Top floor of the Snowflake Society headquarters building. A private room of a demonic horse.

Kirisaki Shirie, Tetsuo Tetsuomura, and Yaki Nakaseko sat side by side facing each other. The three of them do not know why they are sitting like this. Masamori told me to sit side by side in front of myself.

In front of the three of them, the horse reverses the large bag and smashes the contents of the bag. What fell out of the bag was a lot of candy.

"Take two sweets of your choice." Put it in front of you. "

Zheng Ma gently spreads his hand in front of the pile of sweets and urges him with a smile on his face.


"It's a candy fortune." Mr. Tamamura taught me. It depends on the candy you take and how you put it. I can only do it in a place where there is no bell tone.

Ji Lihe asked, and Zheng Ma replied with a mischievous smile.

"Zheng Ma, did you do fortune-telling?" I don't have any characters with you. "

Maki picks up two sweets while teasing the curls. Tetsuo tended to hesitate and took each one of the pastries.

Well, Ji Lijiang is a big killer, Tetsuo is a big killer, and Yaki is a medium killer.

They're all murderers!

Is there such a thing as intermediate aggression?

Kirie and Yaki smile bitterly at the result of the fortune-telling of Masamori.

"Why did you suddenly start to divine?" As Maki said, it's far from the image of a horse. "

Tetsuo asks.

"Um, well, there is a kind of fate manipulation technique. It's like getting started to get it. I thought that if you were free to manipulate your destiny, you might be able to sweep away the irrationality of this world."

"I see..."

"It looks like a horse." I can't forgive any trivial trouble, can I? "

Tetsuo and Ji Lijiang were satisfied when they heard Zheng Ma's answer.

"That's right. Today, the backstreet center was attacked multiple times simultaneously, and the backstreet is full of talk." It's rumored that it was tea time on the battlefield. "

As Maki changes the subject, he opens a bag of pastries.

I'd love to share my tee time with you on the battlefield, but when I called the other boss a while ago, it was a very unwelcome atmosphere.

A political horse who spills a slight smile.

"It looks like a bad organization and it seems barbaric, so I don't want you to get involved."

Kirie said with a complicated expression.

"I don't like it either." If Snowflake Society is connected to a gang, the world will be bad. ”

"Eh, Yaki." Well, we were originally planning to get involved in the back streets, so I don't think we should worry too much about the reputation of the street. "

In response to Yaki's point, Masuma said lightly.

Besides, tee time on the battlefield isn't an organization that has absolutely no or no tee time at all.

"Oh, that's right. Early member Luke Brassie was the boss of the" Nudist School ", an organization that was at odds with his tee time on the battlefield."

Ji Lijiang claps his hands when he hears the dialogue of Zheng Ma.

The struggle between the center and the tee time on the battlefield is convenient for us who don't have a good relationship with the center, so I want to give you a backup shot at the tee time on the battlefield.

"We're holding a big event in two weeks." It's better not to stick your neck in the extra stuff. "

"You know, it's not superfluous." I have a lot of room. I'm sure the preparations for the event in two weeks' time will be fine. ”

Maki stabs a nail, but Masamori doesn't have ears to hear.

"Everyone is very determined." I don't have time for publicity, either. "

"It's time to think about the name of the event." It's hard to advertise without a name. "

Ji Lijiang laughed and Tetsuo urged.

"I've been lost for a long time." What should I do? ughh..... "

Why don't you take a fortune?

Yaki joked half to Masuma, who framed his arms and thought about it.

The two people who walked side by side wore sunglasses.

One was a long-haired Japanese man. I'm in a suit, but my hair is dyed blonde and my mouth, nose and ears are full of piercings. In terms of age, I think it is obviously related to middle-aged people. He carries a guitar case on his back.

The other was a white giant. This is one time younger than the Japanese next door. It seems to be about the age between a young man and a grand man. A loose sleeveless t-shirt and jeans are dressed in ruffles. I have a legal cigarette drug in my mouth.

"Funny [He's not here], are you okay?" If you still don't feel well, you should rest somewhere. "

A giant white man calls out for labor.

"It's a little tight... but I'm fine." It doesn't interfere with my work. "

A long-haired Japanese man with a bitter face, [Heshizu Myo] said.

Kaoru suffers from chronic migraine headaches. When I went to the hospital for diagnosis and examination, I found no abnormality in the brain and was told that it was mentally ill. There is no sign of healing after taking the medicine.

Actually, Kaoru had an idea of the identity of the migraine. Indeed, this seems to be due to the action of the spiritual. After all, this migraine headache gets worse before and after work. More precisely, it was thought that the use of abilities by Kuma was the cause of migraine headaches. It hurts when I think about using my abilities, and it hurts for a while after I use it. It hurts when a battle is about to break out.

Gody, how was the real Japanese soba?

“It was delicious, but I wanted real sushi.”

Asked by Fu Xiao, the giant white man--Goddy shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

"I wanted to eat soba." I'll take you to the sushi shop tonight after work. "

"Take me to the pet shop."

"Come on. Are you going to buy a pet over here and take it over there?"

