Due to the inhuman appearance but the difficulty of walking in public during the day, Tired is hiding his hair and eyes with a headscarf when he goes to town besides going to Tsukuba. I was duly deluded when I was called off suspiciously for concentricity, but when I was asked persistently, it was troublesome, so I killed him several times.

The tiresome purpose of going to town was to meet a disciple who had once broken the gate. I can't find authenticity in the story of Kurosai alone, and I'm somewhat interested in the sincerity with which the right guard works to destroy the country. It didn't seem like such a big guy to do it.

Tired wasn't very fond of the right guard work, but he wanted to master the painting, but only for, he taught witchcraft as an exchange condition. But his ideas were totally incompatible with tiredness, and at the end of the day, after the argument, he handed over the bankruptcy from the tired, and that was clear.

After a dignified visit to Tsuyoshi Matsuhei's mansion from the front, Tie tells his name and tells the gatekeeper that he wants me to meet the right guard piece. The gatekeeper who went inside came back after a while, and Tired was put through the mansion.

As he walks in the mansion guided by a small fortune teller, he feels a disastrous demon drifting from the end of the road. There are also mixed signs of nostalgic right guard works, but several different demons are condensed. It could be inferred that it belonged to the demons manufactured by the right guard, but it is not an unusual shabbat, such as keeping a large number of such demons in the mansion where they reside.

Unexpectedly tired frowned when he saw the old man who was in the room he was put through.

(Old...... that's something)

It was already a middle-aged area when I was taught and taught, but I saw its appearance of increased wrinkles, loss of hair, and darkened skin, and was captured by emotions that mixed discouragement and pity. But the right-hand man perceived such a tired reaction, and on the contrary looked as if he was smiling.

Unlike tiredness, the right guard works not immortality. Even in an attempt to give him that technique, the right guard rejected and yet denied it. That became the decisive reason for the division between tiredness and fatigue.

And Tired saw the right guard piece, and he noticed two things.

One is the origin of a different demon from the right-guard work. Apparently it builds a vast subspace in another dimension of the indoors and accumulates a great deal of resentment there. The demon will also be making them refrain there.

The other baffled me strongly about my tiredness. Remainder incense of the soul of a very slight, but unmistakable, definite, well-known person, perceived from the right-guard work.

(... why does this person have any remnants of your head?

It was the leftover incense of the soul of a thoughtful man who was tired and could never see him again. Not surprisingly, in years, he has been reincarnated after his immersion. I wonder if your next-day figure and the right-hand man are in contact somewhere.

If so, it is where I want to find out and see you at all costs, but it may be to the extent that I happen to have met someone on the brink of your head, or I may have obtained the artifacts and implements in your possession. That much, the remnants of the soul you can feel are weak.

"It's been a long time. Be my foolish master, my excellent disciple."

It was the right guard who opened his mouth first. Nervous and tangled gaze pours down. The gaze was directed at the mouth, hands and even feet slightly exposed from the kimono.

"I'm old...... right. Be my great master and disciple of my wonder..."

Tired of soliciting discomfort in the right-guard work that sees itself with a favorable eye. Tired around here is one of the reasons I hated the right guard piece. Obviously I see tiredness with that kind of consciousness, and I don't even try to hide it. And even crawl an overly inferior gaze as if it's funny to see how tired you are feeling uncomfortable. I also hated those personalities again.

Still tired was what I got from this person was huge. And it came to pass after he had made his gain, that he broke the gate, and let him depart from beneath himself.

"I never thought I'd see you again... but I heard you were planning something better than the star charcoal guy... well done"

"Ho ho ho, why don't you look at the painting of the eagle rather than the story? Few people can brag about painting because of painting. I've always wanted you to see it."

The right guard opens the poem and takes out many of the paintings that had fallen inside, making them look tired.

At first glance, I understood the meaning of the words of the Right Guard that there was no one to be proud of. They were all depictions of the turmoil in Shimahara. It's also just a vivid depiction of the Army being killed by the Shogun Army. All of the paintings also depict the black demons together.

"Brilliant...... Excellent......"

Tired speaks frankly of praise. I was obsessed with those paintings. Seeing how tired he is, the right-guard piece wrinkles his face further and makes him smile with heartfelt joy.

"I would have liked to have brought your lord's painting and shown it to you."

Right guard piece to say sorry. Tired actually thought about it, but it was also embarrassing to be known to draw all the nakedness of Ayane. Regardless of the painting of the other woman, there was resistance to being known as her real daughter's nakedness.

"You will have already noticed that the spirit of resentment gathered by the eagle in the original castle is being used to bring disaster to the world"

Cut the point out from the right-guard writer, tired of crushing and admiring the paintings one by one.

"I have some conversation from the Star Charcoal Dark Sai Temple... I am here... I was a little surprised to learn that the distractions of the recent world were your work."

"That it was worth a try, even if I could just surprise my teacher. Ho, ho."

"Because I didn't think you were the one who did the big thing..."

A little ironically tired. In fact, Tired viewed the right guard piece as a small object admiring the power of alien powers, and did not consider it to be some kind of ambitious figure.

"Ho, ho, come on, listen to me quickly. I wonder why you're doing something big that doesn't fit your height."

