At night, Poona and Angel returned home, and only Zuo and Lai Dreams remained in Ajito behind the mountain.

I really wonder what's going on with the family situation of my coming dreams, but I also wonder if I can ask that out.

I was a little relieved that I started talking a lot compared to the first one, but I was really anxious when I had a dream that I said I was going to enjoy watching daytime strangulation and dancing bacterial terrorism.

Two people facing each other and taking a meal silently. I also thought about shaking the subject from someone in the collection of something, but I found that I was also thinking about my coming dreams with some serious look on my face, so I had trouble speaking up.

"After all, it seems better to stay empty"

At the end of the meal, my dreams squeak.

"What do you mean?

"Me... Me, whether I do something fun or say something that sounds fun, me, me... about me... we all do it and look at it like we see something dirty. It always was. That's why I stopped going out. I... I guess I should leave myself empty while I kill myself. That's why it's empty."

Hearing about his coming dream, Zao remembered how tired he was. Tired also built a wall against society and pulled it off. He said the average person couldn't recognize him as the same person he was, and that there was a trace of the sin he committed.

"What do you want to do, kill or strangle?

Zao asks.

"I read it in a book. Humans aren't just creatures of good, even creatures with bad parts. The desire to hurt people, to break something, is also equipped with a set for a creature called a human being. Some people that's big. I'm right. I like to break it. I like to make you suffer. I'm a lot stronger than people."

A pale talking dream.

Tired has always preferred to do that, but now I regret it. But while he regretted it, he also said he was still looking for it. Zuo still thinks that there is something that goes through the pulse.

(Why don't you make it work with tiredness? I also feel that it's going to be a good stimulus to each other. Do you want to talk to Junko?)

Similar to tiredness in many ways, tiredness is a few steps ahead of coming dreams, and some are a few steps behind. Tired also has a strong desire for destruction, killing and chaos, but he says it's almost out of control.

"But I don't... evil. Being hated. But I don't want you to hate me from someone important. Besides, not everyone can make you suffer. For example, I don't want Junko or my uncle to suffer. I don't know about this guy, only bad guys like me."

I guess it's a big deal in many ways for a child of this age to hit his feelings honestly, Zao guesses. I wondered if it would have been painful to accumulate that I hit myself with it not long after I met him.

"A society that diverts attention from evil. A society that refuses to hate evil as evil. Beautifully decorated society only on the outside. Nonsense. Boring. It comes to my head. But... I also thought that if you erased the evil of me, if you left it empty, that would be fine. It's like daytime when you wind up with dullness."

So the dream smiled with pleasure. I remember killing the mafia and I was immersed in the pleasant feeling of murder.

"I will not deny you everything. Including the evil part. Probably didn't completely deny it either."

Zuo tells him quietly.

"You said you wanted to wind up in the dust. Didn't you want hope you still can't see it now? You look for something, you want it, you don't want it to be empty, so I think you can walk in this world, even if it's evil."

It was a crummy dialogue that I thought I'd be talking to myself, but this is a very serious situation. With a sincere attitude, you have to tell them.

"Of course, you should not step off the road and control yourself as much as you can. On the other hand, you cut yourself off as evil, because you don't want to be, so you say it's better to stay empty, etc.?

"Yeah, I said it. I don't want them to hate me. But a good story about bugs."

"Humans are not just one-sided. You just said it, too. He said that people are creatures of good and evil. Extreme bias towards just one is unnatural. You're turning yourself down as evil, but you better give up like that and be careful not to bias yourself. No. - You're already paying attention, aren't you? I guess that's why you're worried."

To Zuo's point, the dreams are relaxed and silenced.

"Yeah... right"

After about a dozen seconds, my dream finally nodded. It was the answer after I thought about it and looked back at myself.

(You're basically honest with this kid. pure or not)

It is a place of fondness, an attractive element and a troublesome nature.

"Why is my uncle on the back street?

A dream comes up and asks.


Zao talked about how he fell into the back street, and what he was going to do after that, without covering it all up.

"At this age, I regret losing. It's painful, it's painful, it hurts. It's amazing. And here's what I think. I was wondering if I'd still lose. I'm still alive. There's something that's been piling up for forty years. Bump it up. I want to build something that I'm comfortable with. It is in the form of receiving assistance from Junko, but I want to make it a good organization in order to build a new one. I want to make it a big organization. I want to make it a place I can be proud of. You should be the base of your heart. I have a strong desire to make something like that this time. For everyone who belongs to the organization. Hopefully, you and Poor Nah and Angel will have the same aspirations... I don't know what I think."

It was a zodiac that I was talking about with a true face, but I unintentionally spilled a grin that seemed to shine on me at the end.

"It's so sad to hear about your friend's death."

I said that my dreams were pompous.

"Uncle, do you want to take your friend's revenge?