When she heard Goddy's request, Kaoru frowned.

“No, I just want to know what kind of creatures are sold in Japanese pet stores. I want to see the zoo and the aquarium after work."

Glittering Goddess.

"It depends on the country, I guess."

At the corner of the road, Fujimori said, he found the person he was looking for.

An elderly man with a voluminous body and a red, swollen face - one of the thirteen staircases of pleasure and belonging to a humane diagonal blade - is a poisonous pig.

"Oh, here we go again." This is the third time today alone, but I think it will entertain me a little next time. "

Looking at Fujimura and Godi, the poisonous pig judged him to be the enemy with his own eyes and called out with a laugh.

I'll try my best to meet your expectations

"What is he saying?" I don't understand Japanese. "

Kaoru slaps lightly, and Gody asks in English.

"Every day I eat a tiger's penis and live with energy." He said he was ripping his penis off a living tiger with his own hands. Apparently, he loves animal abuse. Goddy can't forgive you, can he? "

“I know it's a lie, but I don't think it's particularly important.”

Faithful said with a smile, and Gody said without expression.

A poisonous pig wears a dream band.

The Poison Pig jumped backwards long before activating its abilities. I am picking up signs of an attack.

"Oh, oh..."

And when he saw the clothes and the skin of his belly, which were shallow, the venomous pig lifted up his voice in bewilderment.

The poisonous pig had witnessed Fujimori lightly wiping his hand. I took the damage in line with the move.

I wonder if it's my grandson's hand.

The poisonous pig mutters. A grandson's hand refers to a popular power. The force acts mainly on the movement of the hands and at a distance.

(I'll be weak if I get ahead of you......)

The poisonous pig smiles bitterly. Poisonous Pigs can activate their abilities for the first time by following the steps of wearing an illegal dream band and Virtual Trip. Since it is the ability to embody the directly projected trip video of the brain in reality, it can't be helped. But you can't trip while you're exposed to enemy attacks. I can't see the movement of reality anymore.

It doesn't take long to trip, and once tripped, you'll be able to block with your abilities. You can also listen to the real world. It only takes a few seconds, so if you can completely separate your consciousness from reality and submerge it in virtual reality, you can meet the requirements for ability activation. As a poisonous pig, I wanted that gap.

While paying attention to the movement of Tsukuma's hand, the poisonous pig tries to turn back the path he walked. There is a bend right next to it. You can jump in there. As long as they were out of sight, they wouldn't be able to take aim with their grandchildren, so I thought I'd trip into that spot.

However, there may be two enemies, and one may also be an Incredible Ability. I can't be alarmed at all.


The poisonous pig jumped into the bend.

I tried to trip it immediately, but I couldn't. I felt continuous pain in my head, right arm, and abdomen again.

I also got a scratch on my head. It was also in the abdomen. There was something sharp in his right arm, and there were eight holes and blood oozing out. It felt as if the two parts of my right arm were being gripped by a tremendous grip.

At that time, the poisonous pig saw it. And he who grabs his right arm. It was definitely there. Although the body is transparent, it is not completely transparent. And it's not one thing.

(water? glass?)

Quickly looks around you. There is a winged sound. The air is flowing. I grabbed the right arm of the poisonous pig and held it back, but the two remaining pigs were flying overhead.

(Birds? Eagles? Eagles?)

It was a transparent bird. Whether it's glass or water, the bird is permeable anyway. Its shape is that of a raptor.

(Wasn't it my grandson's hand? I was fooled by that motion.

Shortly after the poisonous pig laughed, the two clear eagles that were flying suddenly descended and devoured the left arm and neck of the poisonous pig.

Junko and Van Damm's missile game was accompanied by the destruction of the Tamamura Ring pastry shop, but a few days ago, a new pastry shop, Tamura Village, was finally built.

“Yes, it just opened yesterday. I hope you can do Junko's new laboratory as soon as possible."

It was a ring that sat on the edge of the candy store and called with a smile, but the smile disappeared.

"I don't know how many years I've been targeted with murderous intent." More than ten years, less than ten years. I'm a little nostalgic, and I'm a little happy. "

A ring that hangs up the phone and talks to an aggressive opponent.

”Hmm. Fifteen years younger than me, or nearly twenty years younger?”

An old white man with silver hair in an all-back eye patch appears in front of the ring and calls out.

"I'm fifty-three years old. You're suddenly quite polite to talk about age to a woman you've never met.”

"Hahaha, this is rude. And this one is boring. Did you know that?"

Lace laughed at the sarcastic ring sitting on the edge.

"It was famous as a disturber in Yakuza City." And now you're part of the tee time on the battlefield. "

"I see, I see. Even then, I was avenged by the center. And now it's time to fight with the great man in the center."

You speak Japanese well.

"That's right, I lived in Japan for a long time." Now... if you talk any longer, it's going to be hard to do... yeah. That's what I'm talking about. "

Okay, okay, okay.

Hearing Wraith's words, Huan rose up. As soon as the ring stood, a tremendous murderous aura was unleashed from the body of the ring, reversing the hair of Wraith's neck.