A giant zombie cat in a black hat - Burcanillo spreads his hands (front legs) and several green cards emerge from his palms, flying through the air.

There were green cards scurrying around Miko, around Masada, and around Burcanillo, the giant cat zombie, but soon more changes were happening.

The green cards that dazzled the air overlapped and became three-dimensional, creating a human form. And completely transformed into the appearance of a human being.

I see, that's what you meant by naming me.

In the eyes of those who appeared, the true person who understood the intentions of Amako speaks with a cold voice.

What about these guys!? Junko too!?

"Naked people." "Why are you naked?"

Mika shouted at the man and woman who appeared, and Yaya and Maya became attracted. Among them was Junko, but most of them were people unknown to Mika. Some people are the same age as true people. Three of them are adult women. And one of them is naked for some reason.

"Some of my classmates were murdered, and some of my classmates were childhood acquaintances. This naked woman is a teacher. This is my mother."

I looked at the people I knew and saw the green cards transformed and appeared, and said it was really pale.

"The day before yesterday, there was a man who showed me a nightmare and carried out a mental attack." At that time, I was peeking into my head, digging up my bad memories, and using virtual spirits to materialize them. "

"Ahahahaha, I'll answer in the name of you ~. How about that?" Don't you think Burcanillo's ability to dig up the inside of a person's head and bring it to reality is amazing? I had a hard time making it. "

As the truth points out, Miko boasts in a good mood.

That's a bad hobby.

Absolutely! It's the idea of a little villain character!

Tired of staring at Miko and making a dangerous voice. Mika agrees in an outraged voice.

"For now, I think we need an explanation as to why the teacher is naked."

"I don't think I should ask."

Maya said, and Yaya shook her head small.

"What's wrong with this?" Did you think I'd get upset? Were you expecting such a figure? "

"Aizawa-kun, you've changed..."

Immediately after Mako spoke out coldly, Reiko Kikuchi, a girl in uniform, called out.

"Absolutely. There is no longer the true face of the past." I fell in the back alley and became a strange person..... "

"It's not a good thing that the truth is killing people all over the place." Even now, you can't reconstitute yourself. "

Tatsuoki and Hitoshi Tashiro also uttered words with a sad face.

"This stupid son of a bitch..." This happens because he won't listen to me at all. I was wrong to give birth to you. "

Misa Aizawa, my mother, throws up coldly. The words and the gaze were once and again deeply damaging to the true heart.

"Hahaha, they're strong, but I know they're strong. Well, they're projecting your mind." The resident of your memory that you imagine in your heart. I'm not the one making their dialogues and facial expressions. Makoto Aizawa, you. Burcanillo is only using virtual spirits to project reality. By the way, you're really feeling guilty about those dead guys. Hahaha! "

You are!

Mika pointed a gun at Mika, who laughed high after explaining it, but Mika raised her hand lightly to dominate her in front of her.

"I see, that means I can control it." to be kind enough to teach me..... "

When it was true, many of the Fractured faintly blurred and eventually disappeared.

"Huh!? Is that so!?" I thought I'd let you attack from here, but why can't I just turn it off!? "

"You explained it yourself. The image of my memory is projected. Certainly, I have a problem with them, and I have a fear of them. It just appeared. But if you use reason and think logically, you come to the conclusion that they don't blame me. So I thought about it. As a result, it disappeared. I was sure that if I had the ability to reproduce faithfully, I would be able to erase it.”

I explained it to Amako, who uttered a fervent voice, with a milder tone than usual.

"Why are you even here, Junko!?"

Mika exclaims as she sees the Fractured Junko that hasn't disappeared yet.

I wonder why I recognize Snow Oka differently from Snow Oka at that time.

Immediately after answering Mika's question, Junko Fake also disappeared.

"And by the way, you may have been attacking me mentally right now, but I can honestly even remember the joy." I thought I'd never see these guys again, so I reproduced them firmly and showed them again. "

"What the hell is that!" "Grrrr... you're making fun of me..." That's how nobody makes a fool of me. Fuahh! "

It was not intended to provoke, but it was true that I had said what I thought, but I had to reverse stroke Miko's nerves as much as I could.

Suddenly, my true gaze was directed at the remaining Fractured. The Fractured that Burcanillo summoned are all gone. There is only one person left.

"Some people didn't want to see it." And the only one I didn't want to see didn't go away. "

Looking at Gouichi Umiya, who grudgingly stared at himself, he slightly raised his eyebrows.

(Eh... this guy, maybe...)

Midori looks at a total of one, feels slightly uncomfortable, and gives a gaze to the tired. Tiredness is either noticed or unnoticed, looking at Miko.

"Huh, that's what it is..." Hmm... I see... I'm scared to see you. But if you say so, I'd love to meet you. "

Miko, who was angry with Keykey until a few seconds ago, thought about it with a frightened face.

"Makoto Aizawa, you look just like me." I feel the sympathy. "

Where did it come from?

Listening to Miko's dialogue, Makoto thought of herself with a disgusting face in her head.

"You've killed and destroyed all the people around you." And now I'm here because of you and I'm in danger. After all, Yuri-sama or the others will kill you. Look, it's just like me. I, my family and my friends all killed and destroyed, and only Sister Lily was left. "

Miko is about to cry when she talks that much. Recently, I remembered my ear guard, who had just broken up.

"I came to help you truly on my own terms, so even if you die, you won't regret it. I won't die, though."

"No, I'm super sorry..." I didn't even want to come... "

It was a pure and unspoken Maya, but Yaya added.

"So? Now your card is exhausted?" What are you gonna do? Is this what you want to keep? "

Truth asks.

"Hmmm... even though it's just a matter of time, I'm sure I'd be depressed if I were you. But I can't feel depressed." What I did with you, Makoto Aizawa... is boiling with praise for you. "

While saying that, Miko turned her gaze to a total of one.

"Why do you think this thing won't go away?"

It's not a virtual spirit, it's because it's real, right?

Miko's question was answered instantly.

"Heh ~, your ancestors also noticed ~?"

Of course, this is a real necromancer.

Green and tired say.

"Is it real..."

When I heard the tired words, I was not surprised. I had a hunch. No, I already felt it.

"I've been waiting..." At this time...... it's finally been a pleasure to meet you..... "

When a total of one spirit laughed at him, he took out a face from somewhere and put it on. At that moment, my true body trembled.

(If you look at this figure, if you listen to this voice, my heart will be much more disturbed. This works best as a mental attack.)

The inside of my chest feels rough. There is only one person who directly took the lives of the humans around them. It was Lily who made the move, but as a true emotional way of accepting it, she had strong anger and hatred towards a total of one. I've already killed it, but it still turns up like this, and the flames of hatred are swirling again.

That voice was you after all, Umiya.

If you want to forget, you can't forget. Before he killed his real mother, Gotoichi Umemiya wore a dress. The rumored phantom, the man, was one of them.

And when I called out in that nightmare, I knew it. A total of one is preserved in the lily in the spiritual state. I thought they had mixed it up when they attacked me.

"Ahh... finally I see you. Glad to hear it. I've only been thinking about you for distracting years. I was filled with your resentment for killing me. But I'm grateful. This is how I've had the chance to avenge you!"

"You're a very fluent evil spirit." Besides, it's a chat. "

A total of one, immersed in joy, was looking at a truly frozen gaze.