Continuing yesterday, Truth went straight home after school.

There's been a lot of bad incidents here all day. Besides, I have to feel really depressed just because I'm involved with the victims of the incident.

(I wonder if they'll catch the killer soon)

That would free me from this dark, stifling mood, and I wonder if Reiko would float.

I want to kill you.

Aware of the gun in the bag, I think so too. It was a moment in my head, but I see a vigeon with six winged butterflies dancing.

(No, no... what are you thinking, I am)

A little on my own mind. I was wondering why you thought of that abruptly. Memories of the butterfly footage had disappeared shortly after.

At that time before his home, a butterfly danced again in his head, and shortly afterwards his memory disappeared.

(I wonder what. I have a very bad feeling)

I unlocked the lock and went inside, and the hunch was false. We just ran into two intruders at the front door.

"You're home pretty soon. Are you serious?

"If you're serious, why don't you go to school?

Blonde, glassy, shaved, patterned shirt, pierced, with unpleasant eyes. A pair of appearances, such as a low-level chimpy with a seemingly bad appearance of a gala, are tapping lightly in front of the truth.

The truth is, I was wondering how to react and what words to utter. Any moonlight dialogue comes to mind.

But what's the point of asking? There's no point in anybody doing anything. If it's something you tell me, they'll tell me, and if you're not willing to, they won't tell me. At least if it's just for a purpose, you'll find out soon enough.

"What is this guy? Keep your mouth shut and stand still, all right?

A shaved chimp with a piercing on his mouth and nose surprises me.

"You're going to have a lot of nerve at the end of your face. You don't have to freak out. I heard it was pretty bad."

A red Glasan chimp spits smoke on his blonde hair and spills an invincible grin.

"Keep it up to date. Because you're not going to kill me. But if you don't, you're gonna get hurt."

Blonde Glasan says in a gentle tone, taking out the handcuffs, making a charming noise and gently shaking them to look. Its gentle tone and behavior scared me the other way around. Is it more compelling than being badly awesome?

Intuitively I understood the truth. It's not just a chimp in front of you. He said he must be a resident of the back street. It's unclear what the purpose is, but it's absolutely unsavory to be caught by adults like this.

(It's strange to say that you're not going to kill me even if you threaten to stop me from moving. Aren't you going to kill someone else?

And it doesn't make me feel like I'm really close to you. Otherwise, there would be no such dialogue when detaining yourself. Someone has something to do with it. You can look at it as a tease.

"Do you kill anyone but me?

"Well, I guess it will..."

The voice of the man in red sunglasses sinks. I saw her complexion for a moment but it did get dark. I can read air like I obviously don't feel comfortable. But the words were vague, but surely the will was also read.

Six wings danced crazy in my head.

I don't really understand what that vision means. Because every time you show up, every memory disappears. I still have about the remainder of my memory, so if there's a trigger, I might recall it, but it's gone anyway.

And whenever it appears and disappears, it has an unnatural effect on the true spirit.

(I need to kill these guys...)

When I was aware of the guns in my bag and at the same time sprouted with intent to kill...

'You're not, are you? Bye.'

A samurai with a bloody sword in one hand lowered sloppily, long hair tied at the top of his head and dirty armor in blood mud looks to the truth with a tremendous grin and flashes a knife on a horizontal sword.

Shortly afterwards, a butterfly with six wings, flickering in front of the samurai, was shattered and scattered, wondering if it had been nicely slashed into two pieces.

'Your intention to kill should be by yourself. I can't believe I'm being moved by this crap. It's a good place to be filthy.'

It feels as if time has stopped. Mysterious sight unfolded in the back of the brain.

'Come on, kill him. On your own initiative. To protect you and your loved ones. "

When a bloody samurai tells him with an invincible grin, the figure disappears from his true head. At the same time, just as I forgot the existence of a feathered butterfly in my memory, so did the truth about the samurai who appeared in my head.


Truth is, for the first time in my life, I learned to kill. My opponent is trying to threaten my routine and my peace. That's all I need.

"What the fuck?"

Glasan blonde is suspicious to see intense killings emanating from the truth. I don't think he's a street kid. Killing. This one didn't mean to kill you. But I just showed hostility, and this reaction is weird. It's too unnatural.

(Why are you trying to kill us? You haven't done that yet. I'm planning on doing this.)

Blonde red-grassant kicks her ass in the lead, even as she is wolfy. I get kicked in the abdomen and my true little body bends forward.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Surprised that the other suddenly committed an assault, the shaving piercing of the other chimp raised his voice.

"You're a dull guy. This guy is now..."

He had a tongue against the shaved piercing and was a red glassy blonde who tried to say something, but couldn't go on with the words any further.

As he fell, he took the position of covering himself in his bag and put his hand in the bag so that it could not be seen from his chimp, he grabbed the gun that was inside and pulled the trigger from inside the bag.

The truth was very calm. I learned to kill, and at the same time I was able to calmly calculate how I should move, with my head clear and clear, the amount of killing that even the residents of the back street were allowed to do, albeit lower.

Shot in the center of his abdomen, the blonde looks down at the spot where he was shot with a stunned eye open and kneels on the spot. Sunglasses fall at the same time.

"Lying...... right? This..."

The bloody self looks into the abdomen, understands the inescapable feeling of death, and tears spill from the edge of the eye.

"Oh, shit."

The shaved piercing raises its voice. I could really see that you were obviously cowering. I guess he didn't put the opponent's counterattack or anything in his calculations at all.

Truth was, as he quickly rolled his body over while falling, he pulled his gun out of his bag at the same time as he rotated, pointing the gun at the nostril piercing shaving man.

The shaved piercing chimps, who were not also taking an outlet and were completely frustrated with their feet and rigid with fear, fell peeking after being shot under their throats without being able to react at all.

In a situation where two men were falling to the front door with fatal injuries, the truth was trembling with intense excitement as they were engulfed in silence.

Even though I committed an act called murder, I know neither guilt nor fear. On the contrary, I am excited to learn joy.

I put an end to the other person's life. Those possibilities were forever extinguished, even though if they would have felt many things if they had lived, they would have intertwined as gears of the world and had some influence.

Strongly aware that I worked an act called murder, the truth trembled extra. I'm trembling. I am trembling, but I can clearly see that this tremor is not coming from fear.

Expensive, exhilarating, joyful, satisfying, yes... I can clearly see that's pleasure. It feels like I've never tasted this before in my life. It even holds a sexual impulse and even has an erection.

Fear came after a while. Not for committing murder. I am trembling with joy at the denial of my opponent's life, a fear of my anomaly.

(Why are you acting like this? Are you out of your mind, I am)

I remembered the bottomless decadence over the fact that I was erecting, but I still don't stop libido.


To a word leaked from the mouth of a blonde chimp, the truth returns to me.

Blonde Glasan, lying on her back and falling, is weeping and leaking a whimper. It was well understood that despair, fear, and remorse for his death were swirling in him as he reached the end of his life at a young age.

(What... this)

After a while the excitement cooled and I recognised the situation I am in now.

(How is this happening? What are you going to do, this)

I think I have dealt with those who clearly cause disaster. But it was true that I didn't know what to do with the rest of it.