The fact that Moonshine was visiting Tokyo Dickland with Mika Tsukinaya, her sister, had been reported at the time of the daytime engagement.

Yi reinforced the eyes of the surveillance and, once discovered, was ordered to end after siege with two team members in total.

And now, at the top floor observation deck, Yi, who was hanging out with Aoshima, Masami and a few of his constituents, once again discovered the instantaneous arrival. But someone who did the cosplay of a righteous hero went into the rescue and killed eight constituents, and instantly Mika lost sight of them.

"Ha... It's depressing to see what's next."

With his head on, Yi sighs heavily.

"Is it time to go? Shouldn't I go? I'm tired of waiting."

Sit back in a chair, flutter your assembled legs, and point your lips as Masami seems bored.

"Oh, please. You can dispose of the righteous hero and the moon brothers."

"You see, you realize who that righteous hero is? Haven't you noticed? Realize it and pretend you don't know? Tell me about it. I'll change my stance with your stance, too. So tell me."

"To decide to pretend you don't know...... I guess I will"

"Okay. Then I'll go along with it. Don't worry about it, okay? Bye. I'll be there."

Since he had poked at Masami's inquiry and sharp spot, Yi was wrapping his tongue around him. Seems foolish at first sight, but that's just mouth-watering and doesn't actually seem to be the case. Review the boulder as a veteran's doomsday.

(I mean, this guy's noticing, too. I see. I'm not talking about Dada slaughtering a bunch of Snow Oka mice)

Yi smiles satisfactorily as he sees Masami behind the observation deck.

And he slipped beside his righteous beauty, and Junko appeared in the wrong way, and came before Yi.

"Oh, no, Mr. Yukioka, what can I do for you?

"Hmm, I didn't hear Mika and I engaged you again for a moment. And he said he let it go. Isn't this the second time?

Words spoken with an innocent smile sounded like a simple aversion, or a stream with some plan.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry to hear that. And even a righteous hero or something I don't know, you're out. Speaking of which, Mr. Yukioka also told me that he often made his experimental mouse a hero of justice."

(Do you bump that all of a sudden here?

Aoshima, who had been listening beside me, burned. It was too straightforward and the other way around.

"Yeah. Because I love specials stuff. My hobby is to make real justice allies and stuff. Because I have the power to do it, and I have people who want it and want it to be my experimental bench."

Junko sits back in the chair where Masami sat until earlier and answers without precipitation.

"Ho ho. So, what are the heroes that are rampant now? Do you have any idea?

"Hmm, it's not refreshing."

Junko answers lightly without breaking his smile.

"Is that so? Are you saying that there are other people besides you who make such things, and that somehow they turn to our enemies?" The more I get, the more I get. "

Laughing this one too, Yi in a white tone.

"He's the only righteous hero on the boulder. He's not strong. I was in no trouble at all in our company. Of course, the quality is the same regardless of the number. It may be a glamorous story, but this is how Mr. Yukioka comes, and no, with the help of Murder Doll and the famous Makoto Aizawa, could you lend me a hand?

"I think Masami would be fine if she were here. Besides, True seems uncomfortable with you guys, so I don't think I can help you. I'm not gonna force you either."

"Ho ho! Did you do something we didn't like? All, naturally, I don't know, but hey. By the way, what could I do for you?

"I'm finally back to the beginning. I wonder if I'm in a hurry about letting you guys get away and the blind spiritualist get away with it. Come on. Blah, blah, blah. I, I want to avoid organizing with a less usable organization. Just signing a contract with me is a status, and the organization and individuals are seen as a sign of excellence. So, when it comes to organizing with incompetent organizations - well, I'm okay with that, but I don't think it's bad for the other people I'm contracting with. I can't wait to be put in line with that. It's going to be unpleasant. Come on."

Until then, I had enjoyed the relaxation and melting, but I completely lose my words to the intense poison unleashed by Junko.

