In the bitter air, I was sitting down.

Especially since Mr. Dantes and Mr. Mimino were so depressed that I didn't know what to say.

I had no choice. We did everything we could. That -- you don't have to tell me. You know.

Mr. Nong was silently working on getting rid of the dishes he had left behind.

Mr. Zelly is checking around this large hall, which is completely foggy.

"... I thought Leon wanted to be a hero... and I was more of a hero."

pompous, Mr. Dantes said.

"I helped you and you stabbed me with a sword... but if he apologized, if he apologized sincerely, I thought I'd forgive him... Last night, Leon told me to go back to the Golden Brigade."

Was it? I thought you meant exactly put me in the "silver balance"... I can't believe you're going back to yourself, Bre, Leon is.

"I clearly said no, but I thought it was kind of weird since then.... Leon said he abandoned his people (...), but I think Leon might have killed them (...)..."

"... Killed?

"I guess that trap that acts on my emotions, for example, slashed a lot of fellows in fear..."

No, I can't say enough.

Rather, I thought it was possible.

"So Leon on this wall...... looked at Justin, Cynthia, Murphy's face...... in a hurry. Perhaps he thought he had exposed his evil deeds..."

Mr. Nong poured water into the glass and offered it to Mr. Dantes. Mr. Dantes silently includes it in his mouth. Then,

"... I will not forgive Leon...!

Mr Mimino told me to hold tight.

"Absolutely, absolutely, I didn't want to forgive you for being apologized...! So, but I don't know why, but the tears... the tears, the tears..."

Mr. Mimino rinses his nose and cries out flabby. I can't stop the tears that flood me with the back of my hand or not.

Mr. Nong looked at me and nodded —— comfort me, I wonder. I don't know what to do when this happens.

I went beside Mr. Mimino and was surprised. [M] I didn't feel like making it an older woman, but that's kind of all I could think of.

"... Ugh, treat me like a child!

I'm sorry, I tried to say, but before that, Mr. Mimino held me up to my body and raised his voice.


Mr. Mimino cried like he was sad and sad and couldn't help it. If you look at it, Mr. Dantes' nose was also red.

For both of them, Leon was a former companion, now an enemy, a party member with life and death... and I guess his heart will be shaken by his death because he was with us at the end of the day.

At least, to the point where you two don't want me to die in this place —— Leon's presence was huge.

For a while, I've been playing Mr. Minot's head. [M]

Not until Mr. Mimino's feelings settle down.

"... you've made me look embarrassed"

[Living Magic (Convenient)] Mimino, who put out water and washed his face with it, said so. Her eyes were red and her eyelids were swollen, but that was about it, and she said she was okay now.

Mr. Dantes has already regained his feelings and is exercising his prep.

"No... So what do we do now"


When Mr. Zelly, who is back, pointed to the "face" wall —— there was one new "face" floating up there.

I don't even have to check nearby, it was Leon's "face".


Everyone looked up at it and was silent.

"… I definitely wanted to step (clear) through The Labyrinth of Fear. He wants to get over this nasty dungeon."

"That's an odd encounter. Me, too."

Mr. Dantes' voice was calm, but made him feel a fighting spirit.

And as if waiting for our re-departure, the "face" wall opened to the left and right —— the passage where Leon was pinched reappeared.

"... Oh, you mean come in?

"I'm just guessing, isn't this the last trap?

Looks like Leon thought Juggernaut was the last gateway.

"Maybe so. But maybe not."

"Right. Maybe you should think we still have a way to go."

"We'll find out."

Mr. Dantes headed that way first, and we followed.

The passage is narrow, so I decide to go in one at a time. It's my job to investigate small bodies and move fast.

Wrap a tightrope around my body,

"If anything goes wrong, I'll pull it without waiting for your reaction."

and Mr. Dantes said vigilantly.

This is a joke that says, "Ah!" or something like that, they're going to pull you out like a rocket... "

Anyway, I'll go inside.

Creepy enough, it was beautiful inside and left no trace of anything. There were traces of someone. Traces of someone's death, too. There was nothing left of anyone's artifact.

Same as the slime that was in the dust chute... cleaning anyone trapped here is what it's all about.

It's too short a time to melt everything down to metal and clothing fibers. I guess he took it away somewhere rather than say he melted it here. The back... has a wall in the punch. So it's up there?

"What's up, Reggie?

"... you have a hole up there. I thought Leon might have been pulled up there."


It's over 10 meters high.

"Is there anything left..."

Mr. Dantes, who was about to say,

"No, fine. Getting up there is a lot of work. Let's focus on cutting through here."

"... ok"

I go back carefully. [M] Try not to touch the lever and pass by. Kakon, and the small noise rang at his feet and he was gibberish, but nothing happened.

Phew... what the hell, already.

And I came before a sentence written on the wall.

"If you pull the lever behind you and overcome your fears, you'll just reach the abyss of one labyrinth"

Leon said. It stayed that way. I went back and told everyone what was written. [M]

Then there was also a passage on the wall that poked after pulling the lever.

In other words, pulling the lever to activate the trap and causing the passage to appear in the back is a set.

The only way for us to move on is to pull the lever.

Or turn back...... But you've confirmed all the roads leading up to here. When I return, I will return to where I was reunited with Leon.

"I think I should go."

"It's dangerous."

"I think it's too dangerous"

The opposite is Mr Mimino and Mr Non.


Mr. Dantes is still troubled.

"Go back and get your treasure. Go the route!

It is Mr. Zelly who is turning his eyes into gold.

Opinion broken.

"What do you think of Dantes? If you're going, you're going to be a light Reggie."

When Mr. Mimino shook his opinion--Mr. Dantes finally opened his mouth.

"... you can't put Reggie in danger"