In front of the closed gates, Lily becomes an ideological face.

(You've been waiting for a lot inside. And this gate....)

After multiple raids, they attack the main house of the star charcoal, so it is natural that the magicians of the star charcoal stream are waiting for them. But that's not all.

"Wait, Platinum Taro. Don't touch that gate."

Lily took control of Shirokantaro, who was trying to open the gate.

"Why? Lily"

"There was a cursed trap. It was the same in the morning, but it seems that the magician is involved in the star charcoal stream."

Saying so, Lily relieves the curse placed on the door.

When the gate was opened again, the simultaneous arson caused by surgery poured down towards the open gate.


Platinum Taro screamed after the simultaneous arson caused by the surgery, and fell upside down as he blurred.

"Nice welcome."

Seeing the scenery as expected, Lily walked across the gate in a good mood. Mutsuki and Akiko followed with a cool face. Only the great man draws and looks at Shirokantaro falling like a garbage wreck, passing through the fearful gate.

Before the second wave of the wizards who were waiting came, the magic of lilies was released first.

The magicians who waited on the garden and roof of the Star Charcoal Mansion looked at what was released from the hand of Lily. A large amount of condensed resentment spirits became a group, and it became like a giant resentment spirits, flying towards the magicians.

The group of vengeful spirits swallowed the magicians one after another. Instead of flying in a straight line, the giant fish swimming in the sea suddenly twirls, curves, flips, swallows the magician, and passes by, as if they were chasing small fish one after another. There were a few magicians who had been avoided at one time, but those who had avoided attacked again.

The magicians swallowed by the group of vengeful spirits fell on the spot without exception. Those who tremble and cry, who even scream of fear, who turn back toddlers, who laugh madly, and so on. He was possessed by a spirit.

Eventually, the group of vengeful spirits disappeared into the night sky, but by the time the group of vengeful spirits disappeared, a large number of magicians had fallen. There are no dead, but they're all defenseless.

"You're lying... all of a sudden... no, they took more than half of you."

The brightness that looked at the sight from the inside of the edge moaned. The wizards who are still alive are still stunned.

When she saw that Kira, who was beside Shining, started casting spells, Shining calmed down. It's not like I'm stunned.

"Don't flinch! Fight now!"

I put myself on the shelf and the brightness shouted.

Kira generates seven flame pillars. Far higher than the roof of the three-storey star charcoal mansion, the flame pillars descend at once toward the lilies, the moon, and the Akiko as the snake moves around.


Akiko fought. The pillars of fire were thick and fast, and three of the seven came at me from every angle at once. I had an instinct that I couldn't avoid it. I realized death and became rigid.

Thinking that someone had hugged Akiko's body strongly, Akiko felt her body being dragged down. It was a good moon.

Mutsuki flattened every Akiko and fled into the two-dimensional world in a hurry. When the flame pillars pour down and the flame spreads radially along the ground, there are no two of them.

"Mutsuki is now able to make quick decisions and move. And in exchange, Akiko..."

Lily, who had metastasized from the falling flame pillars, appeared beside the bright and clean lanterns and murmured. Shining and Kira gaze at the lilies that appeared next door.

"Star Charcoal Shining. You will become more of a magician than I am now. However, if we survive this battle. So do your best to survive."

Speaking quietly, Lily strokes her prosthesis towards the brightness and ejects a needle gun.

(Ke, you're going to kill me while telling me to live hard)

Bright brightness with an invincible smile full of usual affection.

(I knew it was the best, Lily. That kind of place doesn't hold up.)

At the very least, the brightness of body surgery dodges the needles that are shot countless times in an extreme place.

"Is that long-haired kid hiding for an ambush? Well, his powers are subtle. That's the only way it's gonna help."

Lily talks provocatively. Shu was lurking nearby and expected to hear it.

(Are you aware of the nature of the repair that is easy to cut and uncover?)

Cover your tongue while being aware of the brightness inside the back room.

"Demon Steel Group Dance"

Kira fires a herd of flying metallic dwarves at close range towards Lily.

When Lily raised her hand lightly, she sprayed a large amount of white smoke from her hand.

Metallic dwarves who had been exposed to smoke became white and hardened and fell.

