"Yabe, this is so awkward. In order for a dicky organization to give you a name, you can stretch your back and squeal out and get killed."

Kida backs up and stirs up.

'Don't be alarmed. At the time Angel is there, and at the point where he tries to challenge us in a small number, it's better to see that he has quite a few arms'

Hearing his lion wife issue a warning, Kida struck his tongue. I don't mean to be alarmed, I provoked you to boost the place, but I whitewash you into the illegibility of the lion wife's air.

'We should avoid impossible engagements and run away. While we're fighting, the motorists can catch up to us, too'

"Uh-oh! I'm getting more violent!

Immediately surrounded by manoeuvres, where he fled without much fighting, Kida summons, who was indigested.

"Don't pity the boss over there."

Looking at Kida, it is a treasure that reminds me of the Persimmon Marsh of the Breaking Bamboo Rest Period, but Persimmon Marsh has not been so blatantly defiant. Though the end of the period was the extreme of stupidity.

(Well, this is where the battle is. The opponent's battle power is somewhat known, so we can take precautions in advance, which is overwhelmingly advantageous.)

I have received data from the mouse that has been identified from Junko.

However, Junko said that his abilities may be leveling up or mutating in a strange place. I can't be alarmed.

"Lion wife, running away here is unrealistic. No, to escape, to create that gap, engagement is inevitable."

Rodriguez said as he slapped his shoulder with a machine gun, and his lion wife stopped saying anything more.

"Machine guns and such are rare in Japan."

Lena says as she looks at Rodriguez.

"We handled it too, a little tense in value, and I need a cone, but I can't get it"

And, Zuo.

"Kida, that obnoxious poison gas user, come and dream in charge. Poisonous gases are subtle in this open space, but still keep in mind."

Zao's instructions caught my eye when I dreamed of coming for a moment, but I didn't feel comfortable with it.

(I wanted to play with Brother Kehiko... even though I saw him because of it)

Being in that terrorist group makes it obvious that Kehiko has been modified as a mouse, just like himself. I wanted to see and taste it and know. Besides, there is a natural feeling that you don't want other people to kill Kehiko.

"Rodriguez, who can wield a part of his body like a whip, is Angel. I have a machine gun too, so be careful. I don't have any more information..."

The information provided by Junko was for Rodriguez, Kida and his lion wife. Besides, he didn't give me any detailed information about his abilities, which is a pretty nasty substitute. With regard to Rodriguez, he also wields a part of his body like a whip, and when he touches that whip, he's only told it's limitless out.

"The boy in the back is pity. Be careful because you're unknown."

"A point of agreement - it is. Rather, it's rarer to be able to preview their abilities. I shouldn't... I totally forgot. Blue Hassibiro child! Visit!

I'm going to pose and give you a name by now, Poona. Dance. The bacteria side even sees it, no reactions for all three.

"Tyman is good. I don't like multiple opponents. Speaking of Tyman, Jacob and the Dark Angel."

As Angel gazes at Rodriguez and sticks his hands in his pocket, he distances himself from the Zuo and the others. Rodriguez is also aware of it and leaves Kida and Kehiko. Angel's willingness not to be otherwise interfered with and to compete in full thought was also conveyed to Rodriguez in one act.

The Dream travels slowly horizontally through the universe and confronts Kida. Kida made me feel like a creepy opponent. He's a child, but he doesn't look cowardly at all, he's flying in the sky, he's naked, he's growing out of his back like a board fluffy cloth, and even if he's the same mouse, he looks a lot out of standard.

Mina, who is mainly in charge of melee warfare, wonders how she approached Kakihiko, who is furthest away. It is the only enemy whose abilities have not been proven. It's possible you have deadly flying tools, and you have to be careful around them.

Kehiko, on the other hand, is aware of Mina's gaze, but much of that consciousness is poured into the coming dream.

A bunch of people showed up on the highway took up space, and the car stopped step by step to catch on, but no one on the spot cares.

The first to start was Kida and his dream of coming.

Kida suppresses her throat and sticks her face forward, spraying blue and black poison gas from her mouth.

The wind is blowing a little here, so there was some concern that the gas would scatter, but I was lucky enough to chase the wind. For this reason, even from a slightly further distance, I considered that spraying a large amount of poison gas would reach my dreams somewhat without misting them.

