Do you do that?

"Well... a lot's happened."

Lelenoa has a distant eye.

The stay in the Holy King's capital has been prolonged, but it is also three days away - until the gift pearl awarding ceremony.

I get the juice I ordered. When Lerenoa takes a sip, she seems to be putting together some fruit as well as oranges.

There's no such thing as glass glasses, so it's copper goblets that come out. I guess I used a demon prop or something to let it cool beforehand, the refreshing scent falls through my nose as the juice slips down my throat. I liked it as much as Lenore thought I would use it in the future.

Incidentally, this store is of high grade as a general store. Expensive. When the grade drops, the cup becomes a wooden cup, and if you want to drink in the street, bring a water bottle.

"I was surprised to hear from Minotaur suddenly. Sorry I'm late for your reply. I was in the Holy King's capital on business, so it took me a while for the letters from the Territory to be forwarded."

"Yeah, that's good. It took me a long time to get to the Holy King's capital because the border was so loud."

"Is that the border with the Knight of Light? Anything wrong?

"Oh, it's not from that way, is it? At the request of the Adventurer Alliance, I went as far as the Lev Demon Leader Empire."

"Yeah? Were you going to that place?

I can't help but be surprised by Lenore.

The country, known as the Magic Enchantment Empire, is well advanced in the study of magic, and it is also the most advanced in the world in the technology of Magic Enchantment Aircraft offered to countries - but it is exclusive anyway. All the people were made up of the same species called the Lev Race, the beast man on which the reptiles were based. On green and brown skin, golden eyes —— these eyes reflect when the light hits them.

There are also special circumstances of "inability to use gifted pearls," which significantly restrict immigration. It was also a clandestine state where other races had fairly limited access.

"No, I've never been there before, but it was an interesting place. Be All sorts of magic props are used -- oh, this souvenir."


It was a metal cube that was placed on the table. I don't know, and when I put it in my hand, it's big enough to fit perfectly in Lenore's palm, and it's a lot heavier.

I thought, vv and trembled.


When I let it go in advance, I make a cotton noise on the table and roll, stopping.

"Hey, what's this!? Alive!?"

"Haha, no. Look closely."

Trembling, that square object rolled with a cologne, and eventually began to spin as it twirled as it rose one point on the axis.

"... what is this?

"Yeah. It's just a toy to go around"

After a while, Cologne and I rolled to the table again and silenced.

"... what do you use?

"It's just a toy to go around. Anything, a by-product of what I could have done if I had made it in my study of demonic props...... or just a failure? So it was cheap."

"Oh, yes..."

Lelenoa reached out to him in a creepy manner, but


"Ah, I'm sorry. 'Cause it's getting hot enough not to touch me for a while."


Is this harassment from Minotaurs? and is Lelenoa, who worries for a moment.

"Um... so you're not here to give me this, are you? There was something in the letter I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh, yeah --"

Mimino tightened up the look he had had until then.

"Actually, I need you to find someone."

"Looking for people?

"Yes. I know I'm busy, but when I have time, it's fine"

"Well, if it's a favor from my cousins..."

Lelenoa is Minotaur's cousin.

From the same inside, Mimino left the inside as a traveling medic and Lerenoa was held as an escort.

"But Minotaur, you know, for an escort like me--"


Mimino blocks Lelenoa's words once and for all, and goes on like this.

The person you're looking for is a human race, black eyes on black hair. That you may even have a special education. I mean, it can be eating into the aristocracy —— on the contrary, the possibility of being an adventurer can be explored by Mimino, but the aristocracy wanted to rely on someone because Mimino is a complete gatekeeper.

He has a talent for using magic even without a gifted pearl, and is quite skilled at what he does for a boy.

(... you can use magic without a gifted pearl, boy?

What flashed behind Lerenoa's brain at that time was what happened at the "budding and crescent moon dinner party". Approximately January has passed since then.

The escort I was at that time...... The person who was Eva-Sullies' escort has been face-to-face at a tea party several times since then, but I don't even know his name after all because he doesn't talk to each other as escorts. Anything, it looks like the head of the Evigny family said, "I want that girl," but information rarely even comes down to me, the Etan escort.

(Sure, he would fit the terms. He has blue hair and different colors... but in some parts of the land, he says brunettes and dark eyes are persecuted, and it's not weird that he's dyeing his hair. Even I didn't realize I spotted the poison... I thought he was pretty good with that type of, high-ranking gift of observation and insight...)

Then I noticed Mimino staring at Lelenoa.

"Lerenoa, do you have any idea?

To the minnows who first embark on themselves.

"... heh, ho?

"Hey, what's up, Lenore? Those disgusting eyes."

"Don't sound disgusting!? No, Mimino cares about that boy, doesn't he? One thought?"

"Hmm!? That's not what I'm talking about! Don't make fun of me!

"You're blushing," he said.

"Chi, chi, Reggie is smaller than me!? I mean, why, I'd rather protect you... but they protected you..."

"That, is it?

Lerenoa, I think, hmm. The Eva family escort should have been taller there, definitely bigger than a minotaur about the same height as himself.

"And anyway, if I pinch that kind of person's information in my ear, I want you to tell me!

"Okay, okay. Relax."

Lelenoa sighed small as she still saw the red minotaur on her cheeks.

I thought this cousin finally had a late spring, but he doesn't. It's the smaller boy I'm looking for - though it's Mimino's biggest mistake for not telling him that the information was that four years ago - so it's considerate ahead.

Are you going to be a mother before you fall in love?

And well, Lerenoa should also worry about herself without any encounter--before worrying about others.

(... that, but the lady from the Sullies family did call that escort "Reggie"...? How'd it go?

Right now, I can't help but expect it with uncertain information, so I was going to ask my other escort buddies later Lelenoa.