A few hours ago, he left before Miho and Samurai, only to say, "I will never see you again," with a vague and meaningful grin.

Miho sits on a bench in the park at night. Somehow, I don't feel like going straight home. It's what you've been waiting for. No, I know why. We can't leave it like this, because we have a great deal of heart.

"Yes, yes, I'm home."

A samurai who bought a can of coffee gives Miho one. Miho takes it and stares at Samurai.

"Hey, what?

"What, is what I say. Why don't you sit down?"


Samurai sits next to Miho while dogging. Miho went crazy and smiled at the ones who were now reluctant to do anything. Even after sitting next to him, he opens his mouth while taking his gaze off approximately.

"Say goodbye to Miho, too. I don't know what to do. Let me work at the Snow Oka Institute."

"More than that, why don't you come to us?

To his sudden and straightforward offer, Samurai blew his coffee. Additionally, the can is also dropped on the scissors and the contents are spilled in a grand way.

"I'm not blunt enough not to realize how you feel. Well, if it's okay to start with friends and residents."

"What about Miho's family? All of a sudden, I said," Bring a man in and let me live. "

"We were originally a big family, so it wouldn't be a problem to have about one more. Ma, I just want you to work. And my dad doesn't care because he's so indifferent. You know, it's like I sold myself to that place to help my family, right? We don't have the right guy to say that to me anyway."

Miho with a clear tone, Takero is just confused.

"Well, are you pitying me and saying that to me? Well, thank you very much, and I'm very happy."

"Aren't you sympathetic and superior? If you say you don't like it, I'm not saying you can't either."

"No, no, no, no, I don't hate it. It's just, how can you look at me like that... if you don't like it, you can talk like that with sympathy."

"Really stupid."

During the samurai's words, Miho said in a frightened breeze.

"If you didn't like it at all, you wouldn't say this. Well, I've never dated a man before, and I'm gonna cut him out of me, and I'm pretty sure I've thought of that."


"What's going on?

Miho peeks in surprise at the samurai holding his head with groans for some reason.

"As far as I'm concerned - it's a pleasure. But I'm killing a lot of people. It makes a lot of people unhappy. I wonder if I should be happy or get one of those... I should have been sentenced to death, and Junko brought me to that institution, hoping I could help the world at all. Get your freedom, join Miho... I'm sorry about the kids I killed and the people in their families."

"Then you're going to die? Or try to live an unfortunate life for the rest of your life?

"What would you think if my family of kids killed me found out I was alive and happy? I have not atoned for my sins. I have not been duly punished. That's what I can't stand!

To the samurai who tells him with the thought of spitting blood, Miho couldn't find a word.

I remember a teacher saying in middle school that being punished sometimes saves people's minds. But that's why I can't even tell Samurai to show up again.

Already he has been treated like he has been sentenced to death and is a person who does not exist on the family registry. Even if you don't, you can't say come back and get the death penalty, etc.

"So if there's any way we can make amends? Like finding it and living in atonement. For example, volunteering, or running away from home and becoming a boy."

"No, your boy's tight."

Miho was relieved when his grin returned to Samurai, who looked painful.

"You just have to find the means. I can help you if you need me."

"Ugh... I'm so thankful what to say"

"I was saved by Junko, too. I can't thank Junko enough. So I was trying to help someone else. Backstreets, supernormal powers, that's already a punishment..."

"No, because Miho was giving Junko heat. When Junko comes, always let his eyes shine. Come on. That kind of hobby... oh."

In the middle of the words, Miho punches Takero in the head with his fist with considerable force.

"Because you were like your sister. I've studied. That's how it feels to rely on someone, to be sweet. I was always in a position to be, so I had no idea."

"Hmm. Like I know, like I don't. Oh, I spilled coffee, so I'll get you a new one."

The samurai rises up and rushes to the shithole and vending machine.

(It seems like a dream to be able to live in the same house as Miho, so I can find a way to make amends and congratulate him...)

My sins are too heavy. The day you will be free from the consciousness of sin will surely not be visited for the rest of your life. I may not be able to make amends for anything I do.

On the other hand, happiness is rolling right there. I have never been separated from Miho like this, and I am too happy to live with her. Nor can Samurai refuse to do so.

"God is really crazy. I can't believe I'm giving you this fate."

I took the can out of the vending machine, and right after I whined...

Shots rang from a place I thought was close by.

The samurai are stiff and drop the can. A fiercely unpleasant feeling strikes me.

