In addition to his lion wife and Kehiko, there were three men in Ajito at the Omboro factory.

One was an immigrant. Mustache on long, disturbed long hair. He's a middle-aged Hispanic man in straw and macho shape. His name is Rodriguez.

One is Japanese, probably in his twenties, but I'm not sure how old he is. He's a man with a severely distorted face, whether it's an after-effect of some serious illness, or an accident. His name is Kida. The P931 case, famous for its poison gas terrorism, was committed by this man as the main culprit.

I don't know the name of the last one. I have finished greeting the other members the other day, but only this man is the face that Kehiko starts and sees. He was a skinny, magnificent man with a neat face but a bad posture and good clothes. Or maybe he's a good age to call it middle-aged.

Apparently there was yet another member, but when betrayal was discovered, he disposed of it, his lion wife told Khiko.

Lion wives, Rodriguez and Kida are all Phantom mice.

"The roots that I created this organization - Dance Bacteria - were inspired by Daikichi, who did a divorce called TV Jack in the simultaneous multiple terrorist attacks of Xingyu's Megalodon. The two of us here are affected by seeing it."

In front of the three - mainly aware of the newcomer, Kehiko, the lion wife explains.

"We're not gathering personnel on the condition that Junko Yukioka's mouse is exclusive, but there was a community of mice, and it was quick to get through there to gather individuals with exceptional power. But in doing so, we must narrow it down to those with terrorist aspirations. It's really hard to figure out how to get exploration in, how to determine that you're going to be a part of the organization, and people get together as you can see. Well, I'll try to get as far as I can with a handful of elite"

"I think there was another one."

Kehiko pinches his mouth. I saw him for a while, but he's an unnamed mystery man who's never had a conversation.

"You're a dog owner. No... he is not a member. It's like an advisor. I'm not directly involved in terrorism."

Kehiko sounded like he had clouded his words for a moment because of his mind.

Actually, I'm not an official advisor. He's an acquaintance to his lion wife and a talker.

"I'm going to be an advisor, and I'm not supposed to be here. It's just an interest, it's like chilling."

The person showed up and said with a slight laugh.

At a funny point when you follow a group of terrorists and say it's just a chill of interest, I don't think this man is the only one, either.

"But thanks to you, it is no exaggeration to say that I am here now. The impact on you is immeasurable."

"That's all. I don't know if I'd say that kind of congrats to face in public. Or a calculation to get members to acknowledge my existence? You know, it breaks my heart that I'm going to be the big bad guy who indirectly incited terrorism."

With a floating tone and attitude, the man - the dog breeder - said.

Lion wife Eggplant has two respected figures.

One thinks that the act - the consequences of the action - deserve respect. TV Jack and public murder and speech with Daikichi, the top executives of that feeble Megalodon who committed a religious terrorist attack a few months ago. I was fiercely attracted to them.

This is the only other person's feat that Lion Wife has honestly acknowledged. A lion wife, who had declined to look down on much of the world as a jerk, shook her heart more violently than ever before.

But I'm not familiar with the person called companionship. The only thing I respect is what he does.

As for the other, I had a glance at the person itself. In her previous life, the lion wife looked down on and scorned all others until she met the person, and did not know the emotions themselves, such as respect for others, but for the first time the person told me how they felt.

That is the dog breeder. He is a famous writer who won the Brain Reduction Literature Award. And the lion wife is one of the few human beings to know the nature and identity of a dog breeder.

I know him online, but his lion wife was the only one who could care less, and the dog owner was also generally revealing what kind of person he was. Including being an executive of Thin Happy's Megalodon.

"The Megalodon of Thin Happiness was a success of that simultaneous multiple terrorist attack because of its number, because of its organizational strength, and because of its terrible patriarch with superordinary powers, right? Especially a TV broadcast jack, which is the first thing you can't do if you normally think about it. The radio was cut off on the way. But it was the power of the Patriarch that didn't make me do that. That's a kind of antipathy."

"For once, we have the power to call ourselves transgressors."

It was Kida who said that. It was as if he was appealing to his power against the words of the dog breeder.

"If the police are strong enough to retreat, maybe it's against the rules. But the police don't have as many fierce men as you. And more than that. Finally, no matter how many modified people are made by Junko Yukioka, they should not overstate their power."

With a smile and a soft tone, the dog keeper tells Kida. Kida also pulled back with it.

"Accompanying Daikichi was a great man, but a one-way Kip terrorist attack. We want to survive as much as we can and spread disaster throughout the world."

says the lion wife. But behind that word, repeated terror and so forth in this country, even giving up, whether you cannot live long. I don't speak in front of the members.

