A middle-aged mountain ambush visited a luxury kiosk. The new American clerk at the kiosk rarely looked at him, but the other clerks didn't. Whatever Yamafu's outfit is, because he has seen the man visit this shop many times and meet with the great men of the Shogun.

Yamafu is passed into the room and waits for the person to meet him.

After a while, when the clerk hears the sound of walking down the hallway, Yamafu opens the obstacle and calls the clerk.

"I'm sorry. Can you just hold this and Tsumamu for yourself first? I'm hungry, I'm cold, I can't help it."

Mountain ambush to show off a smile and order by doing a trick to drink a lot of alcohol.

The food and liquor were brought into the room, and some more time later, the meeting person visited the room.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

And it came to pass before the mountain ambush, that he was of a public house dressed in court garments.

"I apologize to you, Lord Tsumikado, for bothering to do your part."

Yamafu, who has already had a cup without waiting for his opponent, laughs at Kanrakara.

"Don't be sarcastic. How long have I been the star charcoal bearer behind history?"

As the head of the Yin Yang Master Tuo Mien family, the Duke, Tuo Mien Tae Chong "Tsumika Yasushi", without breaking his sneery expression, describes a social dictionary, facing a man in a mountain ambush and lowering his back in an elegant motion.

"But why are the trainees standing up?

I was not dressed as a mountain ambush before, so I'm surprised Tae Chong.

"Not by chance. I was taken care of by the goers during the monster's exorcism in the west. So I had dinner, and then I got a change of clothes that got old. I'm a vagrant, but I'm late."

A man dressed in a mountain ambush said with a flamboyant smile.

This man, who grew up in the mountain ambush, called his name the star charcoal Dark Sai "Hozumi Asai". He is the current heir to Star Charcoal Stream Witchcraft, a witchcraft genre that has served as the landlord of Evil Spirit Exorcism Monster Exorcism since the world of peace. Tae Chong and I have been friends for a long time and are good collaborators.

Unlike the Yin and Yang masters, who also intervene deeply in politics, the sorcerers and sorcerers, which can be seen in the eyes of ordinary people, never appear on the tabular stage of history.

But it is they magicians who have truly powerful powers and actually face the troubles of the paranormal realm, so Tae Chong deals with Kurosai with the utmost respect.

"It's terrible all over the country. The region is full of starving and dying people, plagues are endemic, resentment is swirling, and the wild demon Yagami's journey is only increasing day by day. I don't care if any of you plan to cause more disaster in this country."

Dark Sai says with a grin on his mouth, but Tae Chong didn't miss having a sad light in his eyes. Though he is a man of thick affection, he therefore perceives that his mourning for the turmoil of the world yesterday will also be double.

"Yep. And then the Tsukuba slaughter is rampant. Especially the one called Ghost Tsuji, who, after killing more than ten people a night, is also a user of witchcraft. I'm talking about even the sorcerer's assassins paying back. It looks like the Grass Dew Mage went on a crusade last night, but what happened to him?"

It was Tae Chong who spoke the name of Haunted Tsuji to the extent of public discourse, but I didn't think that the person was indirectly involved in the case held by Tae Chong and Kurosai.

"I can't even keep it in the wind of a sorcerer. Do - the redhead who is about to wreak havoc on this country. Do you know where he is?

"It's like..."

Tae Chong answers the Dark Sai question with a difficult face.

"According to the Jesuit" Jesus ", he joined hands with a powerful sorcerer in this country. I was on a journey, and I saw it in all sorts of ways, but I couldn't hear a word of it."

Says Kurosai.

Hakusai and Tae Chong had more problems than ever. It was requested by the Jesuits. An exotic wicked sorcerer who broke into this country is trying to do something wrong.

The Jesuit men told me that if I let them go, they would surely bring great harm to this country as well, looking for him, stopping him from plotting and doing evil, and even detaining him and turning him over.

"No matter how much you divulge, you won't find out. There may be obstructions due to surgery, but honestly, there are doubts as to whether there really is such a person."

Tae Chong was half-hearted by its existence, but the Jesuit missionaries are complaining in a desperate manner and don't even think it's a lie or a lie.

They're just saying how dangerous that person the Jesuit hostile is, that it's dangerous to Dae-jeong. It's not perfect, but if the story is true, we can't leave it alone.

"I can't solve the information that I heard sooner than we heard that I had joined hands with the magicians of this country. Thank you. The Jesuit missionaries are conveniently trying to keep our secrets from us."

Tae-hee exposes his discomfort.

and there, a piece of paper cut into the mannequin flies in and stops beside Tae Heavy's face. Tae Chong heard something from the paper and changed his complexion.

"I already know who Ghost Tsuji and I are. He said that Shizuno is tired."

Hearing Tae Heavy's words, Kurosai stopped the chopstick movement that tried to pinch the dish.

He is a powerful sorcerer, more present than he was before Dark Sai was born. Familiar not only with witchcraft, but also with the kind of spells. No one on this side of the world knows its name. I heard that he had disappeared neglectfully one day, even though he traveled all over Japan and worked numerous evil deeds.

"No way... a good witch like Shizuno has been corrupted by Tsukuba. No, I was a worse sorcerer than I was."

Dark Sai puts chopsticks on the dish on the meal, saying it in a shaky tone.

"He said it was the candidate lead of Grass Dew's succession who made this report. I don't even think of it as deceptive. Maybe Shizuno is also the magician who joined hands with the redhead."

The Yin Yang Master's words spoken in half of a joke, but Kurosai didn't listen to it as a joke. Because from the portrait of Shizuno Rei, who listens to the story, the possibility is not that it is completely unthinkable.

"Anyway, is there a souvenir story for the journey? Kurosai Temple"

"Oh, there's plenty of it."

Tae Chong urged me, and Kurosai broke his face.