Akiko and Zero, who entered the Snow Oka Institute, met Junko and True Two.

Zero does not gaze at truth, and strives not to be conscious. Zero hates true things intensely, and zero knows that true people don't feel comfortable about themselves either.

Akiko had a rare view of Junko, who had red eyes in white. Because it was a costume that I didn't see outside, and the color of my eyes showed very rarely. Junko responds with a smile to Akiko, who casually and purely stares at herself.

"So what kind of power do you want?

"Huh? What do you mean you want power? I heard you said you'd make a wish.

In response to Junko's inquiry, Akiko inquires with a decent face.

"Well, I ended up modifying people who volunteered for the lab, drugging them, trying on power suits, and that's how I wish for them."

"I see. So you get the power to match your wishes."

With Junko's explanation, Akiko understands.

"It's me... there was my mom and dad. I loved it. Especially Dad."

Akiko talks at the lower limit of nagging.

"But, you know, the truth is, Mom and Dad weren't there. I believed I was there, but I wasn't."

The way the words were carried, the way the conversation was conducted, was very strange Akiko, but Junko was silently trying to listen to and understand Akiko.

"What I thought was Mom and Dad wasn't Mom and Dad. I didn't even have a heart. Yet I thought I was a mom and dad on the one hand. I thought I had something that wasn't there originally, and I loved it. But I actually knew it was something that wasn't there. Hey, what am I supposed to do with this? If you can solve it with your strength, solve it."

Akiko's story was an abstract, seemingly understandable substitute, but there was one thing I could be sure of for Junko.

"Hmm, I don't know if I can do it. I can't bring back lost people, and isn't it weird that we make replacements?

"Oh well."

When told that it was impossible, Akiko smiles zero as if she had given up.

"Then another wish would be fine. Be my friend."

Junko becomes a bewildered expression on Akiko, who looks up and smiles and runs like that.

"Fine... then I guess I won't have to experiment..."

This is the first time I've visited here and asked you to be my friend.

"You don't have any friends at all, do you? Not one person has been born since. You can be an experimental bench. That's the price of being friends."

"No, not on the boulder. It's against my rules. Come on."

Junko turns a true gaze as if to ask for help while talking. Truth was faceless and knowledgeable, but I was secretly enjoying this situation where Junko was clearly in trouble.

"Hmm... how do I explain it? You want to be friends, you don't need a price, do you? People who visit here in the first place often come wanting power to make wishes that are not normal, and this is the place to be, so come on."

There are occasional suicide attempts, but it is difficult to talk about it now, so I decide not to talk about it.

"I, I'm alone, I know almost nothing about the outside world, I want to get to know more people, be friends, see a lot of things, go through a lot. Is that what you want most? But I don't know how to do that. For normal people and people, I guess that's what I can do normally, but I've never lived a normal life before, no matter what I think..."

Akiko has become sad as she mentions it. I was also curious to see what kind of eyes the three other people besides myself here might be looking at themselves.

"You know what I normally admire. After all, I couldn't do it."

Unfortunately, the timing of the end of Akiko's story is predicted, and Truth speaks.

"I don't know what that has to do with early hills in the first place, but can't they teach you to early hills?

Akiko, who accompanied us here in the form of a zero introduction, has not been told what the relationship between the two will be like.

"I'm not normal either, so I can't be a professor."

Truly named himself, Zero said in a tone that blatantly revealed discomfort.

"Besides, we have to empower this guy. I already have it."

Encourage with your jaw so that zero signals Akiko. Akiko takes the knife out of the bag.

"My new mom gave it to me. All right. This is what gives me power."

Squeeze the knife with care, Akiko with a slightly happy face.

(What's a new mom? I mean, gossip, little machetes in clothes, it's a long mismatch)

There were doubts and thrusts, but it was true not to speak of.

"I'm not just trying to empower this guy, I'm trying to get him to appraise the demon knife he's got."

