Devil was in a good mood. It's been a long time since I had a good time from the bottom of my heart. It was pleasant. It was shocking.

When I met a man named Dog One, and listened to him speak unilaterally, Devil decided to act together as he invited me to do. I don't think the choice was wrong.

Devil feels that he has met his brothers and sisters for the first time in his life. Mizuki, who is an admired serial killer, sees himself as the same person in a different sense. I am sympathetic to my dog.

Together, they prefer to bring evil upon the world. It's fun to just scratch around. I enjoy causing bad things. That's the point. That's the point. Devil is pleased to have encountered and had encountered someone other than himself.

When he heard the doggy whisper, Devil instantly understood what he had to do. The doggy showed it to me. He pressed the switch. And what the dog keeper wanted became what he wanted.

Devil feels he has something he doesn't have while he's in his family. I hope that it will give me a new view. I can see a different landscape than when I was moving alone. And now, I'm tasting a different kind of joy.

But on the other hand, Devil had a feeling. Either one of them will kill the other. Devil kills the dog first. The doggy kills Devil first. Devil has become an overdead, almost immortal, but not immortal. I think dogs will find a way to do that.

Devil sees that whoever pushes the kill switch first will decide which one dies. How does that switch come on? Are you tired of thinking about this? Dissatisfied with the results? I still don't know that. I don't know unless I try it at that time.

The switch does not come on now. I don't have the idea of turning on the switch and killing it before it turns on. There is no sense of crisis. You can enjoy the present now.

Many of the cops who entered the immigration hole were armed. Most of them were SATs.

While the sat surrounds the church, non-SAT police officers are waiting in front of the church. They are all cops in civilian clothes.

"Have you decided to meet up with Tee Time on the battlefield again?" But... a woman named King didn't look like a man who didn't understand much, and she didn't look like a villain who could do anything ruthless there. "

A beauty who is more than 2 meters tall and attracts the attention of a private-clothed policeman says in a man's voice. Ashiya Kurodou, a detective of the backstreet division of the Ease Police, is called the ultimate weapon of the Japanese police and is feared by the residents of the backstreet.

"There are people in this world who can't forgive." Better than a gangster or a mafia or something. "

Kurodou once met King in the United States. Kurodou still remembers King's dialogues, which he uttered with a flame in his eyes. That King and his innocent mother and child can't be connected in the Black Door.

"Ashiya, Kan-chan, don't make any unreasonable remarks. It's not what we think is true, is it?"

Kasumi Takeda, also from the backstreet section, snapped a black bucket and pulled out a nail.

"I don't know Mr. King, but I have the same questions as Mr. Kurodou-chan. But don't turn your back on the fact that three people have already been killed on the thirteen steps of pleasure. If you don't deal with it with caution and relentlessness, we could be killed."

"I don't need any more preaching than that."

Kiyodo Sakai [Sakai Yotsugu], head of the backstreet section, smiled calmly, but Kurodou turned towards him with a grumpy face.

"I don't know the truth, but the result is everything. Chief Inspector Hojo is dead, and we can't pull each other. And I got caught up in the police."

Umezu, the chief of the backstreet section, said.

"The police, the center, the gang, the most important thing is the face." We're going to fight for it. "

While saying that, Umezu remembered what Simon told her when she once visited an immigrant grotto.

(Gangs, mafia and police, I just put it in the back and front. The most important thing is honor. You're going to sacrifice everything for that? I'm sure you said that. Besides, so is the country. That's what happens when you become a group. Throw your life away for it. (ridiculous)

Kurodou remembered the same dialogue and refused.

(I can't consciously break it off. Am I blue? No, you don't have to be blue.)

"It's not cumming." You risk your life for the sake of the men. No, if you're fighting for the dignity of your soul, it's still cool, but the reason for fighting is prehistoric, right?

Even though Kurodou thought so in his heart, he laughed and threw it away. It was Matsumoto's end.

"Don't say unusually good things about Matsumoto."

Once again, you can honestly praise me.

When Kurodou smiled, Matsumoto smiled.

I can't use my abilities, can I?

Mitsuo Sakurai confirms to Kanae.

“Of course. If I activate your power in this situation, it'll be a mess.”

Then why are you here?

Kanae said, and the Black Dipper pushed in.

"That's right, Chief." The people at sat are a little upset, but... "

Don't say it out loud, you can hear me.

Matsumoto obviously raised his voice consciously, and Umezu paid attention with a bitter smile. Some of the SATs face the backstreet section.

"I mean, we're going to do the raid maneuver ourselves, so we're going to do something like stay out of the way, right?"

"I know how you feel, but please don't expose your navel bending attitude. Because it is possible that we will have their help, and it is impossible without them. If you pull on our legs, or if you don't use your strength where it matters most, you know?"

It was Sakai who laughed, but Matsumoto was terrified when he heard the last line.

"Outside the church is surrounded again. It's a church that's surrounded by people. How many times do I have to do this?"

Simon said as he watched outside with surveillance cameras mounted on the exterior wall of the church.

"This time it's the police." I took on the army over there, though.

Wraith shrugged her shoulders.

Is there no other way in or out?

I dug it up from before, but it's still under construction.

"You're not here besides the police, are you?"

"It's still outside the immigration hole." It is a rare running group with an average age of fifty years old. And they're all women. "

King continued to ask, both answered Simon.

"Even retreating to my home country has become difficult." What did you just say on the phone to help? If you have an ate, call me. "

"All right."

At Simon's request, King calls with a carefree face. The opponent was Hot Jiro.

We've been on our way for a long time.

Hot Jiro raised his voice.


Our original Junko Yukioka and Simon Bell over there and Masako Aizawa, who were your comrades. There are two other people. "

"Is the original coming..." I wish I hadn't wanted to see you for the rest of my life... "

When he heard the report of Hot Jiro, King's face turned moody.

"It seems that the helpers will come." I don't know if I'll make it. "

To throw a spear, like any other human resources, King said.

What kind of helper?

”With someone like my brother... and someone like my parents?”

Asking Pepper, King put his hand on his forehead and said disgustingly.

(Will Junko come? That's comforting.)

Simon listened to King's dialogue and understood. I knew long ago that King's original was Junko.

"Hey, they're trying to get inside the church."

The doggy peeks at the display and checks it out.

"It seems that the helper can't make it to the battle. There's a lot of enemies, so once we get inside the church, we'll engage them in an underground passage."

When King gave instructions, a man in the room stood up. I'm not an executive. I hired a finisher.

"Fufufufu, you were lucky. Today I am not a maggot. [M] It is a day when you can fly. And there seems to be further evolution. I'll show you what's at the end of the hammer. Boom boom boom

Hayama leaves the room with his hands folded.

"I know you're good at it, but to put it mildly... I wish you weren't a weirdo."

Leith said as she watched Yayama leave.