Eleven years old. Fukagawa-ku, Tokyo Prefecture.

A boy in a school-run wearing a school-hat in sight arrives on his way home.

Because of his uniform and height, he seems to be in middle school. That's not an uncommon sight, but those who first see him and realize that fact look back uncommonly, because that hair, which appears slightly from the gap in the hat, is that of pale platinum, and the skin is also clear white.

A girl living in a house across the street drops off a window through the house as the boy opens the door to a two-story cultural home without a garden.


He whines in a voice no one can hear, goes upstairs and opens his own door.

When you enter the room and open the window, the girl who lives in the house across the street is coming out of the house and meets the boy. Is the girl like six or seven years old? Smile and wave loudly at the boy. When the boy smiles small at the girl too, he waves small.

When the boy takes a book from the bookshelf, he sits down in a chair and starts reading the book with his hat on.

I sense signs approaching, but the boy doesn't respond. I dare you to ignore me and get enthusiastic about reading.

When the Lord of Signs opened the door without knocking, and came in, he took the boy's hat.

Platinum hair becomes dewy. And the beauty as if I was mistaken for a girl.

"Tired, you can't hide your beautiful hair."

A woman, the lord of the house, smiled and spoke. He wears round glasses in his face and his hair is loosely tied behind his neck. My age is in my late twenties and so on, and I am a beauty in my loving face. A good, fleshy, abundant limb is clearly lined up even from above the clothes.

The woman's name was Kunawami Mitsufusa, and she lodged the boy at home and looked after him while providing food, clothing and schooling assistance.

If it's a regular student, in return, it's a place where people do chores and escorts, but what honey houses ask of boys is completely different from them.

"It stands out. It's just the right thing to hide."

In an understated tone, the boy - says Shizuno Rei. The appearance is that of a white man and, moreover, the owner of an extraordinary beauty, so he has long been dressed in such a way that his head hides as much as possible.

"I don't mind if you like the work of Dr. Samurai Trail, but look at my work for a little while."

say with a sighing smile.

Honeyhouses were written under the slogan Dog Breeding Honeyhouses, and she was an unsold female writer.

"It's time for lunch. Shall we even make some rice curry? Or would you like a pork cutlet? Make it croquet? Maybe I should make some for Ayane too. Do you think we could go out and eat? I wonder which Ayane likes better."

"Then at Rice Curry..."

"Yes, sir."

When tired answers, the honeyhouse walks towards the window, opens the window and speaks to the girl playing on the road.

"Sakura, do you want me to give you a curry treat at my place?

"Wow? Yay."

Sakura, the girl across the street, cheers.

"I'm gonna say no to your mother properly."


Tired stares smiling at the interaction between the honeyhouse and Sakura.

(I didn't know these calm days would come again...)

While I think so, tiredness was also a complicated mood.

The original self - to date, I have lived hateful, resentful, turning my back on the world. In the shadow of the turmoil of history, he was filled with dark desires, rising to the spill of destruction and slaughter.

But on the other hand, to live - to immerse his heart in the darkness, tiredness even began to tire. Such an arrow tip, he met with the honeymoon.

The Decaying Rope Honeyhouse is one of the landlords responsible for spiritual defense - the head of the Decaying Rope clan, but usually lives as much as he pleases as a writing. The management of the Decaying Rope clan is also carried out appropriately. If the honeymoon has to come to work seriously as the Decaying Rope family owner, it is nothing more than an afterthought.

So far, Honeyhouses have never experienced anything like this in their lives. For those of the Decaying Rope family who have served the country for generations, there are so many principals who end their lives without a lifetime of experience, such as the things that decaying rope moves. There are countless other sorcerer spell genres serving the country, and most of the paranormal relationship problems are done by other genres.

The Decaying Rope clan and the White Fox family are equal to the final line of defense, and if these two are requested by the state, it may be considered a situation that also leads to a national crisis.

Honeyhouses that live on their own as writers, however they do not abhor their fate as magicians. Training as a sorcerer is also taken seriously every day. That's why we're boarding him up to meet tirelessly and interact with each other as other genre sorcerers.

As for Shizuno Stream, it is a policy to learn actively by mixing with other classes when given the opportunity, so Tired happily accepted Honeyhouse's request.

"Tired, Ayane is here."

Honeyhouses headed to the ground floor speak from the bottom.

After a while, with the honeyhouse, one daughter appeared in the tired room. A girl who seems to be in her late teens, with the same vibrant green eyes as tired.

"Father, you look well. Best of all."

When he saw the tired face, Ayane Shizuno, the daughter of the tired fruit, smiled with joy. Tired smiles at the same time. I can't because I have honeymoon eyes, but I'm driven by the urge to hug them.

For hundreds of years, Tired and Ayane have continued their relationship of staying together. Whatever Ayanomoto is, Ayanomoto is very bad at spending a long time with him because he is tired. Hopefully we won't see each other for a long time, but after a long time together, my daughter will gradually feel neglected. Consequently, he continued to have a relationship that seemed to meet regularly.

Ayane is tired and encourages the training of the technique, while also managing Shizuno magicians. When someone newly inherited Shizuno's technique appeared after contacting the magicians who were in management and conducting exchanges and training, they also performed functions such as performing surgical trials and making up for the missing parts of the opponent.

There are never many Shizuno magicians, and there is nothing like building a dojo-like base and consolidating it in one place, but Ayane was in a position to be trusted by Shizuno's wizards in the eyes of Shizuno's master and administrator.

"You were just in the right place. I made Ayanomo-san's curry too."

"It will be a treat"

"Ah, Ayanomo-chan is coming."

Shortly after Ayane lowered her head, Sakura, who came up to the second floor, sounded happy.

Then the four of us ate rice curry and chatted happily, but after Sakura left the house, Ayane turned true.

"Have you heard rumors about Father, Honeyhouse, and the heartbreaking sorcerer?

On a topic touched upon by Ayane, the honeymoon looks a little unpleasant. Because I know the rumors.

"Yeah...... I know. He seems to be a medium user and has returned many..."

Tired says without any particular emotion.

A rumor spoken by Ayane is a substitute that is spreading only among paranormal associates. Rumor has it that some people use witchcraft to work serial killings and women's assaults.

Until I was taken care of in my honeymoon house, I don't think anything else because of the tiredness of doing the same thing to myself. In front of the honeymoon, I am refraining from evil as much as possible now.

"Heart-breaking witchcraft is similar to Shizuno's as a form and policy of the genre."

Honeyhouses said.

Heart-breaking witchcraft is known as a very easy witchcraft to get to know, and there are many users of this technique. Since the technique is knitted after specializing in ease of mastery, it can also be taken for granted.

The part that resembles Shizuno Stream lies in the place where the gateway to the hopeful is open, and in the form conveyed between individuals from the witches they meet to the witches.

But for this reason, the part where many abusers of this witchcraft appear is similar to Shizuno Liu. When a person who uses Shizuno Stream to work excessively evil appears, Ayane is disposed of and around. Father, of course, and the tiredness of the founding fathers, as an exception.

"I can't seem to get around to it in the middle of nowhere lately because of the frequency of out-of-the-way incidents everywhere. If you hear from me, can I deal with it?

"Nothing... when you do, you don't need my permission."

Tired of smiling. I'm not just saying no to discipline, but daring to say it in front of the honeymoon made me feel strange that Ayane was calculating it so that tiredness would be difficult to allow.

"More than that, it's time to go..."

Tired gets up and wears a hat.


Ayane nodding lightly.

"Have fun"

Honeyhouses smile and speak up. When we hadn't seen each other in a long time, the honeymoon knew it was a classic for parents and children to go out and play.