But suddenly there were countless holes in the blue and black poison gas.

There's also a strange expression for a hole in the gas, but I can only describe it as so. It was undoubtedly a hole. Something invisible comes down from the top, one bumpy hole after another, and it mists without reaching your dreams.

(Mind the power? That's a hassle......)

I can't see the identity of the enemy's abilities, but I can completely disable my gas. At this point in time, Kida sees that there was a battle.

"Mr. Kida, I don't think that's compatible with him. I'll take your place."

"Ooh... sorry"

Kahiko offered, so Kida relieves herself and takes turns. Instead, he hits his gaze at Pity Na, who still shows no sign of movement.

"Shh, the other one's changed players. Am I in charge of spraying poison gas? It's incompatible."

"You don't have to go out with the other convenience. We just need to maintain our current schematics."

Sakana tells her face under the helm. The coming dream seems to completely prevent poison gas, and we're just talking about having to tailor Kida like this.

"No, I'll fit over there"

I said in a voice that my dreams would reach both my own faction and my enemies. That gaze has already been directed at Kehiko.

"Hey, come dream. Don't take it personally."

"That's right. Yikes. Each one is compatible and incompatible, and it's a good combination, so you have to go with it."

Zao and Mina caution, but I wasn't willing to pull the dream off.

(If I don't lend my ear here, I'll just be a pro bono - huh)

However, since the dream is somewhat more collaborative, and calculations can be made, it is not good to remain silent and violate orders.

"Poison gas can be completely deactivated. If a poison gas user shows any signs of movement, I'll prevent it immediately. So don't even worry about pity. You should launch an attack. This way works better."

"Oh, really?

It was a pity not to be blatant, but I decided to match my dreams because I saw something like certainty in my coming dreams and I didn't have time to argue during the battle.

(I'm pretty sure you've got some ideas for coming dreams. Or a circumstance you don't want to tell me?

Though it is an inquiry, Zao suspects that the personal circumstances of his coming dreams are involved.

(For example, I think you knew someone among the enemies)

But then again, I want you to say it clearly. Whether that's a good acquaintance or a bad acquaintance.


Kehiko accidentally calls his name and speaks to the coming dream of staring straight at himself.

"Do you know him?"

A glimpse of Kehiko and confused Kida.

(Do you still know him? But the enemy side is bewildered, but don't look like you can afford to come)

From the position where Zuo was alone, I think looking at the side of my coming dream.

"Long time no see. I missed you. Brother Kehiko was also converted to Junko."

"Oh, oh..."

Kehiko nods almost to her naked dreams as she dodges.

(Why is this guy dressed like this? I don't see the point...)

Kehiko is aware of the chest and groin of the coming dream and turns a blind eye.

"We have to kill each other for once."

"Oh, oh."

I wasn't even surprised by this dialogue because I am Kwahiko, who knows exactly the character of my coming dreams.

Kehiko opens the door of the subspace tunnel at his feet. From the pitch-black door, countless hands crawl out of the black, long, slightly moving.

Dreams activate abilities.

An invisible incoming dream gravitational bullet flew in, but the black hand perceived it all, trying to shake it off, crushed. But gravity bullets also take the form of offsets with it.

You turned off my gas. It's an invisible attack.

Kida swallows her breath when she sees several black hands taking shape as if they were crushed over an asphalt. Something like an invisible sphere was firmly dewy crushing black hands. The crushed hand is still slightly stirred.

"Brother Kehiko Ishiki. You saw what I was capable of right away."

Coming dream to smile and praise with joy.

"I didn't spot you. This hand reacts automatically to most attacks. So, he protects me."

"It's convenient, easy and cheap."

"They say cheap is unnecessary. You still have a lot to say."

Two people who mingle with the same light mouth of Nori a year ago and break their faces in nostalgia.

But while he smiles, Kehiko becomes aware of the highly exposed outfit of his coming dreams. On the contrary, I am totally craving it.

(Uggh... I didn't react like this before, and I was used to it, because I haven't seen him in a long time... First of all, I didn't know if it was a man or a woman.)

It can be a good opportunity to be sure, but the thin, thin cloth cut of the flicker actually hides both the chest and pussy in a remarkable place. That's fantastic again, inspiring Kehiko.