Today, Angelina, Kamimi, and Tsugumi are on the riverbed. Tsugumi is in the shape of an orchid.

There was also a practice match for the boys' baseball team on that day, in which four people, Kamimi, Tsugumi, Angelina, and Ash Zheng, participated with help.

Head sliding and muddy ashes return to the bench.

"I have to go to the bath later." I have to do the laundry ~ "

Are you taking a proper bath?

Kamiya Takisuke asks Masaru.

"The people at the NPO made sure to take good care of hygiene and physical condition, so they created a bath exclusively for us. The time frame for people to enter is fixed.

"I'd like to see that."

"Jap to Jap Poo"

Tsugumi and Angelina expressed their interest when they heard the story of Ash Masaki.

"If you ask me, Ashimasa-san, there's no smell, and the clothes and body are very beautiful, so the bath and washing are properly done."

And, Kusuke.

"Hey... where are those guys?"

Kami, who was a field hand, noticed the group coming down from the dike and pointed at it. They're all women.

"Oh, it's Mom."

"There's my baba, too."

"Are you a good-looking mother...?"

"I-I 'm sorry."

I'm calling my mother "Kaaaaa"

"That's a lie."

As the children said, the mysterious group of women heading towards the baseball stadium was the mother of the children of the boys' baseball team.

I need to talk to you guys, so can you get together?

One of the mothers called out, and some of them gathered in front of them with a bad feeling. Ash Zheng, Kamimi, Tsugumi, and Angelina were also on their way.

It seems that there are a lot of people other than the children, but what's going on?

"There aren't enough people, so I'm getting help to get in." All of a sudden all of a sudden, what's going on over there? "

When one of the mothers asked, she asked the child to challenge her.

"Problem is, there's a wandering grandfather mixed in among the children." Those girls are also in junior high school, right? And weird dolphins. "

What's that supposed to mean?

"What was wrong with you?"



When one of the mothers speaks, the children reveal their anger. Angelina mixed her voice with rage.

"You can't wait until something happens." This is how I came to pierce the nail before something happened. I'm sorry, old man, but can you leave these children alone? "

"Ah... uuu... ahh..."

Told in a harsh tone with a nomination, Ash Zheng became a half-weeping face and wolfed.

"You're kidding! What are you talking about, baba?"

Don't discriminate against Ash Masamune-san!

"You don't know anything!" Ashigaru-san is a vagrant and bald in his grandfather, so you're hubbubbing with that prejudice! "

"That's right, that's right! The baldness doesn't matter!"

"It's dirty grown-up logic!"


When she saw it, the children rebelled at once, and Angelina rushed toward the mothers as she turned her arms around.

"Hey, the dolphin is attacking with anger!"

C 'mon, they're coming after me!

"Even though she looks cute, she's vicious!"

"Don't! Angelina-san!"

Mothers fleeing the violent Angelina. Kami strangled Angelina from behind.

Meanwhile, Tsugumi recorded this exchange by turning the camera strangely in order to make it an article.

"All right, everybody. I... I don't remember doing anything wrong, but I don't know why, but it looks like I did something wrong before I realized it anyway, and I don't know what's wrong, so I'll just stop talking about it." It's not good to worry about everyone's mother, so I can't help it. "

Ash Zheng complains with a half-weeping voice in an attempt to silence the noise.

Looking at the way she spoke and the expression on her face, some of the mothers felt sorry for Ash Zheng. Some people noticed that the ashes were normal, and even though they looked old, the contents were very young - they were mentally handicapped.

"That's absolutely strange!"

"That's right, my baba is more wrong!"

"It's embarrassing that the scraps that judge people by their appearance and discriminate against them are their parents!"

Oh, my God!

"Parents, of course!" It may be discrimination, but discrimination is superior! I won't let my child get close to someone dangerous! "

"This grandpa is not the only one." This dolphin is also a dolphin. "


Angelina is one of us!

"I'm going home now." I don't want to go back to such a terrible parent. "

Neither am I.

Ah, so am I.

"If we all run away, we won't be scared."

"Hey, what are you talking about!?"

Positive ash complaints also have no significant effect, and the argument between mother and child is accelerated. It seemed to me that it had become an inconvenient disturbance.

“I believe in my son. I felt that this grandfather, the dolphins, the girls, even if we were playing baseball together, there was no problem."

One of the mothers spoke, and everyone was surprised and focused on the person. It is an unusually young age for a high school mother.


Masuke glistened and saw the woman who had spoken. Azuma Kamiya, Atsushi's mother.