In addition, the smoke went to Kira Ra, and Kira Ra jumped back in a hurry.


"You don't have to worry about either way!

Brightly shouting by mistake, Kira screamed back with a harsh voice and expression.

"Meteor swallow"

"Slash Run Shark"

From the garden, the parents and children of good fortune and good fortune simultaneously used surgery towards Lily.

Three black boomerang-like blades fly in and a curved blade of light follows the ground towards Lily.

Their magic vanished intermittently before reaching the lily. Before the eyes of good fortune and good governance, the moon jumped out of the shadow of the garden and ripped them off simultaneously with leeches. The impact interrupted the control of the procedure.

Good fortune, good fortune, two parents and children lying on their backs, unable to move.

Even for the star charcoal magicians around me, Mutsuki waves a whip and knocks it down, but it doesn't hit everything. The magicians who escaped the whip attack cast a spell and attacked the moon.

However, even though Mutsuki was attacked by witchcraft, he didn't care. It plays back instantly. I avoided it because of the burning of clothes and the incident of Akiko, but there was no problem in taking a shower as it was. It was a true burnt moon once, but regeneration is significantly more than at that time.

"Let's go, let's go"

Brightness activates the magic, and a hairy giant appears indoors. They appear indoors, so they are a little smaller, but they still scratch their heads slightly on the ceiling.

The hairy giant rushed towards Lily. Lily tried to make the hairy giant white wax by spraying white smoke, but either because the size of the giant or because of the regenerative force that the giant lost, there was no immediate progress of white wax, there was no movement or much dullness, and it approached Lily.

The hairy giant grabbed Lily's body with both hands. Bright remembered the inner resistance, but as the main player, it is my duty to fight with all my might and to retreat. I can't forgive you here. There is power in both hands of the giant. In this state, the bones, ribs and spine of the arm may be broken, and the internal organs may rupture.

A dull sound sounds. The bone in Lily's arm broke. Blood also bleeds from the mouth. It looks like your internal organs have burst or taken equivalent damage.

"It's a product of an image, but it's full of vitality."

Lily smiled as much as she could, even though her bones were broken.

"That means it's not compatible with me. For you."

Lily told me to mock and sucked up the Titan's vitality. Necromancers don't just manipulate dead spirits and zombies. It also deals with techniques that depend on the ability of organisms to perform life activities themselves.

The giant's body gets thinner and thinner in time. The power to grasp Lily also relaxes, and Lily pushes both hands of the giant in an elegant motion to release the restraint. The broken arm bone was also connected. The damage has healed completely. Regeneration still fills the lily with sucked power.

"Wow... I wonder if it's a spell again?

Meanwhile, in the garden, Mutsuki feels sick and squats again.

Stay still.

Soon Akiko, who returned, threw a small dagger - the demon sword "Fire suit" - at the neck of Mutsuki.

It was Akiko who tried to de-curse with the power of the fireclothes, but while she was concentrating on her mind, she was filled with gaps.

Without missing that gap, the magicians of star charcoal cast their magic on Akiko and Harumi.


Platinum Taro, who was exposed to simultaneous arson by surgery, screamed and fell down on his back.

"Ehehe, I believed you, Platinum Taro."

Akiko smiles with a smile at Platinum Taro, who shielded her.

"Even though it was the only way I could do it, if I laughed like that, I wouldn't let anything go...."

Shirokantaro looks suddenly.

"Yeah? Not because I'm grateful. Yes, the unlock is complete!"

"Ahahah, thank you, Akiko, Platinum Taro"

When Akiko pulls in the Dagger, Mutsuki stands up thanking him.

The magicians then launched a further magical attack, but Akiko knocked it out with a small dagger, Mutsuki sank to the ground, avoided it in two dimensions, and then immediately returned to the original, shooting sparrows, shaking the leech whip, and defeating the magicians.

(That guy... he's taking care of me for a while.)

Looking sideways at the Mutsuki attack, I think it's bright.

"Nevertheless, it's Lily. How long will he be like that?

Lily quickly understood who Shining was referring to, laughing ill. I also understood.

"Whose battle is it? Someone who wants revenge barely fought in the morning. Are you just watching this again? Oh?"

The great man who had been standing in the brightness asking loudly and disgusting questions bit his lips.