Some of the Snow Oka Laboratories have research equipment for spiritual bodies.
My nurturing husband and Tomorrow incense are being held in that room and observed by Junko. A few questions were asked at first, but nothing has been asked since.
In a room with several giant cylinders covered with bills. Two of them include a nurturing husband and Tomorrow Incense. We have no idea how Junko is observing ourselves, or how the kind of experiment has already begun.
"I know how you got special powers, Yukio."
Junko, who until then had been almost silent, talks to her nurturing husband and Tomorrow Incense.
"There are some things about it that originally had qualities, but I think it also works that you wear a dream band when you die. And I wonder if you have a strong obsession with her."
"I think that's a big story that depends on my qualities. Otherwise, if you die wearing a dream band, you'll be able to have a powerful spirit. And the dream band I was wearing was about to break."
A nurturing husband who disputes the analysis of Junko.
"Dream band systems act directly on the brain to show visions, but if this is too tight, it can also have a strange effect on the brain. That's why they put safety on it. Maybe that safety didn't work due to a malfunction. There are also illegal dreamband sales that have been programmed to eliminate safety and make you trip full of addictions. In addition to that, they also have examples of practical use of dream bands that imply the destruction of walls of human potential. If you use it, it will accelerate aging."
Junko once heard rumors of backstreet rumors that two groups of vendors selling illegally for dreambands have themselves drawn powerful power by dreambands and have grown very old as a result.
"At the time of death, as a result of the overlap of factors, you became a spirit with extraordinary powers. I guess the reason I became an electric spirit was simply because I was obsessed with recommendation 11."
If we can figure out this system, Junko thinks that we might also be able to make it easier to kill and grudge spiritual weapons - 'power spirits' - who have supernatural powers.
"I wasn't that obsessed."
And Tomorrow incense.
"In the case of Tomorrow Hana, isn't it because she was obsessed with you, the nurturing husband, not the game, that we were in Recommend 11 together? Of course, my nurturing husband had your thoughts, and it was only because he left two feelings -"
"Hey, hey, stop saying that in grandeur in front of this guy. I said I was killed by this guy... no..."
While he is a ghost but blushes, Tomorrow Kaoru rushes to block the words of Junko.
"And even after I got into the game with a ghost, I was held captive by this guy for a long time, even though he was scattered"
"Hmm. That's all wrong with what you did."
When I saw Tomorrow incense making me sick of making faces, my nurturing husband said in an infidel tone.
Shortly after that, I heard a knock.
"Go ahead -"
It was tiring coming in.
"Tired, something's going a little differently."
Unlike when it was in the game, my nurturing husband is surprised to see the oddly dull face tiredness.
"Again, please... I'm here. I would also call it a reminder...... Don't experiment too badly on those two. Hopefully... after you've done your research, let it go. I'll... purify it and send it to the next world."
Hearing a tired plea, Tomorrow Kaori and her nurturing husband, who until then had a soothing mood, become true.
"Junko, if you seem to experiment badly with your nurturing husband, ask me to do the same"
"Hey, what are you talking about?"
Hearing Tomorrow Incense's offer, my nurturing husband sees Tomorrow Incense in surprise.
"As a matter of course I am guilty of raising my husband, and I think I am guilty of the same. Even if that turns out to be the case, it's definitely me."
"Tomorrow incense... I'm glad to hear that, but I don't like it. I was gonna be with you the whole time, and I was gonna tie you up the whole time, but I don't want to be unhappy with you."
"What are you talking about? I was unhappy enough because of you."
Wandering around, seeing her clumsy but trying to cover herself, Tomorrow Incense spilled a smile and said. It was half a joke, half a real word.
"But as I said before, my feelings of resentment have disappeared already. You're a fool, but you're pure and you're attracted to it at first."
"Ah, Tomorrow incense... don't say that in public. You're embarrassing me."
A nurturing husband who is aware and illuminated by the eyes of Junko and Tired.
"Well... in my lifetime, I didn't look at anything but what I was interested in, didn't work, and I came across as a dignified hippo..."
"Don't say that in public, dude. You're embarrassing me."
