Pirate with a sledgehammer

Harmamhadce, One Piece, 207

"Who's power?" Ogrem brow wrinkled, and it seems that I thought about it.

"The power of the beast is the power of the pirates." Do Franmin brother said.

"Do Mado?" Beckman stunned, some unexpected whispered.

Dofran Ming brother nodded, then said: "I don't know what is the situation, the total of Tharaine's beast is indeed in this water, and I even doubt, Nicholas is Kamo, Although there is no source of origin, there is no doubt that Mado's hand mastered a new arms production base, and the technology is very powerful! Now their output is not enough to attract others, but it is not good to say it. what..."

When I said, Dofran Ming Ge smiled again, said: "In fact, if you don't contact me, if you don't contact me, I may soon be determined to join the pirates, and I am in the time. The upper home is actually Thara ... "

"Hehahahaha, it turns out." Ogrym smiled.

"Of course, I don't think that the hammer you are more than Kamad, but I don't know if you will join the dark world, so I will choose Tham. Isn't it? "Dofonteo smiled and explained.

Ogreim is not intended, in fact, if there is no yourself, Dofonteo seems to be in the same way with Tham. 0

After he was killed by the straw hat pirate group, Thaedo was crying ...

"And the country!" Ogrem suddenly opened.

What did you ask for people, Ogreim continues: "Thaedo did master a new weapon production base, that is, the country, as you guess, this place has not expanded But as long as Camino is working hard in the country, the future ... there is a soldier factory! "

In fact, Kamada in the future, relying on the various technologies of the country, indeed, basically monopolized the army business of the new world, and even said that the entire world of arms business, Thaedom has a big head.

And Duran Ming brother is his 'dealer'.

So after the Francumbi is inverting, the World Government has a little panic for a while, because they find that only their weapons production quantity, and productivity is unable to meet their huge systems.

In the past, there was a lot of Franminbians, but also rely on him, a lot of smuggling.

After the Francience is inverting, the world government can only look at Tham to do business directly ...

"Then what do you mean, we find Tharao cooperation?" Beckman sneaked, asked Dofontech.

"Recently, it is the best time, they are just a seedlings." Du Franmin brother nodded.

After a little suddenly, Dofontech continued: "Of course, if I only have me alone, I naturally choose the dealer of the next time, I am enough to participate in this arms business, after all, my strength is not enough. But if you hang your hammer, then I suggest that you have to have your own production line, so you have to flip your face at any time ... After all, in my opinion, you have two kinds of one-level pirate, If there is a conflict in the future, Mado has mastered the upstream production line, you can change the home, and you are not ready to prepare, it is very passive ... "

Ogryim nodded, it is true.

Case is not looking at Dofiangming brothers at all, so they can do business with Du Francience, and he directly regards Duran Ming Ge as his little brother.

However, Ogryim is different, maybe Ogrem is now just Kamada, but if the Oggrem is self-confident, it can be opened with Cairom, or even win him. impossible.

In this way, the two are in the volume, in the field of the pirate, it has become a competitive opponent. When the Kay is returned to the taste, I will sell the products from the upstream to others in one breath. , Find a guy to shoot.

Ogryim has no goods in their hands, don't you sit on? Even the chain is possible to break, so I want to be a military business, or I have to have the ability to produce, I can't learn Drama Mingguo, doing middlemen.

However, this will make Ogrym have some headaches. He has money, and the history of history is going to repair. The wealth of the golden hometown of the Golden Township is enough to do his startup.

He also does not miss people's hand, make a pirate, wait for him to make Avar, a land, slavery, the general people, after all, is a pirate.

Of course, if you are a little higher, you can't afford some treatment to those people, get a 996 blessing, and reasonable.

But the problem is that he does not lack the money, does not shortage the land, no missing people, but the lack of technology!

Technology is the core of this business. In Hamare, there are exquisite techniques of the country, and did not have this kind of talent in Ogrem?

Dr. Introduction and Nantutahgle are research talents, but they are both biological research ... don't take a rod with the arms? .

No. 136

Chapter 60-356: Handhammer

After silence, Ogrym asked: "Dover, you have a murder business in the North Sea, there is no ripe production chain in your hand? How do I spend money? How is I spend money? Do you have a big stronger together? "

Dofonteo smiled and said: "If I really have such a good technology, of course, I will not refuse the hammer you ask, but you should know, I am in the North Sea, there are some production technology, but They are all ... old technology, selling to the guys in these countryside in the four seas, there is no problem, but they can be lacking in the core competitiveness, otherwise, no, the navy is anti-corruption, I will be A big blow. "

Ogrem scratched his head and was indeed such a thing.

Although there is high-end goods in the hands, it is a black goods bought from the North Sea.

Orgrym is one of the beneficiaries.

Although there are some goods in your hands, Du Francine brothers have no technology ...

"You are right, I have to participate in the arms business, I really need to have my own production line, build products, master the upstream, can not give the life pulse to Tham this guy, now I also frank with you, I want money Money, you have to have a bookmark, what is wrong, you are not lacking, but I miss the core technology ... "Ogrem said softly.

Mihok This high-yield guy suddenly said: "Then it is not finished with Thaedo? Isn't we a pirate? What is missing, what to grab ..."

"Your special mother is really a business oriented." Ogrym spit a way.

Baker 10 Man is also helplessly said: "I think Mihok you still pay attention to the swords."

It is impossible to grab it, and it is very likely that it is likely to become a comprehensive war with Thara, and I can say it.

Mainly because they do their pirates, they have a strand, and Kai Mo has no doubt, it is also a person.

Ogrym is self-satisfied, if you change yourself, it is really, if you don't have it, he would rather choose to destroy the country, smash this technology, talent all, not cheap to others.