Mika and Yae, No. 11 and Aoya were in the war while Li Mei was shooting Left Kyo in the foot. No. 13 is thoroughly supportive.

"Pink Bazooka!

The Axe of the Blue Leaf Shaking Down also unleashes a punch without fear No. 11.

Faced with the incredible situation of the axe being played with bare hands, Aoyagi is perplexed for a moment.

"Pink Bazooka!

Don't miss that gap and release the right straight as the XI screams. The aim is facial.

He was a blue leaf who rushed to sweep back and twitch, but inevitably, his fist blushes his cheek.

Aoyagi, who just blurred and hit his cheekbone with pain, was relieved by the power of the eleventh punch. If I eat properly, I feel like I'm going to die in one shot. It's not a woman's arm strength. No, it's way beyond human arm strength.

"Pink Bazooka!

The speed is also considerable, but the salvation was to rely on it because the technology itself is naive and whichever screams before the attack.

(Which way do I have to scream the name of the move?

I'm seriously going to be fighting Aoyagi, but I really can't help but poke it in my heart.

Hachi, on the other hand, had been pushed by two clues, No. 13 and Mika.

"Play muddy rabba tightly tied to a rose called love. Ah. Beat me and hug me without even caring about the eyes. Yeah."

With the song XIII, Hachi was given dull pain all over his body, and his body movements were dull and heavy overall.

Hachi continues to exchange Mika's guns in quite remarkable places. Getting close is almost impossible.

"Accidental prank!

Mika kicks up the stone at her feet with an octave as she activates the fate manipulation technique.

Because of its distance from the octave, the stone loses momentum and falls to the ground before it reaches the octave. But the bat, which was flying in stone orbit, turned in surprise and flew with an octave.

The bat never hit octave, but only partially blocked the view between octave and Mika for a moment.

It overlaps well with that moment, and Mika shoots the gun. Mika hasn't noticed the existence of bats. Therefore, we did not calculate the movement of the bat. It just fits the approximate timing of the activation of fate manipulation.

Yae crossed the axe and the axe to protect his head and chest in agony, but Mika did not originally aim for those positions.

Bullet to right thigh, octave disfigured.


Aoyagi, who was fighting No. 11, captures it in the corner of his sight and screams.

"Pink Bazooka!

Blue leaves that are punched and popped with that gap, as well as one remaining axe.

(Technically, I was winning... some kind of unconsciousness...)

I was distracted by Yae's body, but it was the result of the loss. Blue leaves bite and moan.

"The battle is on! Surrender!

Mika screams. Although Mika originally did not like murder, she is hesitant to kill because she has found out somewhat what Aoyagi and Hachi are.

(These guys were never weak though!

Mika had calmly identified the cause of the victory. He defeated Eight because it was the twin leaves of No. 13 and Mika, and made the hateful mistake that Aoyagi was distracted by Eight, so he was able to achieve a smooth victory so far.

Li Mei said, keeping an eye on whether Left Kyo would show strange movements.

"Okay. Surrender. But the resurrection of the Beast Emperor cannot be stopped where it has restrained us. If this happens... it's unnecessary."

Says Aoyagi, flanking the burning houses.

"Come on... don't be an idiot. Without me, the Emperor would not be resurrected. Only I can do that. I mean -. Attracted by the peculiarities of destiny, the body and soul of the emperor are bound to come to this place. Fate is moving towards the resurrection of the Emperor. The sacrifice of no push ensured it too"

Left Kyo with a mockery as he stuck to the ground. It was a dialogue with Li Mei's words earlier.

Upon hearing that left-kyo dialogue, Mika remembered. That True and Junko were going to resurrect the Beast Emperor.

(If the resurrection can't be prevented, isn't it a good direction not to resurrect it in front of this guy!? That way, you don't have to fight for nothing! Plus, you don't have to do what this guy wants and does when he's trampled on people's lives!

If the action of fate manipulation could not be stopped, it was Mika who thought it would be better not to fight it.

"Okay! I've made up my mind!


Li Mei gives an astonishing voice to Mika, who suddenly screams. Other faces, look to Mika.

"Sorry! I want to change my policy too! I truly agree with Junko and go in the direction of resurrecting the Beast Emperor!


"What do you say all of a sudden, original"

Li Mei and XI raise their voices in protest.

"I am also a user of fate manipulation. I also know what advanced fate manipulation is called the singularity of fate. I was trying to fight it after I found out, but now I have my doubts. Moreover, if he had worked even to the outrage of offering one whole village to sacrifice, his power would have been strengthened more and more".

Stop the usual shouting tone and Mika speaks quietly.