Seeing through such a tired mind, the right guard works.

"Do you have any purpose...?

I'll sigh like a coward and ask you whatever questions you want.

"Not to make a name for history."

The smile on the right guard piece changed. A smile and a loving grin turn into an obviously evil distorted grin.

"It's also a feat nobody accomplishes. In the future, in this country, people thought it was impossible, and I wanted to be as admired and told as Deus. No, I'm embarrassed to have ambitions that are not worthy of age."

"Bringing destruction, trying to earn notoriety, etc..."

I'm tired of listening to you and getting more and more frightened. I'm disillusioned that I've been so stupid.

"You don't know. For the LORD, who hath lazily devoured the hour, sees and hearts in things that are contrary to the reason of the world, such as eternal life.

The laughter of the right guard turned to mockery this time. Two things and anger creep up in my tiredness.

"It's good because people have propositions about what they can do and how they can shine in a limited amount of time. The Lord has acquired such things as immortality to keep his life in prison. Your Lord has turned down the possibility of the glow of life. I'm sure you haven't noticed that."

"Therefore… are you breaking the country, as you do not shine in its limited life?

Now it was my turn to mock tiredness.

"Master Left. Can you deny it to the Lord? With a life of perpetual robbery, it will be easy to make a fortune, but in a limited number of lives it will be difficult. That it's worth the challenge. I don't know how much I said, but I don't know who you are."

"If there's an ugly, old, life-ending technique to avoid… it's only natural to use it"

"Oh, I'm sure I'm not your grandfather anymore. So, what's up? You're much older than me, and it's funny how you're a child to maintain. That's what the Lord wants. No matter what happens to people, their minds and bodies will eventually grow up. Getting old. No matter how much I refuse. No matter how much the Lord refuses, the mind is not already that of the child. But the Lord's heart is not old. Beyond things such as old age and youth, it is a monster and a monster that is incomprehensible. Whatever the beauty of the appearance, the contents."

You're obsessed with the look of that nasty monster - tired that I couldn't give back. Such as mouthing it from your own side, that's what makes it worse.

Tired is not the only reason he maintains this figure is because he says he likes it. Because your head liked it. If we had met the rebirth of your head over the years, I'm sure you'd like this look. And I thought you'd love me like you did in your previous life.

"The Right Guard... I told you the art of making demons, about exotic witches... I'd like to ask"

I remember your head, and tiredness sometimes occurred to me. Remainder of the soul of the head that remains slightly in the right guard work. I want to find out who it is. The suspicious one is with the witch who came into contact with the right guard.

"I met that girl after the turmoil in Shimahara. After obtaining a large number of grudges, I initially intended to make effective use of it in Shizuno's technique, but there are limits to what I can do alone. I was craving a magician to talk to me, and I happen to know that girl. It was an easy way to create demons with strong spiritual power and the ability to perform the art, but it was difficult to deal with the first one. It reconciled and sublimated the techniques taught by Shizuno. If you're interested, I'll let you know?

"It's not the surgery that interests me... it's the witch... I taught you that technique, and what are you... planning?

"I also asked you. He talked about measuring the talent of an exotic magician, but it felt like he was being teased."

I couldn't feel any signs that the right guard was tired and lying or making fun of me. It's also hard to imagine why you hide the person's purpose in the first place.

"And what will you do?

The right guard asks.

"My pitiful and foolish master. Is there any reason why your lord is stopping you from playing with me?

Certainly not. But I get caught. I don't like it, even if I subtract Ayane. I welcome it if others do, but I don't like it because it's a right guard piece that denies my thoughts and makes small fools of me.

"I will do what the Lord wants instead. Bringing this country closer to hell. No, let's make it hell itself. The world of Tahei and other fantasies can come to an end. Try the Lord, but it's a pleasure?

Right guard piece that tells you to tease.

"If so... why did you call me by name?

Half-eyed stare at the right guard piece, tired asks.

"Is that the word you told the star charcoal? I didn't mean to call... That's provocation, or what I said on the go. In fact, you can stop me because it must be about your lord. Ho, ho."

Tired wonders if it will be fulfilled. I wondered if it was something that purposefully speaks people's names on the go. I can think of enough prospects to call myself in. Because the old man in front of you has a definite obsession with himself.

Plus, you know I can't possibly take on Kurosai's request. There's a contradiction there, and the right guard works are aware of it. But in all seriousness, the right guard may have said that because he wants to fight tiredness.

(If you try this person... no matter how great it is to satisfy its ambitions, my presence... should remain untrained...)

I also wonder if you're trying to provoke yourself around and lure me out. I also thought that if I wanted to satisfy my greed, I could come directly to myself, but not trying to do so might be the least benevolence of the right-guard work.

"You're right...... right. But......"

Tired rises.

"In your mouth... it sounds like you want me to interrupt... Whether it involves you or not… I'll decide after thinking about it rather than coming to an immediate conclusion here"

Tired of going home without giving a clear answer.

I dropped it off and laughed sarcastically, sniffing my nose and this is how the right guard shrugged.

"Are you lost without a pattern? Um... the incarnation of a demon wearing a man's skin?