The matter of the appraisal was said by Lily. Lily also knew the extent of the anecdote with regard to the demonic knife held by Akiko, but could not identify all the nature of power. Even a lily that is good at manipulating spirits resides so powerful that it is beyond hand.

Whether Akiko and the wavelength fit was also a bet from the lily, but Akiko could have been a brilliant user of the demon knife. The spirit who dwells in the demon knife recognizes Akiko as the possessor and gives him power.

But if we can control the power itself, it is Lily's prospect that we can only draw the power of the demon knife without a relationship that the Spirit doesn't like.

(He's an unrestrained guy, such as Junko, who's an enemy, or Ask Tired for an appraisal for it)

When I heard from Lily, Zero thought so and was frightened.

"An unnamed demon knife. You seem to be better at appraisal than I am. [M] So let's call you Tired."

Ext. Tired is invoked.

"Wow, beautiful girl."

Akiko honestly mouths what she thinks after seeing how tired she looks.

When Akiko handed me the knife, the tired face that had subsided changed and I stared at the knife with a serious look.

"This... like concubine pine, is a demon knife with considerable power at the level of maintaining the sword itself without rust and lacking. Not just the power of the spirits that dwelled, but even before the blacksmith who forged the knife..."

"Is the power of the Spirit something you can control?

Zero asking the main point.

"So by controlling the spirit, you're free to use the demon knife itself... whether you can use it or not? In conclusion, unlimited… near impossible…"

I glanced at zero and then glanced back at the knife again, and Tired answered.

"This spirit was betrayed by her lover in her lifetime... by her daughter, who was sold to a girl..."

Hearing tired words, Akiko remembered the feeling of being eagled at the heart for a moment, and she became dizzy.

"The only thing that will open your mind will be against women...... When you try to force control with surgery… it's not like there's no way, but you risk separating the demon knife from the spirit and letting the grudge spirits go wild"

I can tell exactly what kind of woman to open my heart to, tiredly, but don't put it in my mouth considering the owner, Akiko.

"That's all you need to hear."

I said zero as if I didn't care. At the end of the day, the story is that this knife, with its powerful power, can only be used by Akiko at the moment.

"I don't care where the knife comes from. It's just a knife that will take my side, because it's enough for me. Let's get back to it."

Said Akiko dissatisfied.

"It's ridiculous to be an experimental bench for that wish. I know if you're shy enough to make friends, but that doesn't seem like it."

True to say what you don't hesitate to say towards Akiko.

"Finally, I'm not going to use my friend as an experimental bench. Normally. So, this guy's not normal, so he's a terrible guy to use as an experimental bench to figure out who it would be if the conditions were right, so we shouldn't be friends."

"Hey, hey, True you... it's not in front of him"

True to say it out loud, Junko pokes with a bitter laugh as much as he wants.

"I thought I could trust this kid, but I wonder if it's my mistake?

Akiko looks at Shiitake and Junko in wonder.

"If so, I want you to modify it to make it easier to make friends"

Said Akiko with a little hesitation.

"Me, you want friends, while you're afraid of people. I thought you'd be betrayed again. So I want a friend who can be relieved. I wonder if that's what you want to be able to identify."

"Then I have an interesting modification proposal."

Listen to Akiko's appeal and let her expression shine, Junko.

"Um, actually, another client will be here soon, so I'll modify it for you later."

"Will you modify it in the end...... Are you sure that's all right?

Confirm to Akiko that it is true. If it's true, this flow is unwelcome because Junko wants to stop getting the experimental bench as much as possible.

"Nothing, okay?

Akiko sees the truth strangely.

(That's definitely a lot of slack. This woman)

The conversation itself became troublesome and the truth decided not to interfere any further.

"By the way, Zero, what kind of pattern are you and Akiko in?

Junko asked in his mouth what he really cared about.

You don't have to talk about it.

Zero rejecting few words. Even if they discern a relationship with Lily, now they just have to keep putting it away.