A department store in the north Namida shopping district of the immigrant cave. This is where Mako and the others hid this time. There are large gangs inside and around the building. The shopping district of North Namida Shopping District is also full of gangsters, but the population density of the shopping district has increased without any decrease in the number of immigrants.

I dared to hide behind the department stores in the shopping district in order to make it difficult for me to reach out. Even though they are immigrants, there are a large number of civilians. It is a prerequisite for creating collateral damage if you fight. In short, they are dressed as shields for the immigrants.

"I should have called you King." Luke, come with Bishop and make a king. "

An old man with a wide bun speaks to Mako. This man's name is Bishop. Formerly under the nudist school umbrella, it's a building for a long-established American gang.

"It's a hassle to get Queen, Pawn and Night together."

"If Pawn is here, this is it."

It was Mako who joked about it, but when he heard Bishop's words, he disappeared his smile.

"Wasn't he dead?"...... you've been messing with dozens of people in my organization..... "

Mako's disgusting memories come back. Once, during a battle with the Nudist School, a significant number of his men were murdered in a miserable manner by a man named Pawn.

"Taniguchi was defeated and seriously injured, but he managed to survive." That man was a real threat. He killed a lot of good people in my organization. "

Like Mako, Bishop was also reviving his dismal memories.

"I know Pawn's abilities, but there are plenty of supernatural abilities in the back streets and in the center." I struggled with that last time. "

But this time, you also rented a lot of talents from the private oil field house, right?

"I don't know. Nevertheless, all the ex-Nudist School and its cadres, including you, are quite submissive." It's disgusting. You're going to suspect me of plotting to take my neck. "

“No, it's not. Because we all know you took care of Luke."

Listening to Bishop's dialogue, Mako has a strange face. The pepper beside her also had a complicated expression.

"Not all of the executives, but many of them admired Luke." Many organizations were helped by her. And yet, she died at that age. I didn't want her to be disrespectful. "

Bishop speaks with a sad face. He was also the one who favored Luke.

"It was a great little cockroach to build." The only thing that sucks is that you died prematurely. "

“It was a masterpiece. It would be a shame if I could have done more great things as an adult.”

The bishop pours the whisky into four glasses as the air gets tender. Mako, Bishop, and the pepper-thick portion, and the other one--

"He was a minor, he was weak, and he couldn't even drink."

Mako, who received the glass from Bishop, smiles as his eyes drop into the fourth glass.

Hmm. That's why I'm doing it now.

The bishop smiled mischievously and raised the glass lightly.

The wall of light that came out of my feet is fast-paced. However, Hayama was evaded the second time.

But the wall of light grew before it, and it was fast. The pair of walls of light grew in two other places. I made a behavioral prediction, delayed it by about 0.5 seconds, and grew it in three places simultaneously.

The one with the ability to grow the Wall of Light is called Pawn.

The name Pawn came from himself. Although he is forty years old this year, his real name hasn't been spoken for more than twenty years.

Before gaining this ability, Pawn was in the army.

In the training course, Pawn fell ill. When I was at the bootcamp, I got irrational strokes from my instructor. On top of that, some of the soldiers at the same time were badass and were being bullied.

Many of the soldiers around Pawn were out of poverty. There are several patterns of poor people who want to be soldiers in the United States, but there are many poor people who are poorly educated. Moreover, we are actively integrating these poor people into the army. This is also a measure to increase the number of soldiers by pretending to reach out to the poor, and not to increase the number of antisocial people who are particularly vulnerable to leaving the poor.

On the other hand, some people become soldiers not only from the poor, but also from simpler heroic aspirations and patriotism. Pawn was your type. Because of this, it was not compatible with the twisted trainees with uneducated characters who came out of poverty, and it became a target of bullying because they were all in the same room.

Pawn was mentally cornered, but he managed to put up with it, desperately desperate for losers and patriotism that he didn't want to run away. However, by the time he went to the actual battlefield, his mind was in a very precarious state and he was desperately trying to hide it from his surroundings.

Then I went to the battlefield and wondered if I could engage in Army operations, and the day Pawn arrived on duty, the base was hit by enemy missiles.

Pawn was badly injured, but he miraculously survived. Synchronized soldiers who were bullying themselves were caught in the explosion and all died. However, I don't think that it would be a bad idea. Rather, I feel pitiful. I wonder what their efforts have been like so far.

In addition, Pawn will learn terrible facts in the hospital room. The president told me that this operation was a mistake in the first place and decided to retreat.

A soldier who had endured years of rigorous training went to a country on the battlefield and was killed without doing anything the moment he arrived at the base. The top of the country decided to withdraw without retaliation. I mean, it's a defeat.

