By the time Zao and True and Midori returned to the Snow Oka Institute, it was near evening.

As he passes in front of the reception room, he hears a talk from inside, and Zao stops fuselaging.

The voices you can hear from inside belong to Yi Akagi. Recently, after finally being released from the plant pot head and becoming a memorial five-body satisfactory body, he bought a negotiating role at the Yukooka Institute and left.

The spreading of research funds and living expenses of the Institute consists mainly of transactions with arms smuggling and trafficking organisations. The fact that a number of extremely good weapons and weapons, named the Yukioka brand, were a coveted commodity for these organizations is also well known to Zuo, who was once the head of an arms-smuggling organization.

There are other dealers, and they're not just selling weapons. Many are good at organ trafficking and illegal drug tissues. There are many organizations that do not sell inventions, but want to enter into exclusive agreements with Junko. Just because it is an exclusive agreement with Junko Suzuoka, as an organization on the back street, it will be hacked.

"Yeah, even as Snow Oka, he doesn't seem to intend to spread his hand as much as he can. However, the number of researchers working at this institute is limited, and since Snow Oka is a minority elite, could you please consider the area? So it's not just about the funds. It also involves the question of time, and I don't want to be wearing it because I want to make it rare on purpose. We have an attitude of trying to be of the highest quality, which is why the deal is also limited -"

Probably to a new-faced opponent who has come to deal with the Snow Oka Institute, Yi explains the reality of the Snow Oka Institute in an easy way.

(That's a good position for him to be eloquent)

From the gap in the door, I see Yi speaking with a clear expression, and Zuo spills a smile.

Yi-jun, you've been working really hard lately.

Junko came there and said in a whisper he couldn't hear inside.

"That one of his is trying to sell his face into all sorts of places, even using a major sign on the back street called the Snow Oka Institute, right?

And, true.

"I see, falling doesn't just wake you up"

Zuo impresses me. It was made a toy for Junko, and I wondered if he had spent some months in this lab for no reason, and Yi observed and grasped how this Yukooka lab works and the character and conduct of Junko. That's why I can be a negotiator, and that allows me to combine my sales. To make use of it when you leave this laboratory sooner or later.

"I know, but that's not a bad thing, is it?

Junko turns to true and says.

"Nothing. I didn't say it was my fault either."

I received Junko's words and truly thought it was a misleading way of saying them. While Yi works here, there's no way it's bad to have the intention of selling yourself in when you're independent.

"I like hard working kids, so hey. If you're trying to use my environment to work and grow up, I'd like to support you."

Asked what was going on in the receptacle from the gap in the door, Junko said with an uncontrolled grin. Former remorse also poured into the water, and it was reflected in Zao's eyes, as if he really supported Yi as he put it.

(Yi is Yi, moving looking ahead to raise a flag)

About half my age, still young fortitude dazzles me. And it makes me think a lot.

Reminds me of yesterday's funeral. Death of my best friend, who was an excellent manager. He was a much more capable success than he was, but he died. By contrast, I am incompetent but live forever.

(If you're alive, you can still do something...?

There was definitely such a feeling that something in the collection was going to catch fire.

"You got a minute?

In anticipation of the return of the counterparty candidate who visited the Snow Oka Institute, Zuo spoke to Yi.

"What's up? Zuo."

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you for a second. I wish I could."

I don't mind at all.

I laughed and accepted Zuo's invitation. It's a sales smile, but I don't feel bad.

Enter the reception room earlier, Zuo and Yi across the street.

"Was the bargainer here offered to be a fabric stone to independence?

"Yes, of course."

Asking Straight, Yi admits it softly, without breaking his smile.

"The Japanese games I used to work for were also a substitute for my parents. Now it's independence from naked consistency in the true sense. Weird shoulder loads, too."

"What is a weird load of shoulders?

"I was really feeling so resistant to being the head of a large organization as a successor to my parents..."

Spilling a glowing grin, Yi reveals.

"I really hated it when it seemed like a bong cla at the top because of my parents. It feels like a parent's shin. But I did my best to convince you that if I made that organization big, it would turn into a reward. I couldn't, though."

Yi's illuminating grin turns into a self-inflicted grin.

"But I didn't regret it with wonder. I did everything I could and I failed, so I thought that was it. I was here in a state of life, hoping that I could feed on that failure and create something that would really satisfy me."