"No, it's nothing. I'm not unpleasant. I don't think it's a good idea to force a bad kid to do something like that. But hey, it's unacceptable for my only taste and convenience - this. You'll understand, won't you?

"No, I get it. It's a really painful story. But! I'd like some time now."

After turning over the overaction and watching Yi spread his confident grin to the full face, Junko turned off his grin for a moment.

Junko also spotted that there was no void in Yi's words. Yi said that there was something trump card backed by that confidence.

"I'm not going to set a time limit. If there's a plan, can I rest assured?

"Yeah, don't worry. And hope."

"Is it impeccable to ask what kind of measures?

"You have a great saying to trick your enemies, first from your side, don't you? And I thought it might be one of Xing's things to not know as one of your pleasures."

"You can look forward to that, huh? I don't know why I'd give it to you if I missed my expectations."

Say it all you want, Junko gets up.

"Then you'll be spoiled for cancellation."

"Hmm, that's all you're gonna do? As a collaborator in my research, I need you to do enough to be an experimental bench."

"... Still fine!

He hesitated for a moment and responded with a smile and a powerful voice.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it. I'm not trying."

Even after Junko left, Yi left his sales smile strained. I'm just squeezing my fists tight.

(I'll take that super big bastard in my hand. I'm going to be an unbeatable man no matter what kind of monster I'm dealing with. to be such a man, like being treated like a monster myself)

The fighting spirit was burning in Yi. Contact and contract with Junko Yukioka, one of the legends who lives in the back streets, is only a stepping stone to becoming a big man no less than he is. All possible hands are exhausted for this purpose.

"We don't tear each other out inside."

Being heard by Qingdao calms Yi's mood.

"I'm not even eating up on this trick. But we might be able to cut from somewhere else."

Even though Junko couldn't, Yi viewed Junko's surroundings as different. It's the least dangerous thing to hit, and the easiest thing to cut off is...

"Well, put that aside, Blind Spiritualist - Lucky Du Feng, undoubtedly, is lurking within the conjuncture. If they use the technique of subspacing the interior of the junction, the eighteenth of the sorcerers, they're going to give up thinking that they can't be reached by pampers without superordinary powers, right? Normally."

An invincible grin.

"But with knowledge, even if they have the ability to wonder, if we don't have such a great deal of power, it's quite possible to deal with it, isn't it? Well, that's pretty much it."

"The question is, will Miss Yukioka notice that? Or Ms. Yukioka would do the same thing first."

"You don't have that, do you? First of all, in order not to move each other flashly, Yukioka and I are staring at each other in the hotel like this. I'm moving my men."

"I see. Then you don't have to consider the possibility of the latter."

Qingdao nods with a convincing face.

"So, Natsuko Takajo. Nor does she have the hand to leave it like this. Don't you think?

To Yi's words, Aoshima conceived a little between them before

"She can't stay or not right now. Isn't that how you feel strongly that you might be able to do something to help yourself too"

"Yeah, I'm in his shoes, too. Think about it, I think so. That's why there's going to be gaps in it."

Natsuko is the perfect choice if you're going to cut it off from the people around Junko. It may also be possible to obtain elements from which to gain an advantage over the pure child as well.

"You can be flexible. You can put it on Petten. Or the very existence of Natsuko Takagi could be a trap set by Yukioka. It's also interesting to check that out."

"Shall I call you soon?

"He said he was fast."

Yi unwittingly laughs at Aoshima's suggestion.

"No, there's a great word for it, though, isn't there?

"I was puked. Ma, I'm pretty sure the hand I actually came up with should hit cancer early, and I'll do everything I can. I'd rather do it and fail than fail."

It was generally just an out-of-the-box nori, and a lot of thought-provoking yi that couldn't be called an operation or a measure, but Aoshima likes that part of yi the other way around.

"Then I'll go"

Thankfully Aoshima also left the observation deck, and the remaining Yi muttered with a pleasant view of Tokyo Dickland at night from the observation deck.

"A little more, huh? I can't wait to see Junko Yukioka's amazing face."