Transferring to the Shinkansen, Yuuki and Suzune headed for Kijima no Sato.

It was late at night when they arrived at Kijima's hideout.When I get off the station, there are only a few shops around, and the road is surrounded by forests and it's pretty dark.

"There's no hotel nearby..."

After opening and checking the map, courage turned to traffic.

It's called a minsu.

The sound of a bell pointing to a house near the station without opening a map.

There you go.

They also admitted their courage and entered the minsu.

I thought it would make me suspicious about two children, but the old female general accepted me lightly.On the contrary, courage and the ringtone were more echoed by this reaction.

"You're here to explore Kijima's roots."

As she guided her to the room, the General pointed to the purpose of the bravery.

"Are there a lot of guys like that? And you can see that at a glance?"

"Yes, I'm drawing demon blood too."

When courage asks, the actress smiles small.

"You're not drawing the blood of a demon, you're like a child with a soul."

Let me know if you know anything.

When I arrived, I asked for courage, thinking that I was lucky to meet someone who knew about this situation and seemed to be familiar with the demon case.

"The legend of Kijima's demon is better to go to the local museum tomorrow when it gets brighter than I can hear from you.Or go to Kijima.Oh, Kijima is an island with tall trees that looks beyond the sea.If we don't get to the island, we won't see any tall trees.There used to be a healing demon living there, and it still appears in front of visitors from time to time.If you want to go to Kijima, visit a person named Jinno-san and tell him about the situation, and he will take you out on a boat. "

The maid left the room without saying so.

Local museum and Kijima.We're lucky to have the information we need as a quick clue. "

Courage smiles.

The courage that had sinked so far finally made me smile, so the bell tone stroked my chest down.Courage is always depressed for a while when you can't save those who cry out for the demons.

"By the way, who was the courage, the strange phenomenon hunter?"

I'm not interested.

The ringtone asked, but courage returned an ill-advised answer.

The next day, Yuuki and Suzuo first went to the local museum.

They pile up old books on the table, and they open them from one end to find out what they're likely to do with the roots of courage.

There's a lot of talk about healing big demons.

With his eyes down on the book, the bell rings.

"Ah... what a surprise. And... what is it?It's hard to put it into words, but it's complicated.Stories related to me were recorded in a local museum. "

And courage.

In the local museum, a large amount of literature on the existence of the healing great demon was found.The legend is that there was a huge demon in this land long ago who cured all diseases and injuries, made intimate contact with people, and was worshipped.There were many old illustrations.

"Is this a monster?"

"Ah, there's one over here too.I've seen a few of them. "

"There are quite a few paintings in this picture. I wonder what it is."

Courage and the ringtone of the bell show each other the pictures in the book.In the picture of demons and people laughing together, there is a presence that is neither a person nor a demon.It is much smaller than one, its body is pure white, and red flowers grow from its head and leaves from its back.

It says, "The Wooden Man."

"The Wooden Man...."

The word that the bell sounded heard of courage.When I met the demon in my dream, I only remember what the demon said.

"It's like a demon following a healing demon."

I see.

Two people who still fish for the literature after that.

Courage found a story in it that bothered me.It was written about the end of the healing Great Demon.It seems that it was the end of the healing Great Demon that was angry at the murder of the villagers and beaten up after fighting the country.

"What a sad story. I kept saving humans, but at the end I fought them and they killed me....."

While talking, the bell tone overwhelmed my mind with a disturbing thought.

Courage has always fought for someone.The courage was betrayed by those who were trying to help at the end, and I thought of such a terrible delusion that I would fight and be killed.

"Ringtone, you just told me what you were thinking."

The courage told quietly, and the bell rang softly.

"I don't want to die like this."

Seeing the courage to smile, the bell tone was relieved and smiled.

After leaving the local museum, Yuuki and Suzune visited a wealthy man named Zhino.When I told him that I wanted to go to Kijima, Old Man Zhino smiled and gave me pleasure.

The next morning, the boat was manipulated by the branches and the three of them headed for the island.

"I've never been on a boat before. The breeze feels good."

I'd like to try it myself.

Well, let's just change it a little bit.

Enjoy boat trips while the three of you are at ease.Old Mano Zhino was very popular and responded very kindly to the courage and bell tones he had visited.

"I am also drawing the blood of demons.My relatives are with Kijima's main house.I serve my country. "

Old Mano said.

"Kijima on the island and Kijima on the clan.Has the name been passed down from the island to the family? "

"Probably. Some theories say Kijima is an island where there were wooden people, while others say that they are hanging trees with demons.Or perhaps it's simply pointing to the big trees on the island. "

That's how old Zhino points to the island.

"Can't you see a big tree?"

