That dream again?

In my dreams, I confront my children. A crying child.

"I wonder if anyone can protect me..."

I, the kid, look up at me and ask.

"To protect me, I trained myself, and I became an experimental bench at the Snow Oka Institute to gain strength. I've always protected you. I will continue to protect you."

I look down on the child and proclaim forcefully.

"Is there a safeguard you can protect?

I, the child, ask in return for me.

"God is mean, isn't he? You know that, don't you? No matter how much you scratch, you take it. On the contrary, to see and enjoy scratching your feet, take away"

"Oh, that's the kind of guy God is"

Me throwing up abominably.

"But I can't leave you doing nothing. Wouldn't you? Scratch even if you know it. Even God may have found something else. No, there seems to be more to what you're looking at. Bad guys have a lot of clumsiness."

That's what I say. I spill a dry grin. The sad look on the child's face remains the same.

"When are you gonna stop crying? How long are you gonna be out in my dreams?

I wake up when a child tries to answer my question.

Me and a few of them were hanging out in the woods of General Euthanasia, talking about other loveless stories all day. I tried not to be sarcastic, but accidentally spoken of in a good proportion.

I thought it was slightly uneven, but as I claim myself, it's pure. It's a weird story, but it's pure, which makes me feel uneven compared to the rest of the world.

The slightest purity lies in the place where even evil is taken at all costs. That is of a very dangerous nature, but slightly aware of it myself. That's why he said it slightly himself. That being pure is not good.

A woman I used to date - that's exactly what Kiyose was like. Pure, but therefore easily stained with any colour, he was deceived by a strange man, and fell to the point of falling. No, the core was moronic after purity. Weak.

But I was talking and I found out, but slightly different. This guy is the opposite. The core is firm. I'm going through the muscles, and I'm trying to get through as much as I can. There are even adults who do not fit their age. Obviously the owner of a strong heart.

You educated me well, old man. This is another ironic story about being raised by backstreet residents and growing up so decent.

Although, my daughter has also become a backstreet resident, so it's not decent in that sense.

night. I thought it would be nice to go back to my home, so I stayed in a cheap business hotel. Same room, of course.

It's called day and a good night, and there's no sign of a raid. Are you too busy donning with Four Leaf Uber to get your hands around this way?

If Mr. Kokanai's baboons made the normal decision to focus exclusively on those who fought, the significance of me leaving the organization and providing a slight escort thus diminishes. There is also a nuance as a way to divide their power into two.

4: 00 am. I woke up from my usual dream and kept the room dark, sitting in my chair drinking my beer.

"Can't you sleep?

A slight call.

"No, it just happened."

"Me too. There's a sign that Liao Er is awake."

"You're blinded. You want to go back to sleep?

"No, my consciousness has become clear, too. Do you want to have a little chat?

Slightly wakes himself up. I was asleep in my clothes in case of an emergency.

"It's strange how you can refuse even though you're a dabbler."

Spill a bitter laugh and turn on the TV in your spare time.

'That's why - isn't everything in the world self-inflicted? No matter how unhappy you say it is, then you have to do your best to get out of that unhappiness. Daikichi, the companion of Thin Happy's Megalodon, ended up taking care of herself and not trying to live positively -'

On a discussion show, a fat, stupid, exposed middle-aged man does or does that with his face. I felt so furious that my whole body of blood was refluxing.

He was in that room. He was blurting out and falling in the alley. Is that all self-inflicted?

When I was in elementary school, the guy who tormented bullying and committed suicide was also self-blaming?

The pain he had raising me, and then he died prematurely of cancer, just cut it at his own risk, throw it away and laugh?

Turn off the TV.

Sometimes words kill people.

Poop and squeal. If I ever actually met a fool on TV, I'd kill him without hesitation. That's all he did. This guy did.

"What's up?

He asks me a little suspiciously if I have no place to kill him.

"Why is the world so unreasonable?"

Reminds me of a slight conversation during the day. Maybe a few of you will remember that. No... this guy's thoughts are pretty uneven, so you don't know.

"It's pathetic, isn't it? It's full of pity, isn't it? Those who have the power to screw over irrationality may do so, but there are many who have no power or luck."

"The powerful guy doesn't know what it's like to be the powerless guy, he's ruthless and cruel. Don't you think it would be a good world to kill them without leaving one of them behind?

"No, I don't think so at all."

I'll be damned if I deny it immediately.

"There's not a handful of people in the world who are truly happy. What makes them happy is that they are just happy to rinse the blood of an unhappy human being. Besides, he laughs in front of his blood-soaked opponent until he says," It's his own fault that I'm unhappy. "What's wrong with killing those guys?

"If you kill those people, you think the same people will show up again, right?

To a few sober words, my anger fades rapidly.

Looks like we're having a rough day conversation.

"When younger hungry ghosts tell you..."

"I think I know why my father likes Liao Er."

Tighten your expression slightly in the middle of the word and stand up.

"I will"

Slightly announce the continuation of the words and look at the window of the room. Dude... he reacted almost at the same time as me. I felt like I was gonna stand on my arm for the first time, but does this guy need an escort?

"I guess it's the guy who pays off bugs. We both woke up at the same time."

No wonder the sixth sense works. I was vigilant all day while chatting, and I slept shallow while I was vigilant when I went to bed. The more vigilant he was, the sharper his senses were. Enough that the enemy just approached the building.

"It could be God's whimsical kindness. Then thank God."

"God is the worst piece of junk ever, so you don't have to thank him for any whims. I won't thank you once, and I won't do it again. I don't even pray."

Me standing by the window and seeing what's going on out there.

This is a better act not to do a half-armed guy. It is also likely that the raiders will detect you and you will be shot and become a Buddha. I'm not such an idiot, so I'll be on my guard and see how it goes. Well, in the first place, you just got shot and hit a bullet, and you're not going to die.

"Four. He could be lurking away."

There were some faces I saw in my sight. There is Ichitomi Tachikawa, an elephant militant executive released.

"I'm not telling you not to fight, but for once, you're under escort, so stay as safe as you can from cover"

Given the slight intensity of my mind, I felt like I would never ask you if you told me to hide without doing anything, so here's what I said...

"If their aim is me, they can't kill me, so I'm also saying that it's more advantageous to have a line together. On the contrary, it would be more effective if I came forward. I can't kill you. I'm the one who's gonna kill you."

Hmmm...... he was the one who wouldn't listen to more than I thought.

I understand the logic that we should let them fight together if they are an object to protect, but if they are to be a force of war. You should also take advantage of the condition that you can't hand it out. He's motivated, too. But...

"If they're too strong for me right now, they'll be effective. No, we'll have to. Please do it then. But I never used such a hand from the beginning. Sometimes, just in case. It's easier for me without you. Hear me out here."

"Okay. Instead, if you decide it's dangerous, at my discretion, let me come forward and fight."

After I put in a no, but the persuasion came through and slightly pulled me back, so I'm relieved.

"Well, let's go"


I pulled out my gun and I left the room first.