A nurturing husband who wanders around consciously with the eyes of Junko and Tired.
"There's nothing to worry about in life. While you're living in a ghost, your frustration with you has disappeared. But I couldn't overlook the fact that I was doing harm to people by empowering Nyanton and Tatsuyoshi."
"I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you when you're dead, because of me."
Is it a little bit, Tomorrow Kaori, Junko, and Tired poke without speaking out.
"Well, honestly, I'm not going to experiment that cruelly. I mean, I'm limited to getting out at the point of the spirit, and I think I'll try this and take the data. I'm sure it'll take a while."
Sometimes the other person is a spiritual body, which makes it difficult to handle. As the power spirit of Tokyo Dickland did, Junko believes that it would be good if it could only remain as data in anticipation of the fact that some of it can be useful.
"Junko... did you tell the nurturing husbands about the growing number of electric spirits?
"Oh, I totally forgot"
Pointed out tirelessly, Junko recalled that within Recommend 11, there were more electric spirits of the Necromancer type.
"More electric spirits? Didn't Nyanton suppress you?
"Machihihime's... Isn't it the work?
Finally, I spoke to my strange-faced nurturing husband of that name that Tired had never mentioned before in front of Junko. If nothing happened, I was going to keep it a secret until the end, but my tired guess is, it just seems like Machihihihime did it.
"Did Makhihihime ask you to draw on your strength, too, Nurse?
"That's right. He was so tired."
"I totally forgot..."
Junko asks, and her nurturing husband and Tomorrow Kaori each answer.
"It was only recently that Makihime became one of us. Another ability of Machihihime is to kill people, turn their spirits into electric spirits, and throw them into virtual worlds. It was a useless ability for us, and if it's Machihihime who's increasing the power of the dead, I think we're using that power."
(Obviously things were going wrong, and I mean... I guess that's what I'm talking about.)
Listening to her nurturing husband, Junko guessed what was going on. Machihihihime, hunted down in real life, must be running wild and making allowances and gradually electric spirits.
Junko's phone rings. When I looked at them, it was Ashiya Kurodo.
"What's going on? Kurodo-kun."
"In a city hall, a person who has awakened a rather powerful paranormal power is rampaging up and killing people indiscriminately. The owners of extraordinary powers within the police were also returned. I'm sending you a video, so watch it. '
Reflect the video sent by Kurodo.
One woman emits an electric shock, and it shows her killing people all over.
"It's makihime...... Pretty much looks... changing though..."
Tired frowns and says. Machihihihime in the video was over thirty years older than Machihim in the tired known reals. But I still find it manages to be makihime.
'Are you tired there? You know him? Actually, I called to see if you could help me tirelessly. The spirits of those killed by the killer are captured somewhere without being able to form a Buddha. It's easy to kill the killer, but before you do, I want you to hear where the Spirit is captured and have it purified in exhaustion'
I knew where the spirit was being captured, but Junko decides it would be more convenient not to teach it. Because we don't know that, there will be one side to Makihime being kept alive.
"I was wondering if I could take care of her Kelli? We're friends."
'... ok. I'll tell you where it is, so don't ask for it as soon as possible'
To Junko, who asks in a quiet tone, Kurodo cleared the room as surprised for a moment, but acknowledges.
'We decided that the surrounding residents had been distracted by terrorists, and we evacuated them, and we sealed off roads in the police force, but they say the ties we put up in the police force are so powerful that they could be broken without buying a lot of time. If it's too late, you can have my input. It's outside of Euthanasia City, so I don't even have a voice for it.'
"Okay -. Really timely information, stay thankful."
Junko hangs up and sees the three faces.
"So I'm going. Purifying the electric spirit is the only way to sneak into the server again. It's a hassle to wait until you don't know when the maintenance will be, so ask the police to drop it."
"Can't Machihihime help?
Where I tried to leave the room, my nurturing husband called me, and Junko stops his leg.
"Go help him. No, I think I should say I'm going to save you."
With his usual bright, bouncing voice - but somehow answering in a meaningful tone, Junko left the room.