Nothing on my mind, but I still had a bad feeling my heart was going to freeze. Takero hurried back to the bench where Miho waited.

By the crushed bench, Miho was down.

There was a familiar figure standing right on the side. Toshio Nakamura, what is he doing here when he tells me that he will never see him again? Why is Miho down?

When he saw the man's calm face, Samurai intuited. The sight in front of me says it was the work of the Japanese.

"I have done my best. Just stunned him."

The samurai opens his mouth from the Japanese man faster than he asks.

"The arms-smuggling organization on the back street, the seven-verse agent in the wheelchair, that's who I am. Several agents infiltrated the mustard engine after obtaining information that Junko Yukioka, who is connected to the chitin sink to a conflicting tissue, a pregnant woman, is using the mustard engine for the production of a mass-producible psychic soldier. I was the only one lucky enough to be Junko Yukioka's experimental bench."

I'm not the usual loving national man. Reveal who you are with a faceless expression like Nobu, take away the cigarette, and set it on fire.

"As an embezzlement of pre-launch products, I have to take Miho with me to the organization. I don't know if I can analyze it and make the same thing, but if I sell it as a product first, it's a winning dimension."

"Trying to take Miho forcefully means..."

"Oh... you wouldn't treat me politely as a customer. It would be a guinea pig, just like the mustard engine."

Listening to the Japanese man, Takeo bites his teeth and stares at the Japanese man. Accepting that fighting spirit and anger, the Japanese man smiles lonely.

"I don't need you. You were like a jerk. You're just a shield. All our battles with that crazy magician were on video and broadcast live. As a show, for pregnant women to check performance by kitchen sink. You're like an amulet to balance the game. Perhaps you also have mind control. A strong sense of purpose must be planted to protect Miho and me."

Takeo was stunned by the accusation of the Japanese man. I have never felt uncomfortable with my own feelings, but because I was pointed out by the side of the man that I had not told the man, I learned the truth about the stories of mind control.

"Probably all three of them will have some kind of mind control. To not think about the inconvenience and blindly follow Junko's policy. Don't even notice the contradiction. Even I was under orders. There were a lot of things I thought were strange later, but I don't even know what I thought was strange. I'm forgetting. I just remember thinking it was weird."

That's all he talked about, and he threw away the cigarette, put out the fire with his shoes, and set himself up. I feel a fighting spirit coming from the body of the Japanese man, and Samurai also becomes in a state of battle.

"Let's talk about this. You can't allow Miho to be taken in silence, either. Fight. Try to prevent it. Resist if you're willing to kill me."

"Oh, I'm going to!

A samurai who shouts and plunges straight into the Japanese man.

A samurai who can only fight in close proximity but has regenerative abilities and human detached power against a Japanese man with invisible flying tools after a wide range. Samurai understands what kind of battle that will be.

Before it reaches the Japanese, the samurai's body blows wide open when he is hit with a counter with an invisible block at a fierce speed.

A huge plock pours down on the fallen samurai even more and crushes them. In the midst of tremendous oppression, a crushed Battle Creature figure crosses the back of Samurai's brain.

Even a body that regenerates where it is crushed, Junko had told Samurai many times that it was physically impossible, such as complete immortality. Super regeneration consumes energy commensurate with it. When it's over, there's nothing to play.

Therefore, samurai understands that this battle will be a war of attrition. Is it first that your regenerative power runs out, or is it first that the spiritual power of the Japanese man, who creates the blocks of invisibility, runs out?

A samurai who gets his body crushed. My guts flashly pop out of my body, and even that crushes me. My muscles, my bones shake. Chunks of fat are also flattened.

Immediately after being completely crushed, the block floats a little and the body begins to regenerate.

"I consume power when I make blocks, but not as much power to manipulate them."

The warrior quietly told the regenerated samurai. In other words, on the same block, if you crush it, repeat the act of causing it to regenerate and crush it again and again, and you can only aim for this wear and tear.

But when I heard that, the samurai couldn't wander off. I'm not going to be crushed again and again.


Strengthen your whole body muscles with the roar and press the block. It was a move that could be made because it was an immortal flesh: deliberately releasing the limiter that controlled the potential and exercising even more powerful power than normal.

"But I don't have a hobby for that."

What the samurai, who pushed the block back, saw was a man pointing at the gunpoint.

Obviously a gun less powerful than its ability can't be effective for me - samurai who thought so, but this is what I thought a few seconds after that comma. Nonetheless, there's something about pointing a gun at it - and.

