Junko Yukioka and Cornelis Vandam are the death games to settle - not only Junko but also the runners in the waiting room will hear the rules of the "loan competition".

"This game has three roles.Players, friends, runners. Players are Junko and Vandam.Friends are true and Kate. Twenty-two collaborators were runners, gathering eleven in each faction.It's called competition, but it's literally these runners. "

The dog keeper began explaining.

"The runners are on the grounds of this mountain - all over the field, waiting for a call and staying put until they show up.Players and friends are always here.And my friend is bound in that chair. "

A dog owner pointing to a chair in a glass room.

"Players present the people that matter most to them.This is a role called a friend, sitting on a chair all the way through the game and being restrained.Players are always in the same room as their friends during the game. "

The dog watched Junko, Makoto, Kate and Vandam as he spoke, looking at the table in the glass room.

"The cards are arranged on that table, so the player turns the cards first.The cards are mainly marked with loans.In addition to the rentals, there are special cards, but this will be explained later.

Deducted cards can be used for that turn.Next, the player decides on a runner to be run that turn.Runners should be chosen carefully, as they can't be chosen again without special conditions.

There's a lease somewhere in this mountain.The location is clearly indicated on the map, and it is placed prominently so you can easily see it.The designated runner runs to pick up the player's debit card and deliver it to the home when they are able to get it.The runner who delivered the loan first won.You can't use a lost runner's belongings.So it's a loan competition. Do you know how far this goes? "

Having talked so much, the dogkeeper smiled meaningfully.

"Be careful, by the way, if you break or lose your rental on the way, you lose without asking questions.If both are lost, it will be washed away in the form of a draw.

Now, using the loan delivered to the home by the runner, the player tortures the enemy friend.The time of torture is thirty seconds.The volume of screams caused by torture, anguish vibrations, and heart rate raise the meter behind the chair, and the bigger these, the more wimp points accumulate.

It's better to keep turning, deliver the loans over and over again, torture them, and defeat them if they reach a certain number of Winp Points first.If all runners are defeated, the higher the Winp Points will be defeated.Anyway, friends must desperately endure torture.

It is forbidden to kill with torture damage alone.If you do that, the torturing side is against the rules of the game over.You have to be careful not to kill him.Even if you die of shock while torturing, you must be careful not to torture too much, as the torturing side will lose.

Obviously, interference with enemy players' torture is also irregular.You lose instantly.

No torture in the same place.My nails, fingers, hands, fingers, mouth and teeth are treated separately, but if I choose my index finger next, I cannot choose my thumb and right hand.You're gonna lose all your fingers. "

A dog who alternates between True and Kate and explains the game.The two of you are utterly faceless.At least on the outside, fear doesn't make you feel dusty.

"So the defeated players and their friends are killed.The winner's friend is released from custody.You are also allowed to leave this room.

Until now, I've enjoyed watching you die with poison gas, but this time it's going to be a different method of killing.

It seems that Sister, the head of the organization called Job's Rewards, has installed a disassembly absorber for this day in the glass room.No matter how powerful a regenerative monster is, you can kill him without asking.It is a mechanism that completely breaks down into elementary particle levels without leaving a single piece of meat, and absorbs the energy spent on restoration and regeneration.

In addition, the boundary that makes it impossible to transfer out of the room and escape cannot be escaped, whether it is Junko Yukioka with the ability to transfer or not, because the Sister is equipped with it.Even if Junko survives, he will definitely die. "

At that point, the dog keeper set aside for a while.

"Sure, I can't survive.I don't know, ever since I fought Lily, I really feel like I'm in danger of dying. "

The battle against milk is a pure child that has not been counted.Although the defeat was dark at that time, I didn't think the milk was really trying to kill itself.

"As I said earlier, runners are basically waiting at designated locations throughout the mountains until they show up.You will not be allowed to move unless the player designates you as a runner for that turn, or unless you are in a mixed match.

All rental locations are shown on the map so runners know where to find them.However, the player will not be informed.

If any runners encounter each other, they are free to fight.

In the event of injury, it is permissible to have a first-aid allowance that is not time-consuming, but when she dies or is transported to a hospital, she drops out on the spot.If a mixed match happens afterwards, you won't be able to participate. "

The dog keeps explaining the game.