"I can't see it from the mainland or the sea for some reason.They don't even see it on satellites.I can see it when I get to the island. Is this the power of the demon or the power of the wooden man? "

Old Man Zhino said to the surprising ringtone.They both recall that the lady general of Minshuku was talking about the same thing.

Three people arrive on the island.

"It's true... when we get to the island, we'll see for sure."


As you reach the sandy beach, a giant tree appears in sight standing in the forest that covers the island.Courage and bells surprise me, and I see a giant tree.

"There are some people at the foot of that giant tree who say they met demons.Ah, I'll wait here. "

And Old Man Jinno.

"Because it's dangerous?"

"No, I don't think it's dangerous.I mean, it's a terrible thing.If it's dangerous, I won't bring you here, let alone let you go. "

I see.

Courage smiles back at Old Man Zhino who jokes.

They go into the woods.

After walking for a while, they reached the ruins in the woods, and they searched the ruins, but found nothing embarrassing.

"I can feel the spirit and the demon coming from over there."

The bell sounds toward the center of the island - the giant tree.

"I felt it too. Let's go."

With courage, they walk in the woods again.

Eventually, the two arrived at the foot of a giant merging tree.


"Ah... it's too big. It's like a fantasy."

The two men standing in front of the giant amalgam tree are overwhelmed by their enormity and majesty.The thickness of the trunk is wider than that of a poor apartment.The roots alone are tall enough to reach their bellies.

Are you finally here?

A nostalgic voice echoed.

"Ringtone, did you hear that?"


The bell sounded confused and nodded to confirm courage.

I'm talking so they can hear me.That's what you're going to hear. "

With a strange voice, it appeared in front of both of them.They're familiar with it.

A translucent red demon with courage is always sitting in front of a giant tree and smiling at the two of them.

I thought I'd come one day.Oh, I'm not a ghost.It's just a residual thought. I don't have a soul.That's where my soul is.It's you. It's me. "

That's what the demons say and point to courage.

"My predecessor was a healing demon?"

"That's it. And... it's a complicated story, but one of your predecessors has signed with me to bring power to you in this world.I have repeated such a thing several times.My soul will be drawn to this island where I am dead. "

"I heard they killed villagers, got angry, fought humans and died."

"My relationship with people and saving people has led to bad results."

A ghost with a self-abusive smile.

I've always been close to people.Because I had healing powers.One after the other came the wounded, and the others who had many seconds.People adored me because I healed them.Fufufu, it was a pleasant time.But it tasted bad. The powerful people of the time saw danger in the increase in the number of people who worship me.They tried to crush me. "

"So you fought and got killed?"

No, I didn't even fight at that time.They took hostages of people I was close to, and they killed me in silence. "

Speaking so much, the expression of the demon darkened.

"But... after they killed me, they broke their promise.Killed all the people I was close to.I was dead, but I stayed as the Spirit of the Land, so I turned into a Grievous Spirit and became angry. With the help of the tree people, I broke the country.But I regret what I did.I let my anger kill a lot of people.No one should have resented him.I shouldn't have hated you.You shouldn't have killed him.I thought I'd make it after I did it. "

When I heard that I still had the power to lose a country, I was horrified by the sound of the bell.I wonder how powerful it is.Even if it were a country, it would not be all of Japan.

"Why did you think that?"

The courage was sinking and I asked.

Those who killed me and those who were just close to me, are all just differences in position and birth.It's the same life. It's just bad luck, relative fate.Fate is just a matter of getting along with someone, hating someone and killing them together.Getting along is a great thing, but don't let hatred and killing go hand in hand.I was washed away and killed a lot of people. "

The demon talks a little, but the idea is unacceptable for courage.

"I don't know... I'm the same person.I can only accept that it's only natural for them to be killed, and I don't know why you're sad about that. "

"I will find out. You and I are the same soul. I will find out."

The demon said with a soft smile to his unrelenting courage.

"What are tree people?"

The ringtone asks.

Beyond the distant sky ─ I heard that it came from the stars.I've been to that planet before.It seems to be rarely connected to this land.I can walk around that connected gate.You only know who possesses and empowers people and animals.And they chose me as their final host.All the tree men came into me, and after I died, they sprouted on me.That's this giant tree. The tree people became trees. "

That's how demons touch giant trees.

Now is the time of great convergence of the edges, so you may also meet the wooden man.I'm sure it will empower you. "

Hmm, that was fun.

It was a courage to laugh ironically, but I felt it somehow at this time.I wonder if the demon will be right.

Local museum.

"I mean, he's the healing demon. This is really interesting."

While fishing for the literature, Mr. Manji smiles slightly.Interested in courage and bell tones, Mr. Manji switched to the Shinkansen and followed him all the way.

"These two are especially good in my mouse.Mufufu, but it's hard to catch them without killing them. "

While murmuring amusely, Mr. Manji called.

"Hello, I'd like Chimi to do a job for me..."