Pawn, who was originally mentally ill, became more and more strange in the wake of this fact. When I noticed it, I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, and I was detained and drugged.

Something blew up in my broken head as I wrestled my strength to release the restraint. A wall of light appeared and destroyed the bed. The door was destroyed.

Pawn escaped the psychiatric hospital and became a gangster by selling his abilities to the bishop he met. She called herself Pawn with the molestation of a disposable pawn.

Without thinking about it, it is used as a pawn on the front line, and eventually it is played lightly outside the board. Looking at Pawn who thought he would care about such a life, the Bishop felt pity and struggled to get Pawn back, but it ended without much success.

But Pawn was honestly happy. I was just glad that someone would do something for me, and I honestly wanted to give back my gratitude to the bishop, and I've been working under the bishop for about twenty years.

"Aubuna. But today, I'm a tadpole, so there's nothing like this."

Hayama avoided the wall of light that grew at the evasive point and was bounded at high speed.

Pawn glances at Hayama.

(This man is quite hand-kneaded. It can be a major obstacle to the organization's boss. But because I'm here, I won't let you.)

A pawn that burns his fighting spirit toward Hayama.

(I'll fly a little bit...!)

It was a pawn that decided to be prepared, but it was already quite flying. Abilities were repeated at short intervals. This will be a considerable burden.

Pawn claps his hands. Three walls of light more than twice the size appear in a row. Due to the wide range, avoidance seemed to be quite difficult.

Pawn's nose bleededs as the wall of light entwines. Your head hurts like a crack and your face faints.

(I screwed up...)

The reason I fainted was not only pain. It was against the fact that I missed Hayama and my own loss. When the wall of light was enlarged, the speed of growth and the speed of stitching were visibly reduced.

Moreover, Hayama did not try to escape from the wall of light. And he ran up against the wall of light, and hid himself from it.

(Slow speeds, but we did it.)

A pawn with more serial attacks. The moment I clapped my hand, I bled from my ears and eyes.

The next moment, Pawn's eyes peeled. This time, despite the fact that the normal size produced a wall of light, Hayama, like the huge size with slow speed, ran up and dodged the wall that twisted.

"I seized the timing. That ability doesn't work for me anymore."

Blood dripping from his eyes, nose and ears, he turned to the pawn who gritted himself with a miserable expression, and Hayama, who landed on the ground, told him with a nuance of advice.

Pawn hears nothing, claps his hands and grows a wall of light. This time, it bleeds from the internal organs and spits a lot of blood out of my mouth.

Hayama runs up the wall of light.

Pawn smiled when he saw it. I was reading that it would come, and I grew the wall of light from the wall of light. I was going to get ahead of you.

However, Hayama also read that a second wall of light emerged. No, rather than reading it, Hayama was guided from the beginning. He said Pawn would grow a wall of light on the wall.

The wall of light of the second stage also ran up at once, and Hayama danced high in the air. Spread your hands wide in the air.

"Boom!" I'm a pig! I thought I could fly today! I had a feeling about that! "

After landing, Hayama exclaimed with a heartfelt smile. As the prospectus suggests, we were able to induce Pawn. And I was able to fly from a high place. I'm happy for Hayama.

"Gu... fufu..."

A pawn that spits more blood. I've done too much nonsense. This ability places a heavy burden on the body if it is not spaced at some intervals.

Still, Pawn doesn't stop fighting. I tried to clap my hands even more.

But Pawn couldn't help but clap his hands. Hayama fired his gun first, and the bullet shot through Pawn's head.

Hayama, who killed Pawn, was suddenly overwhelmed by a certain person.

(Why? For a moment now, I remembered Ruki Taniguchi. he was really strong)

Two years ago, Hayama received a request to kill Riku Taniguchi. Although he was interrupted by lilies, he was quite cornered. I remember the battle back then.

"It seems that Pawn was killed..." I also took pictures of the man who killed him. "

Bishop, who received a report from his subordinates, told Mako in astonishment and showed Mako the picture. I'm shocked because I've known Pawn for a long time, and I've cared a lot about him.

"Hayama. When I was an ally, I was dependable, but it was a threat to the enemy." If you were hired first, you'd have to kill me. We have to get rid of it as soon as possible. "

Mako frowns at the person Bishop showed him.

Let's ask the guy who borrowed it from the private oil field shop to move quickly.

What's my turn?

Sofia asks after visiting the room.

"Don't hurry, we're almost there." Now, I'm gonna go berserk, too. Let's go, Pepper. It's a date. "


Mako prompted me, and Pepper Tai, who had been in the room for a long time, stood up.

"You're going out...?"

"Oh my God, you're a journalist, but you missed the information check." That's how I do it, and that's how I drive normally. "

Mako smiled at Sophia, who was surprised.