"I caught a glimpse of the flow.Why don't you actually name the participants and give them an example?

On the first turn, the two players flip the card.Junko pulls the driver and Vandam pulls the bake.

Junko sends Midori to Runner and Vandam nominates Catherine.

Midori and Catherine run to get the money they left in the mountain.

Runner Midori brings the driver home first.Junko has now acquired the right to use the rental property.

Determine where Junko will be tortured.Appoint a face. Torture Kate's face with a driver.After that, Junko can no longer choose the face that she chose as the torture site. You can choose Vandam.

Neither Tired nor Catherine can be named Runner anymore.I'll only nominate you once.Basically... Exceptions will be explained later. "

The dog owner projects the holographic display in a huge size.Since it has already been delivered, the side you are looking at in the delivery will see the same video as that produced by the dog keeper in your video.Four cards are shown.

"Let's talk about special cards.In addition to the rental items, there are special cards that can be used in an advantageous manner depending on the runner's victory or defeat.There are four types of special cards.

Special Card "Random"

Randomly ignores cards for loans given to runners.Loans that should have lost their rights are also randomly included.

If a randomly used loan is still unused, it will not be excluded from the player's hand.

Special card "Revival"

Regardless of what your enemy owes you, you can nominate (unused or unused) and revive it to use it.

However, torture in the same area is not permitted.

Special card "Double"

I can use two of my rentals.Turn the card twice more.

Special card "Mix"

Mixed matches are activated.

Each special card is in a pile of cards.Of course, if you decide to win or lose before you draw, you won't get a chance. "

Junko and Vandam realized that the runner must decide after considering the chance of a special card.

"Let's talk about the special rule, Mixed Matches.Mixed matches can be played up to two times.

Other than the designated runners can also participate.Other runners are free to move at this time.You may also start a fight against a designated runner.When the mix is over, make sure you're back where you left off.

Runners don't go to their homes, they grab each other's loans.Take the runner's belongings and you win.You can either Stun him, kill him, turn him into a corpse, or you can hurt him and give him a gift.

The player on the side where the runner wins will deliver two loans.You can choose whichever one you like.

If you pulled the mix at the same time, please decide the order.The loser is next turn.

Only designated runners who are in possession of the rental items are allowed to access the rental items.You may attack a designated runner with an unspecified runner, but eventually the designated runner needs to steal the belongings from the designated runner.

Fights other than designated runners are free to do.

The winning Designated Runner will also deliver the Lost Designated Runner's belongings to the Home and the Player will be able to choose one of the two properties to use. "

The dog turns off the holographic display.

"Heart rate, vibration, and voice.The sum of the three determines the wimp points.

As a result of the torture, it is better for Winmp Points to go up to 500 first.

When the runners run out of each other, the higher the points, the better the defeat.

Ah, did I just say this?Well, that's what you wanted.

In addition, if the winp points are the same, it will be an extension fight, but there has never been an extension fight in the past in the loan competition.

That's all we need to know about players and friends. "

The dog keeps his eye on the camera.There are countless cameras in the room and they are distributed.Camera work is carried out from the master room by staff who are not present here.

"Runners are located roughly the same distance from home, but the terrain is different, so it's hard to say that the conditions are always the same.There are also different places to rent.

On the way, it can be advantageous to find a vehicle.

As you will know when you arrive, there is a 50-meter straight passage in front of the home and walls on both sides.We definitely need to get through here in the end.It's hard to avoid a fight if the runners are together here.

Open the door and get in the building first.

Now... I guess I've told you everything. "

The dog owner turned to the camera because he was consciously talking to the runners behind the camera.

"There's no need to double-check, the rules are all in my head in advance."


Vandam says true.

"I'm a demonic man."

Vandam speaks words without context.

"I will sacrifice my wife to this bullshit game."

I know everything, Death.

Kate said with a smile.

"As I said earlier, Masita, this is a competitive death that tests the strength of love.It may be a cruel duck, but at the same time with Al in a beautiful competition, I feel like a masita. "

"It is also a battle to recruit hatred.It's not easy to imagine before you do. "

Kate, speaking quietly, added that the truth was more pale than usual.