"Original Ugh!

Number two peels off his eyes and screams.

"Unfortunate Late Payment!

Initiate destiny manipulation in a flaming moment.

Strong winds blow, the power of the flames kills, and Mika rushes to fly off the scene.

Whether the ability of the air user misactuated the wind, or the prospect of making cloth dance with the wind overlapped with the place where Mika was, a convenient coincidence was called for for Mika anyway, and bad luck was avoided.

But still, it's completely unprotected, and there's fire all over Mika's clothes. I prevented it from falling into flames, but the damage was done.

"Original loo."

To Mika rolling around on the floor trying to extinguish the fire, No. 2 takes off her jacket and lights Mika, helping her extinguish the fire.

"Who is the user of fate manipulation? I don't like it."

Pompous and grunting Miho.

"Ahchi...... what is that now!?

"I told you I was camouflaging on the floor and walls. Protective colors."

True answered Mika asking.

"As far as I can tell, Miho has three abilities. Salamander Sack sprays fire from his own body." Chameleon Printers "that multiply and divide their bodies to create planar things like cloth and vinyl that change their appearance. In other words, the cloth scattered around here was split from Miho's body. And some are camouflaged to the floor with protective colors."

"Understood! What's the other one!?

Destiny manipulation.

To the true answer, Mika solidified.

(Different killings are slightly felt. You're lurking around the other two. It's hard to tell where it is because it's far away. I mean, it's another guy flying out of cloth. We just have to find it and get rid of it... it's gonna be a one-sided development)

Where my gaze reaches at the point where I feel killed - that is, lurking somewhere in the factory, I saw the truth.

Cloth flickers from all over the factory, slowly approaching as if to besiege the three. That's a good number.

Think if they all fly in unison and ignite, number two takes a breath. In a few or a dozen seconds or so, you're likely to be what you imagined.

"Uh-oh... I'll give this to you in a pretty bad situation ~. Do you want to do more?

In order for No. 2 to distract the fear, I give a voice out of my way.

(Sure this equals absolute despair! But what do we do!? No matter how fateful the manipulation is, there are limits!

True shoots a gun at Miho. Miho shrugs.

"Mika, look for other enemy positions. Use the blind spot of your soul to find it while it continues to work and, if possible, kill it as it is."

True gives instructions and shoots more guns. This strongly attracted Miho's consciousness to himself.

"Accepted! Dead spot of the soul!

Following true instructions, Mika activates fate manipulation.

The truth is it was easy for me to say, but Mika decides that this is a very difficult mission that we need the help of luck to accomplish.

The blind spot of the soul is a destiny manipulation that can erase itself from the perception of others. But without certainty, you can't use it from a state where the consciousness of others is strongly suited to you. There needs to be other consciousness. It is better if there are any who are.

While finishing one action, or until some time, the ability persists. If True continues to attract Miho's attention, he can continue to erase his perception from Miho for a long time.

Mika runs through the factory while standing ready to shoot the gun.

(Do protective colored cloths planted on the floor automatically blow the fire when you step on them, or do you need the awareness of Miho? If the former is dangerous)

We need luck not to tread, and if we did, we'd have to bet that it's an ability not to activate automatically.

All over the factory, the desk where the machine is located is lined up in a narrow area. There are countless places to hide.

And in a limited amount of time, not necessarily when the blind spot of the soul will be lifted, we need to find hidden enemies from within this vast factory. Pretty lame order. But Mika understands that she is a good fit to do it, and that if she doesn't, she is unfavourable.

Mika looks around the back of her desk from one end.

True gunfire interrupts. When the cloth that was floating in the air and encircling moved with the wind and ignited simultaneously, the cloth wrapped around the fire continued to fly from next to next.

Truth draws the steel wire that was put out in advance. Shake the hammered steel wire first to tangle with the opponent at a high speed, like a torso chain, and tangle it against the cloth of fire with a tipped hammer, or beat it off.

No. 2 also activates further organic traps, preventing the cloths of fire from flying one after the other in the wind. The trap to make number two is that once we run out of handheld catalysts and warm traps, we'll stop with that already. If they run out, Number Two can't protect himself.

At that time, Mika's soul blind spot was lifted. It is automatic cancellation by time.


Unexpectedly Miho peels her eyes and gives her voice. When I realized it, Mika disappeared, because she was in a place that wasn't there.

The continuous use of the blind spot of the soul is not possible. Even if it is not a continuous use, if it is used more than once in a day, the certainty is diminishing. But there is another similar ability.

"Decoy to the intent to kill!