"If destiny is flowing in one direction, moving, and unstoppable, you better cross enemy allies no more and not make wasted sacrifices or anything else. If we do not resist the resurrection of the Beast Emperor, it will be gone. But!"

Mika stares at Left Kyo.

"Left Kyo! I won't let you do what you think! I don't want your wish! I won't let you! The Beast Emperor will resurrect you, but I won't let you see him! You will die alone without meeting the Lord of the Beast! Know that's the punishment that made so many sacrifices!

"I don't know what you want... I don't know what you're crazy about. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to bring back the Beast Emperor. In other words, destiny leads the emperor to this occasion..."

"That's too bad! There are others who can do that!

Mika screams, blocking the words of Left Kyo, who mocks her.

"Hmm... then I can pull it off convinced."

Li Mei holds the gun.

"Follow the original."

"Right...... If this guy's wish is going to be in an unwieldy form, I'll do the same."

Nos. 13 and 11 will also be in tune with Mika.

"Don't be stupid. Is it convenient for someone who can use such a peculiar technique to be in your camp? That's..."

"I saw the original. Yikes!

Seven voices are heard while Left Kyo is talking, and Left Kyo's dialogue is blocked. Seven and Tired came running from the way of those who came Mika and the others.

"Ki, you are! He was alive!? Your majesty said you killed him!

"Nah...... and Shizuno ooh!

Aoya and Sakayo ascertain their tiredness and raise their anger.

"Sorry! Tired! Seven! I'm sorry I asked you to come, but I asked you in the direction of resurrecting the Beast Emperor!

First of all, she apologized, and Mika told Li Meizi the same details as she had just told Li Meizi.

"I see... if that's the case... the resurrection of the Beast Emperor, shall we cooperate? It's not dangerous..."


"What... the resentful Shizuno helps to revive His Majesty...? Such an idiot......"

Left Kyo and Aoya, who hear tired words and are taken aback.

"Uh... I did... shoot the Beast Emperor, but then... I had to fight. And even though it was a accomplishment, the emperor and I... we didn't have hatred, we were mutually convinced... we fought. Even more in the previous life of the Emperor, he was a dear to me... Those who possess the soul of the present emperor are also my family."

"I mean, there were a lot of circumstances. You guys seem to have been stuck with your heads since the Edo era."

"It's the Dae-jung Era..."

It was Li Mei who spoke out with the intention of following, but Tired corrects.

"Previous times are only events in previous times. It's time for things to change, and you better hang out with your friends."

Yae conquers the blue leaves.

"Oh yeah...... Then please. Hmmm... it's a very complicated mood..."

Blue leaves bow their heads deeply toward tiredness, the former enemy.

"What are you doing! I bowed my head to the hateful enemies who disputed Your Majesty, irrelevant to my will, resurrecting the Emperor, etc! Admit it! You can't forgive me!

Left Kyo summons with desperate shapes, abandoning his ever cold attitude.

Cold gaze concentrated on its left Kyo. Even Aoyagi looks down at Left Kyo with a frozen look.

"This makes our wish come true. That's enough. Or something? Left Kyo.Lord, was it the peculiarity of destiny only for that reason that only one person reunites with the Beast Emperor? Was it a wish, a feng shui, and a destiny manipulation just for that matter? Have you taken the time to do just that and made a lot of sacrifices?

Left Kyo was blue when asked about Aoyagi in a quiet, then tired tone.

"To speak of reason, to gather the power of the wishes of one's compatriots - to gather the power of prayer, such an unsolicited desire would not make sense. I mean, it is. What is the peculiarity of fate - it would have been something that we had made to guide fate against the resurrection of the Beast Emperor itself. Even if Left Kyo doesn't meet the Emperor, that means it will happen."

That's eight times what I said. She looked at Left Kyo with no heart or pitiful eyes.

Hearing Yae's words, Left Kyo was trembling with a look of despair as he fell.

"Did you get the story together?

"Nobody disagrees!?

Li Mei and Mika take confirmation. Those who pinch objections were not the earliest. Seeing it, Mika walks out in the lead, and others, including Aoyagi and Hachi, follow.

"Uh-oh! Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit! Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes! I'll curse you. Duh! I'm gonna resent you. Whoa!

"You're the one who's kidding. You're the one who's cursed."

Eleven throws a chilling word at Left Kyo, who summons a curse in the shape of a demon.

"Are the two of them safe..."

The XIII says worryingly as he walks towards the village where the flames swirl.

"Junko, good truth and good number two, they're not that easy to screw!

Exactly, Mika. I actually believed that and didn't doubt it and wasn't worried about it at all.