"No, sister... I'm saying I'll try my best, but he's broken both arms ~?"

"Ip Shan can do it. Shut up and watch."

Silvia ran out of conviction, though it was a few nights that could be seen as if she were irresponsibly supportive.

"Ha-ha-ha, cheered by the ladies, I'll run out of manhood, Mr. Ip Mountain."

Stirring with a full voice of irony, Sato takes off his suit jacket, takes off all his shirts too, and gets naked in his upper body.

When he saw the flesh of Satoh, who had become dewy, many who were on the spot took their breath.

There are several resentful faces floating on the surface of the flesh that are muscular and successful that I don't think of as old men

"Thanks for the same power I used to know - it looks like you're putting your technique on your own body. It's like taking grudges into your body and empowering you with it."

"It's exactly that technique. It's a spell I learned from Junko Yukioka, your stupid brother who was killed by you, and Mike Leonard. That was my apprentice, but I was taught this technique because it's a dark spell he inherited from his ancestors, and it's on me, too."

To Junko's words, Sato speaks with a smile.

(Even with the same technique as Mr. Leonard, this man's fighting power is not comparable to Mr. Leonard's.)

Look at Sato, Junko decides so.

(That's not all. Sato)

Yamaki Noisuke muttered without speaking out.

Ichigo Sato has served Yamagatasuke as a butler over the years, but he is the mentor of the same complex devil and an almost equally qualified magician.

But Sato spent much of the magic he had mastered for a battle with flesh. All sorcery is for battle, so I don't say it is to hone my strength.

He was too difficult for Noisuke Yamagata to understand. And neither does Sato understand nor empathize with the deeds of Aoinosuke. That's why Aoinosuke liked Sato.

He made himself a butler in exchange for offering Sato a place to fight and kill, no matter who his opponents were, who would continue to seek the battle.

Sato, who is a gentleman on the surface, but full of struggle and then brutality, continued to erase those who were in his way for Kosuke, to protect Kosuke and to work as Kosuke's hands and feet. I can only count Sato's disobedience to Yamagatasuke's expectations. Competent and hand-worked. And faithful. They've spent a long time together, trusting each other.

(I can't imagine Sato losing at all)

Yamaki Noisuke believes. No, I'm sure.

(Ma, even if both arms are broken, I don't see the visions that Ip Shan loses.)

Junko, on the other hand, had the same confidence in Ip Mountain as Yamagatasuke.

"Can you play with me with that handful?

Sato finds himself.

"You just said that, didn't you? Maggots don't originally have arms. So there's no problem with this."


Sato waves his right arm and emits a blade-shaped light. The aim is legs.

Ip Mountain leaps forward and squeezes. And pack a little distance from Sato.

Sato shook his left arm at Ip Mountain in the air, aiming again at his legs and emitting light. Now I've got a direct hit.

But Ip Mountain is peeling. It's just like when I let the light shine on my arm so many times earlier. A regular person would say that meat would explode or bones would break in a single blow.

Sato's power far surpasses that of a regular man by lodging resentment in him. And even though the light is flying directly at Sato's power as it is, even if it strikes directly at Ip Mountain's body, it doesn't appear to be heavily damaged. Sato simply felt it was very sturdy.

Leaf Mountain approaching, with all his strength, sticks out his arms. The light is emitted across the face of Ye Shan.

Ip Mountain takes a direct hit of light to his face. Upper Mi and Angelina take a breath when they see it.

But Ip Mountain only flickered slightly, packing more and more distance from Sato.

(Such an idiot... taking a direct hit in the face... how can you be fine?

Nor could Sato the boulder forbid war and amazement.

Yet the next action taken by Ip Mountain further stunned and terrorized Sato.

Hayama waves a broken arm without hesitation and strikes down the side of Sato. I was wary of a kick coming, but I ate it decently because I didn't expect it to strike me with my arms flat.

"Angry maggots make themselves stronger than Orihalcon. Didn't you know?

Leaning toward Sato, who leans heavily and flinches a few steps backwards, Ip Mountain says, as if to answer the question and consternation that his attack did not pass.

Sato, on the other hand, was sneaking up and spelling a spell.

(Kura eh)

From both eyes of Sato, like a laser beam, the light of two strips is released.

Ip Mountain tilts his upper body to the side. If he easily squeezes, he steps toward Sato and shakes his broken arm again.

Hayama unleashed the upper, but now Sato also dodges it. Then Sato counters, aiming at the temples of Ip Mountain and releasing the right hook.

With that Sato fist, Ip Shan waved his left arm. Fist with fist - I didn't. He pierced Sato's fist at the tip of a broken bone that jumped out of his arm.

(Mr. Ip Mountain... Whatever you want. That...)

Seeing how Leaf Mountain fights, which does not omit us at all, Uemmi puts up his face. Angelina also poses as Munk's scream next door.

Destroyed his fist in a hell of a way, Sato holds his right hand and retreats with a blue face.

"You... haven't fought much stronger opponents than yourself, have you? Not so much about surviving a life in danger, is it? Even I, the maggots, can see that. That's what you know when you're against someone you're fighting."

