tricks, and puts a small stone on the window. Then when I waited about 10 seconds, the shadow appeared across the window —— beyond the curtains of the thin fabric. I hit the stone three times with tricks, tricks, tricks. Then I opened the curtain —— His Highness Anastasia showed up.

The window was opened, so I slipped inside.

The light of the magic guide lamp floats through the bedroom.

His Royal Highness's bedroom was about the size of Mr. Muge's warehouse, with a bed with a canopy too huge to sleep alone sitting in the center.

"I'm thrilled"

Sara and His Highness wrote on the note paper.

Visiting His Highness Anastasia's room late at night is wacky. To take out His Highness's gifted pearls. When this was revealed, my neck had to bye my torso, so I wore a hood deep in my eyes and wrapped cloth around my mouth. It is an empty nest no matter how you look at it.

thrilled, how dare you, Your Highness, wear a light watery silky piece. I wonder if this is bedtime...... the world you live in is too different. It seems more expensive than the dress I borrowed at the hotel.

That's why the bandage wrapped around my neck looked painful.

"This is the genius pearl of [magic manipulation]."

After the noon meeting, I ran within the Empire to buy a gifted pearl. I wondered if the refs didn't sell them because they couldn't use talent pearls, and they were usually sold to grocery stores. No, it's around the grocery store, not the specialty store, maybe it's not the usual.

I didn't have 2 stars, so I bought 2 [Magic Operated Star].

"Let's hurry"

His Royal Highness nods at me. [M] Maybe there are two things that make me nervous: the nervousness that it will be hard if someone finds me, and the nervousness that from now on —— if we do well, we may be able to speak out.

Your Highness' idiosyncrasies are that [fire magic] is automatically activated by your voice. Improved technology to manipulate magic should reduce magic activation.

This much is something that a high elf royalty would soon find out, but maybe the only reason I didn't do it is because [fire magic] is so contraindicated to the elves by then...... Is the "princess fascinated by [fire magic]" too bad to hear?

(... Not if you're thinking about it now. Let's concentrate)

Let His Highness sit on the chair that was in the room. I've tried several times about [Orb attachment and removal] so it shouldn't be a problem.

"In the meantime, we're going to pull out all the gifted pearls. May I?

His Highness says he doesn't know what kind of gifted pearl he has. That you can't even tell me that... it bothers my heart to think of His Highness's condition, but not if I'm being pulled there emotions right now.

Since this world has such a gift as [Orbview], the Emperor of the Empire should have been able to find out what His Highness's Orb is.

His Highness nodded to my question. [M] I turned in front of His Highness and reached for his chest —— His Highness shook his body in a freak.

"Oh, su, sorry, to bump it. Well, I'll touch it here and pull out the genius pearls. It may be disgusting to be touched by me, but just be patient."


His Highness was blushing and waving his neck sideways, but he stretched out his spine and placed his hands on his knees.

... No, really. He comes to the woman's room late at night, lets her sit in the chair, and tries to touch her chest as the light of the magic guide lamp placed on the floor illuminates.

He's the one you can't get away with if you're witnessed, right?

(Let's hurry...)

This kind of thing is limited to a quick end.

I put my right hand on His Highness's chest —— although His Highness's body moved perfectly, that was all.

It's soft and refreshing, and I think of the image of me pulling out the genius pearls while I lean on the warm skin feeling.

"... ugh...!

A voice faintly leaked from His Highness's throat. Then the flame rose and disappeared as a butterfly danced around him. Is this automatic [fire magic]... just a little voice like this.

I had a black gifted pearl in my hand. There are blue and white glowing letters floating around there.

[Orb pseudo ]

Orb pseudo?

What is this?

In the meantime, I have to get all the rest out.

The next thing that comes out is a red orb —— black is "orb enhancement," whereas red is "physical trait."

[Reproductive interruption ]

I accidentally lost my word when I saw the letters that came up in the orb.

What the hell, this...

Oh, my God. This!

[Reproductive interruption] -- Does that mean Your Highness won't have children?

(Oh —— you mean that)

The first [orb pseudo] that came out is probably to avoid [orb vision] etc. In order not to enlighten the truth as to what gifted pearls are in His Highness's body.

His Highness was given to another country (...).

So it means "don't be a child," this gift.

Does the royal family of high elves have the right to entertain the life of His Highness, one girl named Anastasia? Don't be ridiculous. Having been born with a troublesome idiosyncrasies, is it high elf royalty's —— family's thing to do?


His Highness gives me a decent face when I tremble in anger.

It's what I went through once, so the second time, especially His Highness, I never even leaked my voice. You haven't seen the genius pearl I have yet.

"… now we will pull out all the talented pearls"

Let's talk later. When I put the gifted pearl in the leather bag, I reached for His Highness's chest.

The last gifted pearl that came out was extremely rare —— a blue gifted pearl, one of "magical properties".

[Magic propagation

It was a pattern of stars I had never seen before. Even though there are four stars, two of them look like carrappo.

To be honest, I was horrible. Because I thought there might be such a gifted pearl as [short-lived] or [unlucky].



The moment I pulled out my last gifted pearl, magic erupted from His Highness's body —— and at the same time, the firepowder danced around me.

Mazui. [Magic propagation] was something like sealing His Highness's magic?

I took out two [Magic Operators],

"Give me this!

Handing it to His Highness, the two gifted pearls were sucked into His Highness's body —— and the running magic seemed to have subsided.

"... what do you say?


His Highness, who looks at me silently and nods to Unh-unh, had no indication earlier that the magic might be about to burst.

"Let's have a little voice."

I reached out and removed the bandage that was wrapped around his neck.


"Don't be scared, it's okay"

When I held His Highness's hand gently, His Highness opened his little mouth.


For the first time, I heard the voice of His Highness —— not the voice that had leaked unexpectedly, but the voice that he intended to speak.

That was a clear, crystal beautiful voice.

Chili, and a small firepowder danced around. But that was it.

His Highness looks at me.

I nod.

"Let's train. With more [magical manipulation] genius pearls with more stars, you'll have perfect control."


There are tears in His Highness's eyes. And it spills in a pompous way.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

Even when I'm happy and crying, His Highness Anastasia keeps her voice down.

Imagine life so far, I feel like I can't do it. But not from now on. One day you can raise your voice and laugh when you like, even the song can sing, there should be a day like that.

It was when I felt -- when I thought I had finished my job.

A little, maybe I was alarmed.

No, even if I wasn't alarmed. This was too unexpected.

Something jumped in with the broken glass. It pierced my left shoulder —— poisoned, paralyzed poison, yes [Mori Lu Wan] warned me, but my strength fell out of my body, and finally fell to the foreground.

"-- Dear Anastasia"

It was the elves that came in through the window.

It was Mr. Pollina from the "Golden Brigade".