Breaking up with Snow Oka, me and a few of them were inside the candoville - in front of the secret entrance to the Snow Oka Institute, checking all the time for anyone trying to get inside.

It's very boring and cumbersome to go inside and show up like a guy or to strain him here long before he comes out, but the best way to fight is to ambush him from here where the freshly remodeled mouse is alarmed.

"I thought, if we stay here all the time, we'll be easier to find, too, right? The enemy could be hiring an informer. Even if they don't, they may be releasing their constituents to search for them."

Less than five minutes have passed, a slight question has been raised about this way of doing things.

"Let's set up a camera. And ask my intelligence organization to check it out. When a person enters the secret entrance that leads to the Snow Oka Laboratory, he is released and asked to find out if he is a member of the Elephant. Honestly, I didn't want to ask for the help of my organization, but when Junko Yukioka comes out, I can't even say that. In the meantime, I don't think we have to stay here."

Before I get my consent, I'm just gonna go set up a small camera.

I'm familiar with it, this guy. Is the boulder an old man's daughter and the boulder part of an intelligence organization?

"I'm talking about the police having a grasp on all the residents on the back street, is that what the intelligence organization has that much grasp on? Where's your intelligence organization?

Ask it out of interest. Regardless of the freelance informant, there is not much information organization in the first place. Quite a limited number. I hear that the information organization and all the members of the organization are small.

"It's 'O My Rape'"

"Ha ha!?

I shouted out loud by accident.

"Are you kidding..."

The best and strongest intelligence organization in the back streets - the best in the world. He is named as one of the world's fixers for having the ability to collect information that surpasses that of intelligence agencies in every country, and for actually following national authorities and opponents many times. If this organization wants to know, there's nothing they don't know.

Although such fees are higher than those of other information organisations, there are several courses available for information fees. The highest value course is the blue ceiling, and we're talking about cheap but n '10 million, and in some cases over 10 billion.

"I'm still a newbie, and my track record is scarce. I don't have that much experience with rough things either, so in the sense of building myself up, I can also interpret this as convenient. Yes, this is a trial. It's a trial."

Slightly in a drunken tone to myself. I seem to have had enough experience with the rough stuff...

But this guy has a good head spin for a long time, he acts and makes decisions fast, he seems to be stepping on the number of battles, and I thought he was competent, but if he's a constituent of O'MyRape, I can snort that too.

"Rumor has it that Omi Rape is not in a very good relationship with Junko Yukioka."

Yet I will give it to you in association with Junko Yukioka, is it okay to even undergo a modified surgery?

"I'm a newbie, so I don't know much about it, but I've never heard of you being so seriously unfriendly as to fight. In the past, there seems to have been some sort of rattling, and we seem to try not to get involved with each other as much as possible."

"I see. What's more strange is that if you're as big as O'Myrape, with the help of the organization, you can easily get rid of the chinky drug tissue like an elephant released. Why don't you use the help of the organization?

"I didn't want to bother the organization, so I didn't say it. Besides, there was, and still is, a willingness to do this kind of thing without helping the organization. The people in our organization aren't free, either. Finally, you can wipe your own ass."

I laugh unintentionally when it's just my old man's daughter and don't hesitate to say nasty expressions.

"On the other hand, there is also the aspect of annoying my father's organization. That's why I asked my father, too, to account for it as a force of war and, conversely, to make it a helpful form for Uber of Four Leaves."

I feel complicated listening to that story. A slight glance at Kokanai's baboon grandfather would have been late, even though the four-leaf uber was released and in conflict with the elephant, and a slight.

Just a few of them have broken down my power to escort me, while also incorporating it as the power of the Ubar of Shiba. Plus, it even added up to the fact that they mess with my body in human experiments.

I don't think we should be boring and seek the full help of the organization to which we belong. From the organizational side, you wouldn't want to lose constituents like that. Or is it because for O'MyRape, I see the slightest as nothing but a newbie to take, and even the slightest is aware of it? From what I can tell, he's a pretty good guy.

After a slight contact with O'Myrape, we both left Candoville. While checking in and out of Candoville on camera, have O'MyRape keep an eye on you, and when a constituent of the elephant is released, go straight to the site and do the math to clean up.

Before entering the building, I wish I could tell if I was a constituent of an elephant. Slightly said he didn't know that far into the boulder for a short period of time. The number of people to check becomes too enormous. Therefore, the scene of entering the Snow Oka Laboratory was suppressed and made a way of discerning from it.

There's nothing in particular to do, so don't stay too far from the building, we'll roll downtown. Sometimes it's still morning, and the public is sparse.

At this time of year, when a slightly obvious minor is wandering around in private clothes, there's a chance that a juvenile cop will soak up, so that's what I'm most concerned about. If you're also a minor on the back street, it's extra dangerous.

"Wow... sounds like a date again. But unlike in the meantime, there's a lot of room for my feelings. I feel fresh. It's like a dream. This is how Liao Er and I admire each other."

Anyway, I have trouble reacting because I speak to you in a slight tone with a sleepy look.

"Didn't you get much sleep?

"No, the anesthesia may be too effective and still remain in a strange way. Or maybe the modification drains your health so severely that you don't get enough rest."

"Then say so first. Let's just say we get some rest on the bench there rather than walking around."

Encourage me to sit down. Now even if some nasty cop from Juvenile Division comes along, you can make an excuse because he doesn't feel well.

"It's an operation success. It was worth the effort I dared to impose to bring out Liao Er's kindness. It's a joke."

A hint of telling me it was a joke before I poked, but I suspect I actually meant it. This guy's thinking patterns are still irrelevant.

"Sit down, too, Liao Er. Next door. Next door."

He asked me to sit on the bench and stand in front of him in a slightly stronger tone.

"He sits away on purpose. I'm sure it's lit. But the girl is more and more fond of such a lighter. The girl releases her hips from gravity for a moment and tries to make a courageous big move. Yikes."

Whimpering about something, the slightest came to a position that leaned perfectly against my side.

"You fell in love with me?

I didn't like being treated like a lighter, I was the one who said bold things.

Mine is... slightly moronic, well, she's a pretty girl, no matter how I look at her, and since the first time I saw her... that... that...