"New members have joined us, and it's time to implement our next plan"

Lion wife looking over together and telling her without expression.

(Enjoy it at best. 'Cause I'm looking at how much I can do, in the special seats)

Niyanya is a dog breeder who laughs and thinks, but she is not thorough with the sights, she is also willing to give it a whirl when she gets the chance.

After Junko returns home, Mina quickly looks at her first job as a doorman.

Zuo was also interested in what the simple work and work of introducing and breathing members would be like before the fateful Dance Bacteria Crusade.

In the meantime, Zuo and Lai Dream were studying a job called the end shop online. Such text also exists properly on backstreet sites.

"You really feel like a store for anything. There's a lot of literal aftermath, but can't this be done with our organization that's understaffed?"

I just glanced through those texts to a certain extent, Zao said. When it comes to the organization famous for the aftermath of the troubles, it is the Great King of Terror Sponsorship. Junko also makes good use of it, and is the largest organization specializing in postmortem care.

"Yeah, we like the kind of work we do for a freelance starter. That's why I found a job that seemed easy."

Poona split and flipped the display she was looking at in two and flew it over with Zao in his dreams.

"There are multiple candidates. Can I just give you a second to think about it?

"Go ahead, take your time. It's the boss who decides. And it's the stones that give you multiple candidates like this."

It was Zuo, who told him in his nuance that it would take time to decide because the number of candidates listed in that plurality would be high, but I doubted if it was being passed on to Mina.

"How did you come to us when you've been part of another doomsday organization?"

I'll ask about it with interest.

"I'm fired. Trouble."

In response to the blatant pity, Zao puts on his face.

"That's not exactly what I'm saying. Whether on the table or behind, those who cause trouble and are fired, etc. are repelled"

"This country is full of shit, so yeah. But you know what, I'm capable, and the reason I fired you was crap."

Towards Zuo of caution, Sachina says, without being evil.

"A little demon. Now, I just said something extra. It's my bad cunt. So I got into a fight with my boss. I've been having trouble with this mouth for a long time."

I just met him and I can't say anything, but Sauna doesn't look like such a character. Don't be afraid, it's flamboyant and seems far from the poisonous type in my first impression. But if that were true, Zao became anxious that Poona might also be a problem child.

"What do you say, for example?

"Do you feel like clearly saying something bad about them? haha. When I look at it, I can't help but say,"

"Are you wrapping it in an oblate and mouthing it so it doesn't hurt them? If you don't mind, I'd like to take it from you. If it's okay to say what you think and offend them."

A collection of growing anxieties.

"I don't know. Honestly, I can't judge myself very well. As I said earlier, it felt like the devil would give it to me and accidentally say it."

"If the demon gives it away, there's no choice. I'm often the devil."

Until then, a silent dream opened my mouth.

"Dream on. There's no other way. You might get hurt, right?

Said Zao. To be honest, that was my concern.

"Haha, the boss doesn't hesitate to say it either. I, I think that I've fired the doomsday organization I've been in, that my people hated me, that I've done something wrong, that I regret dying, that it's a big prick in my heart and I'm bu stabbed, and I don't want to repeat the same thing again. Yikes. In the form of Junko giving me another chance, I was introduced here, and I came with the intention of having a last chance, but when I did it again and got fired, I wondered if I could get back on my feet this time. haha."

Piena gives you a dry laugh. I smile, but now Sauna's eyes aren't laughing.

"Even if I reveal your circumstances and nature in advance, I won't condone it depending on what you say. I don't know what kind of rambling you're gonna do, but try not to flaunt it."

Though harsh in words, it was a collection of quiet tones to avoid intimidation.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it. Just take care of your uncle."

Meanwhile, the coming dream makes a surprise statement.

(So... I care about you, but what do you do when you say that?)

Even as he groans so in his heart, Zao begins to think that the mentality of his coming dreams may be stronger than he thinks.

"I don't give a shit about bad language. I can't help it, 'cause she's an empty kid."

"Don't masturbate like that."

"Yeah...... stop as much as you can"

You cared about Zuo's caution, a dream that would add and subtract a little nagging.

"What do you do with the name of the organization -?

"Actually, I've already made up my mind"

Poona asks me, and Zao laughs at me.

"Plutonium Dundee."

Zuo was good at announcing the name of the organization.



Poona snickered with a bitter laugh, the coming dream said without hesitation, and Zao dropped his shoulders and turned to his face.