Pirate with a sledgehammer

Handhammer, One Piece, 178


Chapter 60-356: Handhammer

At present, the big gods above this layer did not shoot, just the little brothers under the bottom of the brothers.

It seems that the big giants are watching the situation.

Not long after, a woman in Happy Street shot.

"13 billion Bailey."

This is the first big name of the VIP.

However, the younger brother did not give it a little, still a crazy increase.

Soon, the people of CP-0 also shot.

"16 billion Bailey."

Happy Street is only one of the dark world, the image of the sea is the intelligence and flower street business, and the deterrent is not very big.

But CP-0 can represent the World Government, their deterrent is very high.

This is the price of CP-0, and the little brothers under the bottom will be paused. Some people began to consider the risks of this and their own money.

"Singing a double spring?" Ogrem cooked a little.

He is very clear, happy street is one of the power of the world government, the price of CP-0 is called here, and there is a trace of play.

Moreover, Joy Street is one of the holdings of this auction ...

It is estimated that it is hidden to Joy Street, and it seems that they are really not going to have the world government.

"17 billion!" Cataku said light.

Ogrem saw that the mouth hangs again "seven-two seven" to smug, and sure, Kataku can't hurt.

But he still did not shoot, waiting for this final ending.

After a few times, a hot fruit was actually shouted from the CP-0 to the high price of 2 billion Papest.

Kataku's face is very gloomy, and his hand lifted slightly, but it quickly put it again.

Ogrem this time, it is understood, this guy is not prepared, he is ready to end with CP-0 after the next auction will be completed.

Ogreim can get this conclusion because he knows that if he does not participate in it, the hot fruit will inevitably return to Kataku's bodius in Owen hands.

Today, CP-0 bought it with strong financial resources, and it must be grabbed.

Thinking here, Ogreim is not ready to fight with CP-0.

Although you buy it, you can bring out the Avaron Island.

If the guys who bought hot and hot fruit, Ogryim must be increased. After all, he also worried that these small brothers gave the devil fruit on the spot.

Then no one can get it.

However, if CP-0, don't worry, they have eight nine, they have to bring the devil fruit back to the World Government.

Therefore, their probability will not eat the devil fruit on the spot, then have the opportunity to grab it?

Cataki is definitely also hit this note.

However, everyone is doing a hundred pirates, you can grab, I naturally grab, and finally, who can grab it, of course, I have a good thing.

As regards what will be sinned by a sin.

Ogrem completely carefully, as long as the history did not lie down a day, he Ogrem was also a person with thighs.

For a devil fruit, there is a kind of Charlotte Lingling who is fighting with the Golden Lion.

As for the grab CP-0, will it be guilty of the World Government ...

Just kidding, if you don't grab, the World Government has not been sinned by him Ogrem?

Laozi is a human public enemy!

"Don't you see this hot and hot fruit? Why didn't you increase the price with those guys? It wouldn't be afraid of the world government? Hip hophaha." Swanx is very curious and asked.

Ogrym put his hand and said casually: "It doesn't matter, I really look at the hot fruit, but I don't say you must use the means to buy, let them save money, will we go to grab it? "

"Hip hophaha, will you have to fight? Too good!" Swinx said at all.

The waiter of the beautiful woman standing behind is also stunned, really is it is a pirate? This idea is completely no problem.

However, she seems to be unwilling, this kind of thing is too normal, as long as they have a dark auction, but also doesn't matter.

After the hot fruit is photographed, Ogrym will quickly lose interest in this auction.