When Umezu uttered the name of the man known as the worst taboo, the person was walking leisurely, not even two kilometers away from that Umezu - in an excellent downtown area of Amusement City.

Cameras from all over the city show up, and in time they will report it, I think Yukie Shindo, the girl who acts with Lu Taniguchi. That outfit hasn't changed since I left Japan, and because I wear only a large blouse that doesn't fit the size, it also looks like I only wear a blouse to look at it. I've been dressed the same way ever since I got to be with him.

Yukie has only recently turned thirteen. It was not until about two and a half years ago that we began to act together with the land. In the meantime, Yukie hasn't done anything to hurt anyone, but I've used the money and things that Lu stole, so I have a sense that I'm in charge of a single stick of crime. But there was no guilt whatsoever.

"hunger value 20, libido value 16, sleep value 12, boredom value 74, yeah, I guess it's time for some stimulation"

Land stops inadvertently and groans, looking around. But their eyes remain closed, but they are as if they were visible.

Yukie guessed that she would do something again. When land denotes its state in numbers, it is its foretaste.

Taniguchi Lu doesn't see this world as a reality. I recognize that all the sights in front of me are the world in the game.

Lu has lived with murder, robbery and rape while fluttering all over Japan. thereby filling the numbers in me. Or lower it. Lu himself is the player of the game, and almost every human being in this world can kill without any hesitation, as he assumes he is just a programmed NPC. Even if I work a crime and a cop chases me, I just think of it as that kind of gaming system.

Contrary to Yukie's expectations, Lu walked away without doing anything in particular, then left the downtown area and entered the residential area.

"Excretion value 90"

To the words Lu shrugged after stopping his legs, Yukie could only now predict the next course of action for Lu.

If you accidentally change direction of travel, the land enters the dwelling right next to you. With a hand as if you were seeing everything, open the lock of a small gate with a simple lock and put your hand on the knob of the door. But the eyelids of his eyes have not risen slightly. Actually, I don't even look at it lightly.

When we make sure the door is locked, the land grabs a grand picking tool during the day and unlocks it. In the case of authentication ceremonies by cards, fingerprints, eyes, etc., take out the gun, shoot it out and open it forcefully. Land also knows if there are keyholes. Even if you don't see it.

The key was quickly unlocked and the land went up into the house. Yukie also follows silently. This is the usual thing too.

"Toilet toilet, and. Is it here?

In one of the two doors, even though it was politely written WC, Lu ignored you and opened the opposite door.

"Hey, what is it! You are!"

Inside, in the living room, there was one old man. Ascending to the unauthorized intruder, he raises a cry mixed with anger and fright.

"The general pi-pull potato appeared. Attack, Backhand Blow, Head"

Growling, Lu beckons the old man with an unrelenting back fist. The old man's neck bends in a light, unawares direction, and his body collapses.

"I snuck up on a general pi-pull toy. I got EXP 6."

Land overlooking the wreckage of the old man and telling him pale.

"This is like a bathroom."

Yukie speaks up and points to the door that says WC. Naturally, Yukie saw it with her eyes and found out.

"Excretion value 0. So why don't we explore this house?"

Land out of the bathroom squeaks.

Without hitting the wall, the staircase rises without a scratch.

Land is blind, but for some reason the shape and even movement of objects in the surrounding space can be seen accurately. On the contrary, I can even see in the form of objects in the rear. I also know that the object moves in the rear. Even if you get hit from behind or shot with a gun, you can watch everything on land.

Even the speed of the bullet makes me see it on land. It sharpens the senses by taking an outlet and has a different dimension than reading a bullet's orbit with a muzzle and killer. It catches up with the speed of the bullet itself, captures its movements completely, and processes them with the brain.

Even if you are blind, you can master the surrounding space more than normal humans. Three-dimensional space can be recognized from all perspectives and from all sides. With the speed of its intelligence processing capability, it was possible to preface enemy actions during combat. Within a radius of ten meters, you can recognize everything where and what is, and reproduce it in your brain.

However, when the distance increases, the number of recognizable subjects becomes smaller and blurred to the point where it grows. Compared to a normal human being, the more difficult it is to discern, the more distant one. I do not see anything more than fifty meters away. I don't know. I need Yukie's assistant to recognize something far away.

Nor do we know what is in a room completely isolated by walls or even what is in a box closed with a lid. Besides, it was also impossible to identify the light. Therefore, it is not possible to identify colors, and it is not possible to see two-dimensional items such as images, videos, characters, etc. Plain objects are also extremely difficult to discern. The only thing that can be discerned by land is the form and movement of three-dimensional matter.

Yukie also knew that land could not recognize light and two dimensions, so she was trying to assist that part as well.

And because, in a certain sense, objects can be seen more than ordinary people, there was no such thing as the development of smell and hearing common to blind people on land.

When I opened one of the upstairs doors, some skinny young men about the same age as Lu were headed for the computer.