"Our child is so desperately protecting herself." I don't think he's a bad person. Besides, I felt that what they were saying was more correct. ”

When Blue complains, the mothers have a bad look on their faces.

Kamiya's mama did it, didn't she?

True Goddess Coming

"Besides, you're a beautiful angel." I need you to trade it for my bullshit. "

"Hey Akira, what are you doing!" I'm steaming you to death! "

Admiring children. When one of them speaks, one of the mothers shouts.

"Hey Kamiya-san, you're the only one who can say goodbye to the kids!" Grubbing... when this happens... I can't believe it either! "

"Ah, well then, so am I."

"I couldn't pull back because of the momentum..." I'm sorry, Yu-kun. "

"No, I felt the same as Kamiya-san, but I couldn't say it because the other moms were still angry... hehehe"

The mothers changed their perception by striking an avalanche, starting with Blue's remarks.

"Thanks, Mom."

Great, Angelina-san.

"I don't think I need to run away."

A smile returns to the children. Tsugumi and Kamimi also made their faces shatter.

"Thank you. Everyone, cover me up." I'm so happy ~

Tearful and thankful ashes in his mouth.

"I'm sorry to your mothers..." Looks like I got you worried. I don't know why it's my fault. "

Ash Zheng bowed his head toward the mothers.

"Jap. Jap. Jap. Pup."

Angelina suddenly pointed at her mother, dancing a strange dance, and continued to call out to Jap with a clearly teasing voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm angry. That dolphin."

"I just know that you're making a fool of yourself."

I'm sure that's it. It's a Japanese-looking, right-looking holistic personality.

Is that so?

"Jap, Jap"

Angelina nodded happily as one of her mother pointed out and confirmed.

"You guys, please stop hanging out with this dolphin anyway, Grandpa"

"This dolphin is..."

That's right, being with such a mean dolphin can distort your personality.


In response to the mothers' words, Angelina hardens during the dance.

"It was Angelina's fault..."

"Angelina, apologize."

Yeah, let's apologize honestly, Angelina.

"Jap ~"

Angelina was urged by the children to bow her head.

"Jap until I apologize."

One of the mothers smiles unexpectedly.

In a settled mood, the mothers left the scene, but only one remained.

"Oh, hey, you."

One of the mothers calls out to Tsugumi.


"Yeah... you're dressed like a boy now... but you're a girl, aren't you?"

"I become a man and a woman from day to day." What do you want from me? "

"I'm sorry, I'm a little confused. Um... well, it's a little hard to say out loud... You're being stolen, aren't you?"


The boulder bush also stiffens.

"Moreover, the stolen images are on the Internet." You move around flashily when you're playing baseball, don't you? "So my skirt rolled up..." At least get rid of your uniform or put some spats on the bottom. "

"I'm taking good care of myself..." I...... but the other me...... "

A gummy sighs loudly as he drops his shoulder. It seemed that the woman's gummies lacked the character of Delicacy, so she neglected to pay attention to the area.

The mother who told Tsugumi about the theft also left.

In other words, the thieves are wandering around here.

Kamimi looks around and calls out.

"I've been told which website you're on, and I'll deliver it to the police..."

Tsugumi looks unusual and not energetic. It was particularly unusual for the boy mode gummies to appear to have subsided.

"Before I do that, I want to do it first." I only took pictures of Cliff Room, and I ignored them... "Am I not that attractive?"

"Isn't it because Kamimi didn't have any spats?" It's okay, Kami-chan is cute enough. I want to make you my daughter-in-law. "

You can say that, but you're also only allowed to say that.

Kami smiles when she listens to Tsugumi's dialogues.

Ah, it's Snow Oka-sensei.

Tsugumi finds Junko on the dirt road.

Kami also looked beyond Tsugumi's gaze and confirmed Junko's appearance. At about the same time, he looked at a man who was a few meters away from Junko and made his face stronger.

”I mean... the man beside Junko is pointing the camera at me”

"If I tell a rumor......"

Tsugumi's expression grew steeper in the words of Kami.

"Huh? Why are we all gathering in such a place...?"

Junko, who was looking down at the boys' baseball team and Ashi and Upper Beauty gathered beside the baseball stadium from above, noticed the presence of the man holding the camera who was not far away from her. The man is someone Junko knows.


Kamimi shouts with her hand on the megaphone.

"The man over there!" Get him! He's a thief! I'm trying to shoot Tsugumi-chan's pants and put them on erotic sites! "



Junko turned towards the man who was nearby, surprised. The man was also surprised by Kamimi's cries and shouted unintentionally.