Play with Mad Scientists!

Play with Mad Scientists!

2829 Chapters ongoing 26,098 Views
Word Count
4,000,000 Words
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ニー太 ongoing


Japan in the second half of the twenty-first century. There was this urban legend. A place to become the Yukioka Institute, in the perfect town of Anraku-shi,

 Tokyo. When he undergoes a modified surgery for the Mad Scientist there, he says, he gets the power of the paranormal realm.

 But at the price of gaining power, we need to be the experimental bench for Mad Scientists, so we risk losing our lives if we fail, and if we don't get turned into monsters? With the thought that those in

 need of power are also straw, just curiosity that those who admire paranormal power want to peek into a new world, those who are stuck in their lives wager the last round of reversal, and yet another suicidal aspirant - with all sorts of thoughts in their hearts, a laboratory applicant still visits the Yukioka Institute today.

* * * It is an independent story for each

chapter. The characters and the atmosphere of the story vary from chapter to chapter. Some rarely follow. I have posted a link to

Alphapolis and also to Cacuyom.
Play with Mad Scientists!


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