"Jizzy, without knocking again...... whoops!

A familiar reaction to the earliest land and Yukie. The same pattern of illegally invaded humans inside the house.

"Everyone reacts the same way except Yukie. Too much use around. Seriously, clueless shit gay. The general pi-plucco gali appeared. Attack, turn kick, neck"

Sitting in a chair and looking back at only half his body, towards a young man who was surprised, Lu let go of the spinning kick towards his neck as declared. Like the old man earlier, with his neck bent in a strange direction, the youth rolled off the chair.

"Wow, this guy was horny"

Yukie lurked her eyebrows when she saw the display reflected in the universe.

"I don't know. Come on, I can't see my light and color. Bug, can you do something about it?"

Lu himself interprets it as a bug in the game against the fact that he can't see any letters or images, or the fact that he can't recognize color and light.

"So I guess I'll stay here today."

"No way. Let's go to another house. You killed him upstairs, but you killed him upstairs. Kill me one way or another. When I'm upstairs, I always tell you to take me upstairs and kill me. It stinks. Carrying corpses is a hassle."

Yukie objected to the land proposal. Yukie has no idea about the murder of Lu. Murder on land is part of everyday life if you try Yukie. But he thinks killing people without darkness is a hassle to make it difficult to move. Yukie doesn't kill people like land, and he understands that his actions are evil.

"I forgot. You sure don't like the smell. Let's move."

When told in a pale tone, Lu leaves the room. Yukie follows suit.

"I know I shouldn't be too violent until the main quest is over. You're gonna kill me with it, aren't you?" The boredom value will be higher. "

"I don't think human emotion is a simple number, and you just have to put up with it, okay?

Everything is a fiction for land. Everything that can happen is also interpreted as an event in the game. But Yukie doesn't really go along with that Nori.

"When you're playing this game, sometimes you don't know. The boundaries between the player's mind and the numbers of the programmed characters. I think boredom is definitely a number."

Land that doesn't seem to matter. Yukie, who heard that, is also a no-reaction person who doesn't really care.

"At first, I didn't even realize this was the world of games. I found out when I couldn't see the color or the light. Oh, this is the world of games, and this is what happened to bugs - right? It's ironic that you noticed it because of the bug."

The land family was a rough environment with constant conjugal fights and depressed parents waging violence against their children. After seeing repeated domestic violence every night, the land gradually went crazy. I began to escape reality and talk to the inhabitants of my fantasy. I began to glance at the game all the time.

One day he caught his head in the violence of his father, when he was blind, but at the same time, because of the stimulus to his head, a strange force awakened that visually grasped the surrounding space and processed it in his brain.

The world is a game, and it has been since then that I have come to believe that I am that player. Since then, I have been able to kill people without any blame of conscience.

I killed my parents first. I had no guilt at all. I was rather surrounded by refreshment. At a time when I don't doubt the NPC of a soulless program, where I killed how many people, there couldn't have been guilt or anything like that.

Lu interpreted it as a growth element of the game and built himself up. He committed murder and deliberately called in the cops for a shootout. He was also involved in the back streets, killing the residents of the back streets around.

As one of the taboos, he became powerful enough to be feared as one of the living legends in the back street, partly because he broke from the game and worked out by creating his own training ground, but also because of the presence of the spatial recognition abilities that awakened him when he lost his sight. Exercise of surrounding substances is handled clearly in the brain. I can handle any fast movement. Also, for the most part, human movements can predict the next course of action.

"If we do the main quest, both Yukie and I can go back to reality, and I'll complain to the producer then. It's good to keep it inside the game. Let's also meditate on the shitty, gay parts of a lot of usage, or the balance is awesome - crazy. But I can't wait to leave the bug. You know, it keeps bugging the game going."

"Mika's live tomorrow, I want to go"

In response to the word quest, Yukie thought that Lu was about to do it. I was about to make a quest to kill Mika Tsukinawa.

In the form of land assumptions, someone calls it the main quest of the game or just a subquest, and gives directives to land.

Lu believes it lightly and often moves according to the person's directives, but not entirely. I totally reject the directive that I do not like. Yukie has never met in person. I'm just listening to you on the phone. Since Lu has said that he will meet soon, Yukie will also meet the person for the first time at that time.

From Yukie's point of view, the person only seemed to be a petitioner who conveniently used land, but didn't say anything about land. Anyway, where I warned you about something, you can't break your assumptions about land. Plus, I'm not particularly worried about land. He was Yukie, an adjunct and partner who saw and taught instead what Lu could not see, but also a bystander.

"Then enjoy the concert and we'll kill you when it's over"

For once, although Lu said so with the intention of caring for Yukie, Yukie did not react to anything.

"I guess I'll tell her too. Main Quest Tomorrow,"

Land making phone calls. If he hadn't bothered to make this report at this time, he could have done it without screwing up this quest.