I also noticed the appearance of the poisonous Tatsuruko, the King who was carrying out the poisoning.

"Hot Jiro, here we go. Come out."

After confirming Kiriko's appearance, King calls Jiro Hot as he runs around.

Kiriko lifts one hand as she shifts her gaze from pepper to king.The shooting at the King stopped at once.

"You can go back now.Somebody take the light out there. "

Stop shooting, too.

After listening to the dialogues Kiriko ordered his men, King also ordered his men.The gunshots that echoed everywhere stopped completely.

It seems like there is no atmosphere of surrender.Are you going to do it alone? "

King talks to Kiriko.

"You had better hope of working with your men.If you do this with me, you will die in despair. "

Kiriko's body exudes a demonic spirit, and countless black lumps flourish from the ground in front of her.

Each chunk turned into a different beast.Rats, dogs, bats, frogs, whales, etc.They are all as big or bigger than a man's back.

The giant wizards move simultaneously and reach the church.Ignore all the Kings on the way and attack the members of the battlefield's tea time.

On the other hand, Kiriko walks slowly towards the king.

"General, do you want to deal with each other in sashimi?"

King snorted against Kiriko.Ignoring King, the wizard, and attacking his men, he won't be able to support them, and he's going to fight one-on-one.

"It's faster and has an impact, right?Your men's morale will also collapse if Keli battles between the top. "

"There's something similar to you and me."

I think King heard Kiriko's dialogue.

"I thought so too."

Kiriko said and ran for King.

Obviously, Kiriko was approaching at a speed no one could give him, but the King remained calm.I also know that the bullet does not go through by misting where the gun was fired, so I do not shoot in the dark clouds.

King that jumps to the side to avoid it, timing it to the speed of Kiriko.I saw too much momentum due to a speed attack that no one could deliver, and I couldn't change or modify the direction in detail.

However, Kiriko ignored the law of inertia, bent at right angles while maintaining the high speed, and ran in the direction of the King's escape, swinging his arms wide and ripping off the King's body.

King's body, which is 185 centimeters tall, is blown lightly and tall and falls from his back to the ground.

"Pain... bones?"

The King, lying on his back, clasped his face and touched his left forearm.When Kiriko attacked, King was aggressively guarding his left arm, but his left arm was badly numb.


I'm fine.

The King shouted with his eyes on Kiriko as he changed his blood phase and shouted at Pepper Thigh.Kiriko didn't try to chase him, she stood there.

King raised his upper body and pointed his gun at Kiriko.I hear bullets don't work, but...

(Because atomization consumes power, should I shoot it for the time being?)

King changes policy and shoots guns.

Kiriko didn't get fogged and avoided using the shooting avoidance skills provided by the residents of the back street.

Become the fog, you idiot.

The King shoots even further as he feels frustrated.This time, Kiriko passed the bullet in the form of a mist that she couldn't avoid.

I did not immediately return to my original body by preventing it from becoming foggy and receiving bullets.Leaving his foggy body, he headed for the King.

King, who was approached by the misty Kiriko, jumped out of the spot.King knows from Laura Sheridan, the whipping beast, what kind of attack will be launched from there.

Shortly afterwards, an explosion occurred near where the King was, and the King fell in the blast.

"Ouch... don't do this."

"You're alive, even though you took a distance last time."

Kiriko, who had returned from the fog to her original appearance, woke up slowly and opened her eyes with amazement at the King's endurance.

(All the information about the whipping boss was correct.Not only is it foggy, but it is also fearful to explode your body as a detonator.Normal people won't win.)

Knowing that, he still fights, so he prepares the math to win, and King is at war.

"If I hadn't been sturdy, I'd be dead.This body has been tampered with for some time.It's not a real mess, it's an auxiliary substitute. "

"But now you know that you can't beat me anyway, right?"

"I don't have to beat you.If we win, it will lead to my victory. "

"Because I have a math that I can win, do you buy time for that?Are you waiting for someone? "

Kiriko saw and heard the scene where King had called someone earlier.

"Mako, I'm sorry I kept you waiting!"

And just then, a hot Jiro came out of the church and shouted.Vivian and Pedro are with us.

"You're always so romantic, you're faster than I thought."

Looking at Jiro Hot, King smiles and slaps his hate.

"Well, we both did."


"Roger, Vivian, please."


Pedro nodded with a voice from Hot Jiro, and Vivian nodded anxiously with a voice from both of them.

With anxiety, Vivian stepped forward in front of Kiriko.Instead, the king is lowered.

You did represent the old Immigration Revolutionary Army.

Kiriko shouted ironically, but Vivian began to transform without answering.Your whole body is covered with scales, your hands have claws, your mouth has a mouth, and you become a bird-shaped phantom.

That immigrant guy's doing something, too.

On the other hand, Kiriko realized that Pedro was also secretly activating a supernormal force.

Vivian runs out, poking at Kiriko and shaking his claws.

Kiriko was watching the movements of the three, alternating between Vivian, Pedro, and Jiro Hot.Based on the timing of appearance and dialogues, I believe that I must have some countermeasure.

