Tatsuyoshi's name is told as the most abominable object of contempt on Pink Server.

No one sets up PT with him. Even new, the name of Tatsuyoshi and his evil deeds will soon be known, so he will not come near. So Tatsuyoshi hasn't put together any PT with other players in the last few years. I can't put it together.

This recommended 11 game has PT mandatory and advanced play called high end content, and the majority of outstanding equipment can only be taken with its high end content.

As a result, Tatsuyoshi, who was not going to put together a PT, could not acquire any of those gear and watched the players dressed in those gear bite their lips with remorse and jealousy.

Such a tatsuyoshi is now acting with many players. I am dressed in excellent equipment from high end content that I have never been able to equip.

The player who follows him is a substitute called the Electric Spirit. With the spirit soul halfway detached from life and captured in this computer space, it is moving the player. And Tatsuyoshi created the electric spirit and gained the power to manipulate it.


But Tatsuyoshi's heart was not filled. Play content continuously, put the electric spirits in front of each other during the break, and squeak.

"What's so much fun about playing with dolls that just talk and move?"

After looking over the electric spirits of the vain expression, Tatsuyoshi is powerless.

I was playing this Recommended 11 and the most fun time for Tatsuyoshi was when I had a proper friendship with other players. Normally, it's when you can also form wild PTs and interact with others.

No matter how much function as a PT is fulfilled, it's actually no different than solo, such as following an electric spirit without free will and braking the game pale without any conversation.

"How did I... this happen? Why do you always go to the wrong person?"

The answer to that whining was well known to Tatsuyoshi himself. I deserve it. As a result of always giving priority to all my greed and keeping others at bay.

Currently, Tatsuyoshi's real life is Neat, but unlike Nyanton, who doesn't even say thank you or say hello, he was a sociable person. It's well perceived and the first impression from others isn't bad.

But in real life and in nettles, nature soon emerges. Character that I can't do at all to omit others. I don't feel comfortable not giving myself priority at all times. I can't contain my greed. I can do any injustice when my greed is involved. I can fool people. Later, he is also an asshole.

Ever since I was a kid, I've always lost friends, thanks to my self-centered personality. All my friends tell me to take a taxi when I go away on my bike. When I make a play suggestion, I bend the heso and participate appropriately if my hopes do not pass. I never apologize for fighting, and I take the attitude that even if they apologize, it's natural. When we all play games and lose, we don't admit to losing because of this obsession.

Every time I changed my class, I made new friends, but mostly I isolated them less than three months later.

Still, Tatsuyoshi doesn't learn. No, I know it with my head, but I can't contain it. I can't stand it.

Even after adulthood and employment, its character made its surroundings uncomfortable.

One time, my boss cried out in front of Tatsuyoshi and screamed. 'Why are you only thinking about yourself so much?'.

He was a very good boss, and he never let go of Tatsuyoshi, who was almost hubbed by his colleagues at work. Tatsuyoshi also admired the boss. I admired it a lot more than my real parents.

The boss, desperate for Tatsuyoshi's overly self-centered character, cried out in front of Tatsuyoshi - in front of some of his men. A man over forty and a half.

Tatsuyoshi, dull in the pain of others, was also shocked by the events on the boulder and left the company and pulled into the house. I learned the fact that I was hunting down others - the only ones I admired and admired, too - and Tatsuyoshi himself despaired.

Tatsuyoshi, who was then soaked in nettles, repeatedly did the same thing as in real life, even after what had happened with his boss, without any growth or change at all, and ate total skan among the internet.

I know what's wrong with me. I know but I can't change it. I can't even grow. My own cuteness's very own priority. That has stained me since I was young.

"Why am I such an idiot when I've lost everything because of it"

I changed my name and thought about mackerel relocation, but eventually I thought I would repeat the same thing again, and I couldn't do it either. I can't abandon my obsession with the world of Recommended 11 either, and I continue to play it on my own for an extended period of time.

"God, just give me one more chance. Now...... Now it's time for no one to hate me anymore. I don't let my desires take precedence. I think about other people first, I suppress myself... I don't want to be alone anymore..."

In front of the electric spirits who spoke nothing, he was a tatsuyoshi who would spill a cry that would make him want to die if he remembered later himself.

Sighing heavily, Tatsuyoshi searches somewhat for what his old acquaintances are doing. Check whether the location is in, etc., with little meaning.

Former Fre, former guild members, former partners, some of them heterosexuals we met in real life. I met with the opposite sex in real life, entirely for the lower half of my body, but was never able to accomplish its purpose.

On the way to Player Search, I learned that one of the heterosexual players Tatsuyoshi dated within Recommended 11, a person named Makhime, was right around the corner.

Machihihihime is one of these mackerel famous abolitionists and is rumored to be a typical princess, as the name suggests.

As a matter of fact, she's not such a princess, as I say when she gets stirred up and rips off her surroundings. The rumor is that there is no other Tatsuyoshi. Belly what Machihihihime shook at me, I put Machihime's bad mouth all over me like crazy with the exposure slate, and I still keep sticking to it and expose it regularly.

Tatsuyoshi and Makihime were good friends at one time, but after meeting in real life and getting a stir there, the two friends were rapidly trapped. After that, he also worked as a stalker on Makihime and received cautionary advice.

Searching for others is a habitual tatsuyoshi, but especially about Makihime and exploring where he is all the time. Sometimes in my spare time I ask how things are going so they don't get too close and noticed.

(I'm going to change my mind, so I want to start over with Makihime. If I could start over with Machihihime, I would definitely be revamped, and I think I can stop doing such vicious things as exposing myself)

Tatsuyoshi takes extremely forward reasoning seriously. But he doesn't realize that it's selfish.

(Oh, there you are)

Tatsuyoshi can make sure Machihihihime looks in the same town and flaunt his face without hesitation. I'm just glad to see him, even if he's the one who shook himself and he hated me. Nevertheless, they expose her in the shadows.

(I wonder if it's something I can't somehow make Machihihime into a thing with the power given to me by my Dai Electric Spiritualist husband... No, you can't)

Nyanton seems to have the ability besides the power to make electric spirits, but the only power given to Tatsuyoshi is the power to make and manipulate electric spirits.

(The operation of turning Electric Spirit into a thug and letting him attack Makihime and I help him fall back in love with it... No, you can't)

Even Tatsuyoshi's brain knows there's no way such classic maneuvers can make it through. It's rumored that Tatsuyoshi himself is an electric spirit user in the first place, and even though Tatsuyoshi isn't trying to hide it, there's no way he can do that and not find out.

Tatsuyoshi keeps the electric spirits on standby a short distance and watches Machihihihime on a faraway roll. That's all I could conveniently bring back only sweet and sour memories and immerse myself in a happy mood.

and before that makihime, another player appeared.

(Oh, what about him!?

Tatsuyoshi gets angry when he sees the boy character of a hypocerebral cat talking to Makihime. Long time no see, but the person is also a famous abandoned player.

(That guy... is Nenaveauge, the scrap bastard who disappeared a few years ago! How could you let him and Machihihime...)

Tatsuyoshi stared far-fetched about the two of them as he let them wave their bodies.