He stares at me and asks me that, and Zao drifts away.

"You know very well. Do you know how you want to take revenge?

"My friend is not dead. I keep living in my uncle's heart. I want to keep him alive. Is that what you mean? I mean..."

"That's right. I want to prove it. Even in the way of a dead friend, you succeed. I want to accomplish on his behalf that people and organizations can be bigger, even in ways that weigh benevolence and enthusiasm, not in a way that only desperate money-making competition with others is everything. If I don't die, if I succeed with the same will as him, I can take vengeance with it. I can prove it."

"Oh well."

Dreams make me laugh. It was such a clear and loud grin, like something satisfactory.

"I'm on the same path as my uncle."

At the end of the day, pounding and squeaking so, the coming dream rises and returns to its own room.

In the last casual dialogue, Zao remembers something hot.

(I wanted to talk to you a little more. Well...... next time ok)

Above all, I couldn't hear about the home environment I wanted to ask. Many of the residents of the back streets - especially those who fall into the back streets in their teens - are not in a very good home environment. Zuo was born and raised in a normal family, so even if you have sympathy for those who grew up in an unfortunate family environment, it's difficult to empathize, but still want to know the roots of your coming dreams. Consider it important to know that.

Around the same time, dancing bacteria asito.

Kehiko was thrilled with Kida and stories about games and cartoons, and was killing time. I still couldn't open my heart to Lion Wife and Rodriguez, but I broke it off with Kida, who was comfortable with me as if I were a disciple.

Rodriguez is approximate to Kehiko, and when his gaze matches, he openly turns that way. Kehiko has decided that she probably doesn't like something of herself because there were so many attitudes she didn't bluff about even speaking up.

Kida holds a fierce complex in its own distorted face. Because of this face, Kida was abandoned when she was a baby, and as a child she continued to be bullied, so much so that she was touched about her face, even when she was alive, that she was rejected. I also talked about it in front of Kahiko.

Kehiko wasn't everything either, but he talked about it somewhat. Kida sympathized with me.

(This guy, the roots aren't bad people. The world made me cold, and this is what happened. So this guy has the right to rip his fangs off in the world)

At the same time as he sympathized with Kida, Kehiko remembered his wrath, which he couldn't do.

"What's really ugly is not Kida's face. This world."

Kida laughs lightly at Kehiko, who stops eating sweet bread and lets her anger seep through her mouth.

"Don't say good things. I reviewed it a little."

There comes Rodriguez on the top of the Buddha and speaks up.

"But, to be precise, it's this country and the people of this country that are ugly. Eliminate something different from ourselves while bringing in slaves in the name of immigrants. Lid for smelly stuff. Ugliness at the bottom."

Rodriguez was born as a child of immigrants, but grew up with no nationality and remained treated as an immigrant. By parental judgment, that treatment of immigrants would benefit more from the minimum: immigration privileges.

But as a result, Rodriguez grew up not being treated as a normal Japanese and knowing enough to say he didn't like the fact that there was much to lose. A miserable life was decided because his parents had a cocky greed and tried to earn a fortune.

After adulthood, he was transferred to a nursing home at the behest of the Immigration and Labor Service.

So Rodriguez suited his scattered eyes. My heart twisted when I was old - or every day I was treated like an immigrant and scorned by old men who got bogged down and out of my mind. And cared for them, scorned and overlooked and scolded. He was summoned many times in the middle of the night with a buzzer and scolded, sometimes smashing the contents of diapers.

As a result, Rodriguez began to have an extraordinary resentment towards this country, toward its national identity, toward the Japanese themselves.

Fallen in the back street, as a freelance killer, Rodriguez worked by choosing a job that seemed out of his control, but he screwed up at work, amputated his arm, and became a mouse by visiting the Snowoka Institute to put his arm back together.

Afterwards, I met my lion wife online, and I decided to become a terrorist with my lion wife, and I'm here now.

"Don't you hate me or Kida and the others? We're both Japanese."

Kahiko asks. Rodriguez looked at Kida, anyway, as if he had looked down somewhere about himself.

"In the position of the abused, you are the same, so you have no hatred. Before that, I can hate an unspecified number of Japanese people, but I don't hold hatred between individuals who have come to know me straight away. You don't curse at me, you don't hit me with slippers, you don't throw teeth at me, you don't imitate pissing."

Listening to Rodriguez, Kehiko feels sympathy for him, too. Rodriguez also had scattered eyes, which led him to a bottomless hatred for the world.

"Rodriguez, at first, was twitching at me, too. Don't worry, I just can't break it right to the first person I meet."

"You know..."

When I saw Rodriguez, who would look like he had chewed up a bitter bug in Kida's words, nature and Kehiko also spilled a grin. Kehiko was happy that the wall that had been between Rodriguez and himself until now felt broken and disappeared.