A bullet is fired at Samurai's chest. There was shock and pain, but the bullet should be ejected soon and the wound healed. If it's a regular bullet.

There's blood all over my wound and I can't stop. The regenerative blood flowing into Samurai's body should return to the flesh, even if it flows outside, and in doing so it should also release impurities mixed with the blood. Yet it is in a state that is overflowing externally.

I don't even try to block the wound. The pain is gone. No, the senses themselves are disappearing.

"I planted the solution in the warhead. It works for Battle Creature, and it's used on battlefields all over the world. She told me that it works for regenerative mice made by Junko, and that the best information organization in the back street, called 'O My Rape'. Although it was expensive."

To the word of the Japanese man and the state of his body, Samurai learned a bottomless fear and despair. Fear of death. And the despair of not being able to protect the one you love.

I tried to get up, and now I'm shooting at the back of my knees on both legs. My lower senses disappeared from my knees and knees, and I couldn't even stand.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. Take Miho and you'll be fine."

"You're kidding me! Kill him! Kill him! Damn it!"

The samurai exaggerate at the words of the Japanese man. I'm not kidding, I can't even protect a woman I like, and I'm going to live eventually. You'd better kill me here yet.

Shortly after the Japanese approached Miho with a samurai hitting him with powerlessness and despair and leaking a whimper on his ass, a gunshot sounded.

Clearly the sound of a gun different from what the national man has. When Samurai looks up, he is holding down his right arm with his left hand that will make him bleed. The gun was not already in its hands and had fallen to the ground.

"A critical appearance on the pinch is quite a hiatus if you look at it from the appearance side."

A familiar voice. When the samurai turned to his voice as he fell, a familiar face was there.

Makoto Aizawa, an unfathomable boy with a beautiful face who was always visiting the mustard engine with Junko. Junko said he was like an escort to Junko, fighting a star charcoal curse while acting differently.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you."

True to carry a pistol in one hand and say the words of the earlier Japanese man straight to the Japanese man. That's weird and the Japanese spill a smile.

"All of your actions were captured on video and sent to the weapons manufacturing organization, the buyer of the new weapons. It was the Star Charcoal Flow spell that was used as the opponent of the product check. He's a good opponent because he was hostile to Snow Oka and was after him."

Reach out to the samurai who can't stand, and the truth explains as he hugs them.

"I also heard it from the Japanese. We were fooled by Junko, too."

In an outfit woken only by the upper body, samurai says in a powerless voice.

"Oh. Put you guys in danger. Nevertheless, he took care of it. So he stayed with you all the time, even to protect you."

After that, the truth turns to the Japanese.

"Retreat. If you're confident you can beat me, you can try, but you won't take that risk and you'll be the only one back in the organization."

"Ha... I knew it was all a prospect"

To the true word, the man gave a dry laugh.

"Surely if the organization was told that Junko Yukioka's murder doll interfered with it, I would be convinced even if I returned alone. But hey, this is my aesthetic problem!

The Japanese scream, releasing the invisible blocks with true eyes.

Whereas the blocks built by thought come at a fierce speed, the truth is that they jump lightly to the side and deflect as if they were visible.

Ahead of the leap, the Japanese will create a huge block just above his true head and crush it just like the samurai. Damage from the collision will be scarce, but avoidance is difficult and burial is assured.

But the truth even seemed to predict it, kicking the ground quickly without stopping his legs, and avoiding a plock from overhead. Point the pistol muzzle at the national man while dodging further.

The man who collapses with the gunfire. They're shooting through the thick crotch.

"Are you into aesthetics and heart? Maybe some guys like that, but I'm the kind of guy who tries to survive in shame, so I don't understand. I'll check again. Retreat."

Align the muzzle to the man's chest and tell him the truth.

"Don't do it again, you son of a bitch! Even if you're a traitor liar, I don't want to see you die in front of me!

To the scream of samurai, the Japanese smile. It was the usual bright Japanese smile.

Immediately afterwards, the usual intent to kill is stronger than the Japanese. The blocks of invisibility appeared over his true head again, and he tried to fall over his true head, but the moment the truth pulled the trigger, it misted over his true head.


A samurai grips both fists firmly and bites his teeth as he falls on his back and sees a breathless Japanese man.

Whether for loyalty and benevolence to the organization, or for his own will and pride, it was in any case clear to Samurai that he would be prepared to die.


Truth is, when I whispered the words of apology, I turned my back on the samurai who leaked the whimper and walked away.