Simon found a flimsy place. On the side of the church - this is where Sat waited a lot. All the bodies of the SAT crew are rolling now.

King jumped out first, and Simon, Pepper, Wraith, and Hayama ran right behind him. After a short delay, the other gangsters rushed out together and followed King and the others.

"I jumped out of the side!"

Kanae shouts.

"Out from the side, backwards!" Ashiya! Shibata! Kan! Satomi! Go! "

Umezu moved a little, watched the gangs move, and ordered the detectives from the backstreet section who were good at maneuverability and pursuit.

"I would have liked you to come to Tsurugasaka-san and Sato-san, too."

Matsumoto, the former a cyborg detective who can be a flying mobile phone, and the latter who is skilled in manipulation of space, are not involved in this battle.

"Now is the time to turn the sword." Let's get ahead of you, Katsuhiko-chan. "

Okay, here we go.

Katsuhiko unfolds her black hand and wraps it around the faces of Plutonium Dundee, dragging it into a subspace tunnel. Meanwhile, Rin also opens a subspace tunnel and has to wander ten nights.

"Dogs are coming for us."

Jiaotai called out, and King looked back.


King looked back and groaned as he remembered the pain in his chest. Eight Shepherds were running towards the escaping gangs.

"Damn it!"

King shoots his gun at Shepherd in bitterness. Dogs, especially Shepherds, have sad memories.

Other gangsters shoot Shepherd, but shepherds skillfully avoid bullets. They are shepherds in appearance, but they are not just dogs. A backstreet police officer with the nickname "Magic Dogman", he was a monster played by Satomi Murobo.

”I'm cumming!”


The first two of Shepherds, skilfully avoiding the bullets, fell down with their bodies chopped down. The other Shepherd is alert and stops his pursuit.

"Hah, Za-Mi." When the dogs were together

Funny laughs. It was caused by the glass eagle of the funeral. We ambushed them right after they dodged the bullets.

Hayama pushed the bullets into a confused place as the dogs pulled up and stopped. When I thought I had landed in the middle of the dogs, a tornado broke out from the point of impact, sucking the dogs in and rolling them up and blowing them up.


The horse's nervous voice rises. A knight with a lance in full-plate armor followed the gangs across an armed white horse. Detective Yuno Shibata from the backstreet section.

Yuno and the horse ran to the side of the gang and pulled out the escaping gangs one after another. The gangs shoot at horses, but they don't hit them. Even if I hit it, it was played by the armor attached to the horse.

"There's a lot of weird stuff coming out." Ignore the sharks and aim for their heads. "

Wraith looked back and looked at Yuno and laughed. Obviously, Yuno was targeting the leading group. In short, the king.

The horse speeds up. Lance's aim was at King.

"I'll take care of it."

Pepper Tai said, dressed as if she were covering the king, and entered between Yuno and King, who set up the lance.

Yuno was going to skewer King and Pepper Tatsu in a lance, but Pepper Tatsu waved his arms in a place where the distance was somewhat packed.

The chain that jumped out of the pepper sleeve was released in rotation, and it became entangled in both the front legs of the horse. And the horse strung forward, and fell, and Yuno was shaken down from the horse.

Then the kings ran into the woods and ran away. I can't see the pursuer.

"Alright, let's spread out! From here, a small group of people can harden up and run apart!"

Ordered by King, the gangs formed small groups of several people and fled in all directions.

King and a few others stood still until the end and watched as their men scattered and fled. In front of such kings, two spatial doors opened.

"These guys again?"

The plutonium dandy that emerged from the door of the subspace tunnel and the face of the resistance were seen, and King touched his tongue.

"What? You've been waiting for us to catch us?"

Shoji laughs and teases.

"There were two of us before, but this time there are people." Besides, Hayama is here, so be careful. "

The coming dream spurred vigilance.

Almost all of these guys are using supernatural powers, so it's not that troublesome

King says. The tee-time faculty of the battlefield, Funny and Goddy, had already fled away from King.

"Besides, something even more troublesome has come." This guy is finally in a bad mood. "

Simon looked back at the church and said: A tall woman grew metal wings and rocket holes from her back and flew in at high speed. It was Black Dipper.

Instead, the Black Dipper slowly descended between the eight Resistance, Plutonium Dundee, and the four of King, Pepper, Simon, and Hayama.

(Big pinch. No, something's wrong...)

Seeing Kurodou's indescribably subtle expression, King rolled around.

"King, answer me honestly. Did you kill Inspector General Hojo?"

“No, I negotiated directly with him and this time I was in the process of retreating.”

King replied in a sincere tone to Black Dipper, who asked in a quiet tone.

“I knew it. Well, I thought so.”

Kurodou spilled a smile for a moment and turned his back on the Kings. Instead, he was dressed up against the members of the Resistance and Plutonium Dundee.

Go, go, go, go.

The Black Dipper said briefly and shook one hand to the side.

Has Detective Ashiya been tricked?

"Oh, the police betrayal event." Besides, we're the bad guy pursuers. "

"It's a precious moment for an angel to be a fallen angel."

"What are you going to do..."

"In short, I decided it was the right one."

Lai Meng, Kaoru, Angel, Marie, and Ten Nights said each.

"Thank you."

With a brief thank-you, King runs out. The other three followed.

"Well, you let me go, didn't you?" Why did you want to let him go? "

"Yeah...? I just made a mistake."

Kona asked strangely, and Kurodou smiled brightly.

"You don't have to blurt out. Angels sometimes miss demons too. Or was that also an angel?"

And, Angel.

"Can I just tell the police and the center that you're interfering with this?" Or should I just let you go? "

“You can tell me the truth honestly. So if you want to get rid of me, I don't care."

Rin asked with a cold glance, and Black Door replied with a smile.

After that, Rin clearly tells Sakai and Umezu that Kurodou sabotaged and missed.

"Ashiya, what are you doing?"

Umezu glared at Kurodou.

"Um... maybe right now... I think Inspector Hojo possessed me ~"

It was a dumb black battle.

Kurodou-chan will be finished later, right?

Sakai sighed heavily, and Piippo took off his clothes.

"For now, this fight seems to be over."

And, Pity Na.

“Not this time, but I'm sure we'll be back.”

Dream came and said with confidence.

The faces of tee time on the battlefield were scattered in small groups. Rayce escaped through the immigrant cave with Gody, Funny, and seven other members.

"I don't know how much I escaped..."

Goddy murmured in a sinister way as he ran.

I don't know. It's a battle of defeat.

Wraith smiled bitterly as she ran.

"King always starts with losing, doesn't he?" Then maybe we can win after this? "

"At first, there were a lot of bad patterns." But this isn't the first fight. "

Sarcastically, when Reyes told him, a man stood in front of the road and the ten who were on the run stopped.

I've never seen you before.

Looking at the poisonous pig standing, Gody muttered. You already have the headgear of an illegal dream band in your hand.

"Alone? But... what's the matter with the domineering side?" It's not about killing each other. Looks like you want to die. "

The venomous pig's face revealed a sense of discomfort

"It's a used old saying, but I'll answer you like this." Oh, that's right. I want to die. However, we need plenty of company. I miss dying alone, so make it busy and die. "

The poisonous pig wears a headgear with a slight smile.

(It's a personality that makes me happy when I'm humiliated... but it's a bit of a thing to say that I'm not domineering. You don't have the same color.)

Before he tripped, the poisonous pig thought about it.