Akiichi, Ryujiro, and Sanji returned to the headquarters of the Murder Club.

At the Kettle Hill office, when you report your history to Kettle Hill, Kettle Hill will contact Starling Stream Main House.

(Are you willing to tell them you failed and call for reinforcements)

Good governance perceives and puts up his face. It's not my sole responsibility because I'm failing jointly with the murder club, but nonetheless, failure is a failure, and when I meet with Shining, they absolutely dislike me.

"I made a report that I had failed, and I asked star coal for another, a helper. Let's add one from the Murder Club."

Kettle Hill tells the three of them in front.

"Hooray for just coming back alive."

Seeing the obviously pungent sharp and good governance, Kettle Hill speaks up.

"No, there were four of them, and they'd kick their ass in no time, or something, but it's amazing."

The fine dust also does not show signs of being depressed, and Ryujiro makes a bright voice at the same rate as usual.

"It's a kick-ass outfit that Oretzee doubles and kicks. I feel terribly bad about standing on his side."

Sharp Ichi distorts his face to remorse.

(Isn't that stronger than Shining? Dimensional strength.)

After he thought that, he realized that he was consciously comparing with Shining, and he felt indescribable.

"You, you seem to know those two heads"

Sharp One speaks to Ryujiro.

"Yes, it's famous for its straw and its muscles. Mr. Gaye Taurumura and Mr. Asae Taurumura. They used to take unauthorized shots online, and they put it up. She is also famous for her adorable Sham twins, but she is known in the paranormal industry for being a magician in the Magic Order Complex Devil."

"I'm from that paranormal industry, but I didn't know..."

Dragon Jiro explains it and says how sorry he seems to be for good governance.

"Even though Ryujiro, who is not a magician, knows, he is quite famous, but he didn't know Sunset Ke Hill"

In sharp words, Good Governance will look a little annoyed.

"I'm oblivious to magic. You know a lot about ancient Japanese witchcraft and spells, and you know the names of celebrities. How did Suzuki know better than that?

"I never had a crush on witchcraft at one time. I'm still very attracted to that idea."

Asked by Good Governance, Ryujiro replied. I have actually knocked on the gates of the Order of the Mages, Ryujiro, but I could hardly wear magic there.

"Thoughts may vary depending on the school of witchcraft, but in the organization I was involved in, the ultimate in witchcraft was to bring people back to what they were supposed to be, and they were all H"

The reason Ryujiro quit that sorcery church was because of it. Because it was a cult group that could barely be helped.

"Isn't that a suspicious Incheon group?

"There were magicians with a single stress, but it didn't fit..."

Asked sharply, Ryujiro laughs lightly.

"Complex Devil...... this"

Kettle Hill projects a holographic display, produces search results, copies and flies to Koichi and Koji.

"That's a pretty huge organization. An organization of magicians from all over East Asia."

"Those who were attacking Gaolin were also magicians. The target is also likely someone from the same organization"

Sharp Ichi and Good Governance say respectively.

"I think I'll try to hit the complex devil directly. say he is a government person, exerting pressure on the upper echelons of the organization and causing him to offer the applicable"

Kettle Hill says with a complicated look. It is a pot hill that I never dreamed I would be in a position on the side of power when I said I was once a journalist who put up anti-power. And when I am conscious of exercising state power, I no longer do.

"The twins of Sham called Bull Village seemed like conversation was the way to go, but they were supposed to protect that chest shit bad magician, and the battle was inevitable, wasn't it?

Sharp Ichi speaks differently to Kettle Hill, who is about to go the negotiating route.

"Yeah. So we can wield power and do things the way we pressure the organization, so we're talking about trying that. Someone will come out to protect the target, but under pressure, they will rebel within their organization, so they will use it. I don't like the way I used to be on the anti-power side."

The last dialogue was the pot hill, which I would say with a face like chewing down a bitter bug.

"Put pressure on it and wait for a reaction. I think we can do enough to keep more guys from taking sides with targets in the organization."

While Kettle Hill is talking, the office door is knocked.

"Go ahead."

"Excuse me, Sosu."