If you ask me, Yi wasn't at all pessimistic when he was in his neck state. I was always healthy and repeated unreadable statements about the air. When I think about it, it's amazing, Zo thinks. Because I didn't despair even in that state, and I kept hoping.

"It's something that didn't give up hope of living well. No, not sarcastically."

"If you don't die, you're not a loser. Right?"

Zuo's heart rattles at the words of fortitude that he uttered by turning his self-inflicted grin into an invincible grin.

"Now I'm desperately trying to make a connection. One of the purposes of working here is that. Even Conne is a fine weapon, isn't he? Only for what I built myself, though. The guy floating around with his parents' connections is a shameless idiot."


"In addition to that, it's a parasitic form to Junko, but still after independence, the status of a man who was entrusted with a negotiating role by that Junko Yukioka at the Yukioka Institute will also be a weapon. Junko told me to use it."

I speak happily. Full of vibrancy and hegemony, but honestly I also feel dangerous from the eyes of Zuo.

(There is a danger resembling Kamauma, but there is one in Yi. Well, it's incomparable with that one, and the footwork is light.)

I remember the number two thing in my former organization that betrayed me, and it was a collection overlapping with Yi.

"My brain abnormality has been cured by Junko, and I won't fail again."

"Brain abnormality?

To Yi's words, Zuo gives a surprising voice.

"Are you in the spirit? I had a sadistic nature that made me more comfortable and more vulnerable bullies, but I didn't like those parts of myself. If people find out, they just despise you. So I asked Junko to physically mess with my brain and correct my personality. And then they gave me a dream band for the mentally handicapped, and I was able to treat it pretty well."

With that said, I remember Zao hearing from tiredness that Yi was beating women, children and old women.

"It hasn't completely healed, and the treatment needs to continue all the time, though. And I'm not allowed to do what I did."

"I don't care about past sins."

Not a consolation, Zuo said.

"Of course it doesn't matter if you try to be a victim, but it doesn't matter if you try to be someone else. I don't really like the concept of sin and punishment."

I would have to be punished for it. It is a sin in the name of one's incompetence that has caused a great number of people to die in an organization that one operates. When it comes to that punishment, it is to the extent that Junko was modified as a tea brewing Phantom.

Junko is a proponent of the death penalty, but forgive me if I know someone who likes him, okay, he has an unsolicited standard, and Zao is just like this. Become a stranger, be as cruel as you can be, and be required to punish and be responsible. But if you know someone with a face, you can tolerate as much as you want. Even with such unsolicited lines, nothing is to be ashamed of. That's normal.

"If you feel remorse, I hope you continue to repent in your heart. But it's irrelevant."

"I wonder why... If you say so, I'm willing to save you a little bit."

I grinned again that seemed to illuminate me, and I put my head to it. This neighborhood is not a sales smile. Originally he is shy, but I think Zao might not be able to do it.

(Okay, I've made up my mind)

It was also influenced by the death and perseverance of a friend, but Zao was determined.

(I can't help but be a tea brewing Phantom here forever. It's still a long life, and I'll take advantage of the accumulation I've built up so far, and I'll apprentice him too and start all over again)

I decided to bet on my potential and try to create a new organization again.

The human appearance of the werewolf unraveling his transformation was a quite different substitute from what Krahiko had imagined.

Age is around thirties. Bad eyed triple white eyes, undulating scarce energetic face, all-back. Not a good first impression face. I have an image that is physically difficult to get close to.

"My name is Lion Wife Eggplant. He is the head of an organization called Dance Bacteria. There are only three of us, even if it's the most organization."

Kehiko listens silently while eating chocolate as the man introduces himself. I've already said thank you for your help.

"Were you modified at the Snow Oka Institute, too?

To the inquiry of the lion wife, Kehiko nodded convincingly. I wonder if this man was also remodeled at the Snow Oka Institute and made into such a werewolf.

"Everyone in my organization is. We're going to be terrorizing."

Kehiko was intrigued by the lion's wife's dialogue.

Since religious terrorism a few months ago, the very word terrorism has become a gloriously resounding word in Kehiko. That footage of Broadcast Jack with Daikichi is clearly burned in the back of Kehiko's brain.

"Why don't you come to our organization, too? Let's make this world a mess together."

(That's an awesome invitation... Sounds interesting, but...)

I found the lion wife's invitation attractive, but on the other hand, I also had a wonder if I could really do that.