Let Sato have a chilling glance and Ip Mountain speaks pale.

(Unbelievable... I didn't know that Sato was being pushed... what a pleasure)

After seeing how Sato and Ip Mountain were doing, Aoinosuke laughed at them.

"I... have fought over and over again with people who are as strong as I am or who are clearly stronger than I am. Umeko, Junko, Viper, Terrence...... I was able to grow up, too, feeding on the battle against such strong people. But..."

As he spoke, Sato nearby felt as if the struggle to rise from Ip Shan's body had increased even further.

When I met a strong enemy or caught a glimpse of defeat, what I was trying to get away with as soon as I could was Leaf Mountain, which I would keep to myself here.

"You won't feed me."

Sato was shocked by the words of Ip Mountain. Word became the murder weapon, piercing my soul.

It's been a long time for Sato, such as the experience of someone catching up to him, looking down on him and making him cocky. Sato also admits that that is precisely because he has fought only the weaker than himself.

The endless humiliation and anger burns Sato's heart. Gentlemen are bastards in nature, and even if they are elderly, they are actually bearers of childish spirit. The mask shatters, the skin peels off, and its face, which was always spared, is unnecessarily distorted by this.


Sato tried to beat him towards Ip Mountain with a scream, but both the scream and the movement were interrupted by Ip Mountain.

Ip Mountain jumped up in front of Sato. I thought the gallery would even kick ass, but it wasn't.

Sato couldn't react when he was impressed by Ip Mountain's move to jump as much as he wanted in front of him. When I noticed, Leaf Mountain's lower body approached me before me and my neck was pinched disappointingly between my thighs.

(Hmm, that's haha...!

I was a little excited to guess what Ip Mountain was trying to do, but the movement from there on Ip Mountain was slightly different from Junko's expectations.

Ip Shan wakes up his torso all at once so that he exercises his abs with Sato's neck pinched with his legs. Above Sato, when dressed to shoulder the opposite direction, he grabs Sato's head with both hands and turns his face as upwards as possible. And as he approached Sato's face, Ip Mountain shrugged pompously.

"Maggotfire... zero range shooting"

"No...? Whoa, whoa, whoa!

A diarrhea released from close range is bathed in the upper part of Sato's face, and his eyes, which were wide open without paying attention to the actions of Ip Mountain, are burned with stomach acid.

Shortly after throwing up the gelo at close range, Ip Mountain spins the upper body as opposed to the other way around this time, and at the same time the lower body with its neck pinched also spins with momentum.

With the pendulum guidelines, Sato's body was punched out of his head and rotated, slamming his head all the way to the floor. It's called a prowl move, Frankensteiner.

(I should have planted a Frankensteiner normally, but did I have to do it after I deliberately pinched a maggot-fire between them...?

Chuckling and laughing, Junko penetrates in his heart.

Sato, who had his eyes burned, his neck twisted and, above all, his brain beaten to the floor once more, could not stand up immediately. Keep your eyes open on your back and look up at the ceiling with a concussion and shaky vision.

On the head of that sato, a stiff metal is pressed against it. Sato couldn't have known what that feeling meant, even with his blurry head.

"With broken arms, it's hard to aim, but at this distance... you just have to pull the trigger. A broken arm is enough."

Leaf Mountain, crouching and shoving a gunshot at the head of the fallen Sato, tells him quietly. Sato was rigid in his fear of death and had stopped thinking.

"Well... is there anything left to say?

Less than three seconds after asking, Ip Mountain pulled the trigger without waiting for Sato to answer.

"On second thought, there was no point in asking."

Saying so in vain, Ye Shan rises.


Angelina cheers when she sees the victory of Ye Shan. Upper Mi rushes to Ye Shan and tries to take care of the injuries.

(I didn't know Mitsubishi and I were going to kill that old man with both arms broken, underground, or lightly...)

Alternating views of Sato's wreckage and Ip Mountain nestled with his broken arm hanging out, Kurizo was at war.

"It was the only thing that made me a tree. I was falling in there."

Take out the toilet clogging array - the sooty (officially known as rubber cup), and Ueme takes off her jacket and wraps it around Ye Shan's arm.

"Hehe... maggots deserve it... Thank you."

"But this is just one arm, and I'll find something else to hit the tree with."

"How about this. It would be better than not."

When Yasuse takes out and stretches the guard stick for his protection, he hits the other arm of Ip Mountain and wraps a handkerchief around it.

"Whoo-hoo... because I'm so full of maggots..."

Ye Shan, who will have a tranced face.

The sound of dry applause echoes inside the arena. It was Aoinosuke.

"I didn't expect to kill Sato. Honestly...... man i even thought it might be invincible but there is up there in the world. I don't know."

Saying, Yamakunosuke offers a silent prayer to Sato.

"For many years...... it was hard work. The days I spent with you are my treasures."

There was a cool grin on that face of Yamaki Noisuke, who told him with a great sense of purpose, that this creepy man had never shown in public before.