Conditions are similar to soul blind spots, as well as fateful manipulation techniques that have similar effects - decoy to intent to kill. However, the activation conditions are strict. While it only works for those who are willing to kill themselves, they need someone to change their clothes, and they need to be close to each other. The duration is extremely short, and the ability can be solved if you feel hostile or hostile to others during use.

An alternative benefit of tight conditions is to ensure that it is activated. And continuous use is not possible, but there is no limit to degradation due to the number of times.

The decoy to the intent to kill was quickly solved. But it was enough to buy me time.

Mika found the man lurking in the shadow of his desk - full of gold wells.


Seeing Mika, soon approaching, Kanai makes her face draw to fear.

Just looking at it, Mika saw this man as a different capable man and shot him in the head without question.

I didn't even think about the possibility of someone else, but I couldn't afford to hesitate. For our own safety, we have no choice but to shoot. It's unlikely that an unrelated person would be in a place like this in the first place.

The wind stops blowing, and the cloth cuts that were dancing through the universe fall to the floor in unison.

(Honestly... you were absolutely desperate. If Mika was a few more seconds behind, she would have been a black cod)

Conscious of the countless flame-wrapped cloth cuts that fell around him, True strokes down his chest. It was getting harder to prevent the cloth from flying in all directions. If you were to run poorly or roll away, a cloth planted on the floor or desk would ignite, and you were in the same spot, and you just had to keep taking it.

"You'll do it inside. But it's funny. It's funnier than dying here lightly."

Miho laughs invincibly as Kanai is killed and loses his absolute advantage.

Mika feels murderous up close and looks back.

No one. I wondered if it was lurking in the shadow of my desk, and as I moved around and tried to grasp my surroundings, a few pieces of cloth that were falling on the floor suddenly rose in front of Mika.


Mika cautions the cloth from spraying fire and retreats reflexively.

(There is another person with the power to move the cloth......!

Immediately after that thought, a hot pain struck Mika's abdomen.

Something like a water-colored spear stretched from behind her and pierced her abdomen from Mika's waist.

In front of Mika, something like a thin tentacle of water appears from under the cloth, from the desk drawer, many simultaneously. They have pointy tips and aim the tip towards Mika, who is hardened by shock.

True is the machine pistol. Then shoot all the horse-taming bullets. He didn't shoot some tips of the water-colored tentacles and prevented an attack on Mika, but some remain.


I thought the safe tentacles would attack, but screamed and pulled in so that all the tentacles would wander around.

Mika's body falls sideways.

From inside the desk drawer, it appeared. Water-colored human head with a blur and indeterminate shape. Dozens of thin, long tentacles extend from the area around its neck.

Only the man's face fastens the prototype before transforming into a Phantom. It was one of the rats, Dun Mizushima.

"That idiot. They'll be after you when you come out..."

Tongue-in-cheek Miho. But Mika fell, not in the offensive range of No. 2, but truly in the middle of a reload, so there was ample opportunity for Mizushima to just escape.

The Phantomized Now Mizushima has all the skull bones softened so it can be planarized and into a narrow place as well. He passed through the cloth and the desk and snuck away, causing Mika to go into a zone where he could attack him, so he flinched.


Screaming, Mizushima disappears. I was surprised by the pain and accidentally jumped out, but realized that I had done something unsavory myself. And forget to stab Mika in the stomach, dive under the cloth and the desk, and even escape.

"I'm glad I got this one back. I'll pull it off today. We're still having fun again."

Smiling and saying so, Miho leads to the back door of the factory with an early foot facing True.

The reloaded truth points the gun toward Miho.

"Bad Luck Late Payment"

Miho groans and activates Fate Manipulation. It is a primary destiny manipulation that involves avoiding misfortune and crises that occur to you, but small misfortunes will occur later. I also use Mika a a lot.


I heard Mika groan and truly thought of attacking her. I let go of the person trying to escape and decided that I should go help Mika first now. An earlier watercolor Phantom said he might strike Mika again, who could still be lurking and could no longer move.

(Is it the effect of fate manipulation that stopped me with this groan... Mika got hit, I was in danger, and you're the strong guys inside)

True to wrap your tongue around. Miho in particular is powerful and troublesome in all of his abilities, even though he has multiple abilities.

Two and True, the two of us rush to Mika's side. The amount of bleeding is not as bad, but it is a serious injury no matter what you think.

"Higu... Higu... Original..."

Crying out number two. True to take Mika's clothes off and give her pale first aid. In the meantime, we are also wary of raids by the watercoloured Phantom, and we have steel wire boundaries around us.

"Don't cry...... number two. The degree to which a hole has been made in the stomach. I will never die of this. Believe me, wait..."

When Mika looked up at No. 2 and made a smile and said it out in a weak voice, the force fell out of her neck like a thread had been cut and drowned her head on the floor.