"There we go, Reggie!


Mr. Dantes tried to attract three automatons, but one came out of the side. Hare shaped automatons are more like "tanks" than "dolls".

I'm gonna put my hair upside down and stick it in. There, I'm gonna throw a branch and unleash [flower magic]. This branch, with the unusual name "Six Verses Tree," grows and stretches with many fusi.

I mean, it's a good idea to get it tangled up in a wheel.

When the hare falls overturned while rubbing the wheel on the floor giggly, he rolls over and stops with a needle pierced against the wall. A belly-exposed hare rotates the rest of the wheel towards the void in a callous manner. Powerlessness goes up a notch.

"Whoa, whoa!

Receiving with large shields such as needles and protrusions, Mr. Dantes, instead, waved a mace down the nose of a hare. It has nothing to do with this vicious iron mass even if it gets caught somewhat in the needle. Destroy everything and snap a halibut nose column and eventually the automaton stops its movement.

"I can't do this, I can't do this ~!

"Mr. Jelly, aim for your face!

"I can't do it. ~!

Even if he fought at close range, Mr. Zelly, who did not have a heavy weapon like Mr. Dantes, was running away from the halibut for a moment. I can't seem to afford to tell you, so it seems okay to leave me alone, but since I'm the last one, I [dirt magic] will destroy the face of the hare and park it when I fire the rubble.

"Huh, are we done? Because automatons aren't creatures, they're hard to handle."

Mr. Dantes exhaled.

"No, it's pretty easy just for Mr. Dantes to hold the first blow. We can afford to observe."

"Really? I hope so."

We were working on our third Labyrinth of Fear. It's already been a day since we got into the dungeon.

"... but a lot of enemies, huh?

From the automaton, Mimino says while removing the demonic stone that is driving it.

We encounter battles about once an hour, but the number of occurrences ranges from one to five, about three on average. It's confusing to say "fear seyo," but many are animal types.

"Monsters should also appear, but you won't"

"Right. It's kind of different from the other labyrinths."

Many of the other labyrinth materials that we preloaded didn't mean that we wrote all the labyrinth specifications, of course, but many of them didn't apply to the "Labyrinth of Fear," even if it did say something absurd about tricks, traps, and automatons.

It seems very likely that individuality varies from labyrinth to labyrinth (...).

"Reggie, how many did you take down in all?

"Right...... 11 fights and a total of 35 crusades"

To the carrier of the cat I drive, Mr. Muge said, "Yes, please come here!" It is loaded with rare parts, which were requested. It is a magic stone, a magic trick of moving parts, and a small amount of Tianjin (Mithril) used.

Turning the epidermis of the automaton there is a place that contains misrils inside. I don't know about that, but the engineer will find out as soon as he checks it out, and I have [Morimoro Vientiane], so I can tell.

Most of the profits Mr. Muge made from selling for now were Demon Stones and Mithrills.

"... well, that's still a lot"

Mr. Dantes silenced as a slumber.

I don't know what you're thinking —— I guess, I know. You must mean the "Golden Brigade". With this high frequency of encounters with automatons, there is not so much that they can fight and destroy individually when they become chiseled. Mr. Pollina, more than two days after the rescue, how many of you, Mr. Leon, are surviving or not?

"You're done stripping, Dantes."

"Okay. Reggie, how's the magic?

"No problem"

"All right, let's move on"

We're going down the aisle. It doesn't come out in the aisle enough to say it's a signal that an automaton appears when there's a small room. If it's narrow, it's narrow and there's a way to fight, but if it doesn't come out narrow, it's better that way.

The next space I reached was not as interesting as before.

"... End of story?

It was a large room surrounded by walls on all sides.

"Stopped, I might say..."

"You don't have a hobby."

As relaxed as Mr. Zelly said, it was certainly a place where you might say "bad taste".

Huge gray face on the front. Face to the right too. On the left, too, there were three faces -- the same three-dimensional shape as the entrance.

Your face is as big as ever, the more you look up. All the mouths and eyes were closed, but the shape was that of the human race.

"... Something says on your lips"

said Nong, who put up the magic guide lamp. As I approached him —— there was a letter engraved on his plush upper lip.

"He Who Seeks Money Without Fear"

That's just it.


We meet face to face. I don't know what that means, but Mr. Pollina says we're not too close to inadvertently either because he said he'd lost the floor after checking the colorful rocks.

"... Gentlemen, what about acting together for now?

Mr Non's proposal was accepted very well.

I also looked up the left and right faces and the letters were written on the upper lips as well.

On the right,

"He who seeks truth with awe"

On the left,

"The God-fearing, the raw beggar"

There was.


We decided to go back to the entrance to the room once —— because there were no automatons out here, no traps, there didn't seem to be any so far.

"How long was the last branch going to go back?"

Mr Dantes said, so that Mr Non,

"The road is flat, about two hours' walk with combat included, so it won't take you half an hour to run. However, there is no guarantee that the road will remain intact."

I said out a paper that I was mapping easily and a Zenmai style pocket watch. It is a necessity for dungeon attack. By the way, Zenmai clocks seem to be about as accurate as a few minutes after a day, but that's acceptable.

"Okay.... So the problem is with that 'face'?

"Reggie, what do you think, that"

Asked by Mr. Mimino,

"There was only dark magic on my lips, so I think something activates when I touch my hand over there."

"What the hell?"

"Your mouth opens and the next passage opens."

That was just a guess, but that face moves to see the magic circulation (...).

"... whoever built this labyrinth is crazy"

Mr Dantes said with a sigh, but of course we were very much in agreement with that, and what was what we all thought from the time of the first labyrinth challenge. I just recognised it.

"Which one do you choose?

Yes, that's the problem.

"That would be gold!

Suddenly there was tension, Mr. Zelly.

"I'm worried about the word 'awe' be. If you glance at it, you'll still be attracted to the word 'truth'."

Mimino, more of an academic temperament than an adventurer.

"It's a good idea to go from less dangerous places."

Safety first, Mr. Nong.

"You split brilliantly. Forget my point... Reggie, what about you?


It was going to be a majority vote. The three of you who have already answered and Mr. Dantes look at me.

I got a little lost and answered.

"Left." Fear, the one who pleads raw. "