Pirate with a sledgehammer

Handhammer Pirate Section 89

Therefore, he directly jumped through the so-called 'learning' stage, directly acting, caught the opportunity to harass the historical base, I want to think about what is powerful from History.

History is also a tolerant, after all, Mihok itself is a seedlier that is not bad than Ogrem, plus he is embarrassed to the sword, what is the hegemony, and it doesn't matter.

Therefore, for History, there is no threat, and History is willing to teach him.

Of course, when there is time, it is estimated that history is now tired of the rice Hopki.

During this time from Melvi, Ogrem also smashed the history of history.

As I expected him, I have been a big plan that is the end of the straw hat pirates after more than 20 years.

The island has been divided into many dangerous areas, planting trees with 'madd'.

These protective forests will release a small particle that is not aware of the naked eye, and the murderies on the island hate this taste.

So never close to the vicinity, etc.

And mad green, will also affect the human body. If the slight particles inhaled, if the body will have green spots, then stiff, and finally lose the power, until death.

Ogrem has come to the palace where Histori is located, just a door, I saw Mihok guys got out of it.

It seems that he is not very good, it seems to be a little distressed, and there is some damage to the clothes.

Mihof saw Ogrym, asked some surprised: "I thought you would stay in the small garden ... ~."

" Hahahaha, I didn't plan it out, but some people want to ride on the old man to pull it, but also to see if he has such a big butt." Ogrem said with a laugh.

Mihok nodded, he certainly knew what it means, not just Ogreim, in fact, the more close to Ogrem, how many people will be gossip by those guys who are not pleasing to their eyes.

Only Mikock is too lazy to pay attention to them.

"You this is ... Just learn from the boss of history?" Ogrem asked.

"Well." Mihok was very calm.

"How?" Ogrem asked with a smile.

Mihok wrinkled a little frowned, thinking, said: "Strong ... He seems to have arrived in the way to fade ..."

Ogrem thought about it, History is like this, there is no legs in the future, and there is no flower whistle with the sword.

It is a chopping, a lion cuts a thousand valleys.

The difference is also very good, and the chop is to pick it up, and the thousand valleys are countless.

And the power is very powerful, and the histori is a knife. It can cut off the entire island, there is no flowering thing in the flowers, is simple to the extreme.

Think about it, Roger is good, Rayry is good, it seems to be.

For example, what 'godd'.

"Come slowly, don't worry, you are still young." Ogrem took the shoulder of Michael.

"Well, I will go first, go back to digest today's income, and challenge him tomorrow." Mihok nodded.

Ogrym heard some toothache pulled his mouth and said: "I think you will be alive soon, I will embrace History can't help but hack your point, so you are careful ..."

"How can it be? Is it a pleasant thing?" Mihok asked some surprised.

"May only think like this." Ogrem smiled and said.

Then, a few people didn't say anything, Ogrem quickly walked into the hall of History.

At this time, History is sitting on his throne, standing around Dr. Intrioven, it seems to be a discussion.

Beckman did not come in, it seems to hear the footsteps of Ogrem, and History looked up at him.

Then, the history of the history of the nose is slightly stiff, and I asked: "Don't you want to fight with me?"

Ogrem stunned, then I asked some excited: "How? History boss is interested in handing with me? Too good!"

Although histori said that he is at this stage, it is necessary to add knowledge. If you have a variety of means, if you can fight against History, Ogryim is still very happy, he thinks, only actual combat, and can integrate through.

Looking at the excitement of Ogreim, History quickly said: "No, I am not interested in today, waiting for you to hand over the task to your task."

These two days of history felt the head of the head, the hammer 100 pirates ... Well, yes, History did not dissolve the Agrem's Wihai One Piece, and even recognized them.

It is equivalent to blending the Warm Hammer League in his Golden Lion Buckle, and Ogrym is not a human part of the historic group.

The relationship between the two is more than this type of "partial 'and the' branch '" is the relationship between the teacher and the heir.

In short, there is nothing wrong with it.

History thinks that the three combatants in the Warm Hammer are very enthusiastic. Mi Hok is looking for him to think about his swords, Bakerman guys, this time is crazy in his library, there is no coming. Harass him.

However, History always feels that there will be one day.

Ogrim, History is completely able to feel that he wants to do it every time you meet yourself.