It was the girl in the uniform who came in. Seeing its extraordinary and adorable appearance, Good Governance moves away.

"This is Sunset Keqiu Yoshiji, the star charcoal streaming sorcerer who is acting jointly this time. He's the same high school student as Akiichi and Ryujiro, and he sounds like a friend."

"We're not friends."

Kettle Hill, Akiichi, who introduces the good governance thing, denied it. When it comes to Sunji, he leaves his mouth half open and stares at Yu.

(awesome... cute...)

It was quite the type of good governance preference.

"Nice to meet you. Dawn Yusu. It may seem unreliable, but I will remain the leader of the murder club for once. Nice to meet you, Sosu."

You keep your hands on your knees and carefully bow your head, but Sunji is unresponsive.

"Hey, what are you looking at? Are you gonna cheat on me?

He was shouted sharply with a smiley face, and good governance stifled.

"Ugh, what's an affair about?"

"What are you talking about? White. You have a junior Commissioner Kazaki."

"Bebe, I'm not dating anybody."

Jito, the sharp eye, the upset good governance.

"But that kid is obviously a ho on Sunset Ke Hill, isn't he? That's a lot of talk."

(Hey... we were talking...)

When he hears Ryuji's words, Good Governance is stunned.

"Oh, excuse me. Good governance of the star charcoal flow witchcraft Sunset Quechu. Nice to meet you...... No, I'm glad to hear it. You're the additional reinforcement from the homicide club side?

Besides, I'm more aware of what you said about being a leader. Even though she seems like a very adult, cute girl with a really figured out impression who looks unrelated to every dispute, etc.

"I see. So here we are. Ah."

Yu smiling toward good governance.

"Don't judge him by his appearance. This is still our leader."

"I got fucked up, too."

Sharp Ichi said to Good Governance, and Kettle Hill added with a bitter smile.

Kaolin Stream Witchcraft engaged in the country and responsible for spiritual defense.

In the same place the sorcerer continued to be killed, and for the sake of his investigation and vengeance, he repeated the vicious circle that sending an armed sorcerer would kill him again, and for the fourth time a survivor finally appeared.

Hatsutaro the Pregnant Wand. The other magician died, but thanks to his mysterious helper, he was the only one who helped.

When he went to the main house of Gaoling Stream and reported on the matter, the old sorcerer involved in the operation of Gaoling told him this only rarely.

"The country made it. Even to protect the high ridge, the killer was solemnly cleared by the hands of the nation's new spiritual defence agency, the Murder Club. Besides, the star charcoal is set up to help with this."

To the old sorcerer's report, the face of the pregnancy wand is distorted into anger.

From an established high ridge, there is no more humiliating talk. And when that star charcoal is chewing.

Gaoling Stream does not mean that it is unfamiliar with the star coal stream, but the star coal recently issued a declaration of tolerance for the spiritual defense agency, giving it away from national service, and insisted that it even assists in its establishment and operation.

Many magicians became angry with the star charcoal when other than a clan of state-serving magicians said that being involved in spiritual defense was in itself an unforgivable thing, but it also amounted to treachery, such as holding them back while leaving state-serving.

"There have already been many victims. The country will keep this a secret, considering our decency, so we better leave it to them."

To the words spoken by the old sorcerer, the gestational wand became angry and heartfelt against the heartless body.

"This is humiliating. The country's appreciation of us is also, I'm sure, declining. I want to take my fellow countrymen's revenge. It doesn't make sense if we fought with our own hands."

The gestational wand stood up and said away in an angry form.

Today, the person killed has been a best friend of ours for more than thirty years since we were children. You can't take your own revenge, you can never admit it, leave it to spiritual defense agencies, traitor star coal, etc.

"Don't do anything unsolicited. I think how much we've already lost our countrymen. I can't lose you..."

"You're not, are you? You really don't want the country to stare at you for doing something extra, do you? Do whatever you have to do about me."

Throwing away at the old sorcerer, the gestational wand followed the main house in a rambling foothold.

I know it's not what happens with my own strength, with a pregnancy wand. But I have an idea that we might be able to do something about it. As one bet. That's about all I could think of in a pregnancy wand, a way to take revenge on my own.