Vivian keeps shaking his claws many times.Kiriko doesn't need to turn into fog, but she does it normally just by body surgery.

"Phew... do you want to join us..."

King banged his tongue and started shooting at Kiriko.I was going to have Vivian engage in a melee battle to atomize Kiriko, but I couldn't help it because Vivian attacks didn't strike at all and were avoided without atomizing them.

And Kiriko caught his eye on Petro.

Pedro's whole body is wrapped in white powder, and the powder grows more and more.

"If that's fogging, this is powdering."

Lace, who was secretly watching, looked at Pedro and murmured.

Pedro, who had been waiting until then, threw a large amount of powder into his body and threw it into Kiriko.

(If you attack with a bomb, you detonate with a dust explosion?)

Kiriko has such a suspicion when she looks at the powdery pedro, but even if she does, Kiriko will not take any damage.

A large amount of powder spread from the approaching Pedro's body.That's enough to cover the whole perimeter.

Kiriko goes out of the powder because offensive defense in a blocked view is also troublesome.Vivian came out the same way.Vivian and I can't see him in that powder.

Vivian, King is attacking again in a row.More powder sticks together.Now, instead of spreading the powder all over the place, Kiriko was surrounded and trying to block the view with Kiriko only.

Kiriko Kazuishi was also born with three opponents and could not avoid it. She tried to avoid it by misting it.At the same time, they carried out bombardment attacks.There is also a nuance that blows away the powder.

The King is far away and ineffective, but Vivian and Pedro, who were in a melee battle, were certainly exposed to the blast.

"An integrated offensive defense system that makes your body explode while avoiding fog.That's an incredible ability. If you think about it normally, you don't have to deal with it.Normally.... "

Remembering the bombing earlier, King murmured with an unbelievable smile.

"Well... did it go well?If it was blown up by a blast, it would be NG, but let's hope it mixes well. "

Hot Jiro talks deeper.

Kiriko returns to her original appearance from the fog.

The bombed Vivian and Pedro slowly rose up.A human would have been a quick-death attack, but both mice were modified into pure seeds, so they were able to withstand it.


Kiriko felt strange in her body and raised her confused voice.

It was the first time I was born.Your head is dizzy and your body is wrapped in a strange feeling of levitation.You are feeling very tired, and your awareness is about to fly.

It was a symptom of anaemia, which did not occur during menstruation if it was a vampire.

"Why... when is this...?"

Kiriko tried to atomize the body again, thinking that something might have been mixed in the body, but it didn't work.No, it's not impossible, but it takes time to consume too much power.

Then I tried to atomize it and was convinced.It is still mixed in the body.I think it is probably pedro powder.There must have been toxins mixed in there.

Kiriko couldn't even stand up and knelt.King smiles at it.

"The poison mixed with Pedro's powder worked. Well done."

Well, thank you.

King praises and Pedro meets humbly.Kiriko also heard the conversation.

"I don't know what to ask you now, but is the poison mixed with Pedro's powder on me?"

Vivian asks afraid.

"It's okay. We'll be fine.It's harmless to humans, effective poison for vampires, dogs, cats and cows. "

"No way...."

Pedro sensed Pedro's dialogue that it was harmless to people and harmful to dogs, cats and cows.On the other hand, Kiriko had no idea.

"Various vampire weaknesses have been told about the sunlight, the cross, the inability to cross the running water, the inability to enter the house without being invited, but many of them are lies.But there's one weakness in those legacies that certainly works. "

Hot Jiro talks. At that point, Kiriko finally understands.Sure, there's only one. True ancestral vampires have been taught to avoid them since childhood.

"The pedro powder was mixed with a large amount of garlic and onions, finely polished.In other words, the poison Taniko suffers from anaemia caused by onion poisoning.He's hemolytic anemia, to be exact. "

Looking at Kiriko crawling with her pale face, King laughed and said.

"Let me explain to you until the end.I have Mako's plan, but it's mostly my plan. "

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please continue."

King urged Jiro to sharpen his lips.

"Garlic is good for vampires, but many mammals other than humans, monkeys, and rats do not accept onions and garlic.Leeks contain an organosulfur compound called allylpropyl disulfide, which destroys red blood cells in the organism.If humans also consume too much onion and cabbage, it is dangerous to not be able to digest the poison contained in them, but there is no problem if you eat it normally.But narrow-eating animals like cats and dogs are dangerous because the body can't handle the leek poison at all. "

"Humans are bulimic animals - the creatures of miscellaneous eating, so they are made to handle a lot of food.But the true ancestral vampires are monophagocytic animals that only feed on blood, so like dogs and cats of narrow-eater animals, they are dimensioned to be onion addicted.I didn't think vampires would make it if it was a snack, but this one has already been tested on another vampire. "

"That's why he wants me to talk....."

King caught him in Hot Jiro's commentary.Hot Jiro looks dissatisfied again.

"Laura... I can't believe you taught me that much...You mean... I'm in your way?You want to get rid of me?Did you really change your saddle to a loner? "

After hearing King's dialog that another vampire had confirmed it, Kiriko stayed crawling.