Complex Devil In the Japanese branch building, murders are carried out as they do day after day. They sacrifice people for their magic catalysts and rituals.

But it will not be discovered first. Because they're covering it up with tissue.

Even within the organization, not everyone is committing murder. It is done only by some, and the vast majority of magicians who belong do not know the truth. But the rumor is famous within the organization.

Only those who know the truth are those involved in its murder.

Materials sold from the human trafficking organisation Dignity of Meat Chunks - the majority of which are immigrants, or children imported from China - are secretly transported into the building and procured into rooms where there are those who need them.

In Shirley McNeill's private room, one of Shirley's particularly trusted apprentices carries a huge atash case.

There was a sleeping man in the case. No matter how you look at it, race is not Japanese. It would be immigration. Neither Shirley nor his disciples think about how this happened.

With the three disciples, Shirley dismantles the man of material alive with a familiar hand. Even if I say the most alive, I naturally die on the way to dismantling. The heart and brain will be removed and transformed into a catalyst.

Shirley has many other disciples besides the three who are here now, but these three are particularly loyal, and Shirley's human catalysis and ritual witchcraft with sacrifice have been helping her over the years. Her orders would do anything.

Shirley, who craved slaves who were absolutely submissive to herself, empowered those who had no place to go, drugged them, continued to imply them by art, and enslaved them with remembrance to obtain these three faithful disciples. Some of the other magicians do the same.

"Why don't you guys hang out with something a little nasty? I could die, though."

In the tone of first request, we all know that this is an order not to be made to say whether or not.

In front of Hotel Opossum.

Huiming and Shu are returning, and Yu, Ryujiro, Akiichi and Yoshiji are asking about the situation around the hotel.

It is difficult to see directly from the hotel and the coffee shop is located over the plants. But even if it's hard to see from the hotel, you can see the hotel from the coffee shop. The line-of-sight blocking effect of the plants is significant, with a good view of the outside from the inside but difficult to see from the outside. Those who live in a room on the ground floor, where plants have been planted with awareness of sight loss, know well.

"What are we gonna do? You're gonna stake him out here all the time?

Sharp One asks as he rinses his second cup of coffee.

"One of these days I may be concerned about the clerk's gaze, but I'll have to."

"If my phantom kingdom can recognize anyone outside the kingdom, I hope it stays there."

Yu and Ryujiro say. Ryujiro's junction is a substitute for the fact that when the phantom enters the multiply stretched junction, those outside are also unrecognizable, instead of losing sight of themselves. We get visually cut off from each other. Therefore, it is not suitable for monitoring.

"What about the star coal helpers?

Sharp ichi sees good governance. We're supposed to rendezvous here, but after nearly another hour, he won't show up.

"Just arrived."

Three other people's gaze concentrates on the entrance to the coffee shop and says, "Good governance."

A suspiciously elderly man dressed in an astrologer's style walked in, looked at this seat and made him laugh at the garlic.

"No... this is it, you're brilliantly young. It's so tight to have an old man about to be a grandfather."

Coming to the front of a seat with four people, a man with a flattering smile fortune-teller style said in a tone of relief.

"Yes, let's introduce ourselves. Star Charcoal Yufu. Until recently, he was a star charcoal curse, but he changed his mind and joined the last seat of star charcoal diversion. Nice to meet you."

If I do, I will introduce myself to Tamao, who greets me with a light nori, as will the three members of the murder club.

"It was helpful to identify where the target was. Ah."

"That was helpful, but I never rendezvous, never contacted you. So this one was narrow shoulder. They keep telling me when to come."

Yu expresses his gratitude and Good Governance complains.

"Ooh, you're welcome. I'm sorry. I was thinking of putting up a handle, appealing competently, and then rendezvous. Besides, having a souvenir in a jammed area would appeal to my usefulness."

"I see. But if I bothered to say that, it would be over in many ways. You don't feel thankful?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

Dragon Jiro points me out, but Yuzu smiles flatly.

"Oh, yeah. Let's keep one fortune at a time. You can have it for free with the first service."


Sharp Ichi turns a frigid gaze on Tamao's offer.

"Mm-hmm. As you can see, the main business is in fortune tellers. You have a reputation for hitting well, this is it."

"Oh, this is my first divination or something. Good results, please."

Yu comes aboard, but Yu Husband grinned bitterly.

"That's a hard order. All right, let's start with the red dot."

Tamao sees Yu over the crystal sphere when he takes the crystal sphere out of the bag he lowered to his waist to the point of riding on his palm.

"Hmmm... this is... watch your eyes"

"Is that an eye?"

Yu was a little, but I'm sure he was. The place to show your power is certainly the eye. To be careful with that means you can take it when you have trouble with your eyes, and that means your powerlessness.

"Well, let's go to Good Governance next."

"Do as you please"

To be honest, I didn't like good governance such as being accounted for, but it was difficult to say no, so I decided to flush it properly.

"Hmm. I guess it's a woman in distress. Be nice to the people you think of."

"Is that the kid from Commissioner Kazaki's junior year?"

"It's definitely that girl. Always checking with me at the school gate."


Sanji smiles at Akiichi and Ryujiro, laughing at each other.

Next, Ryujiro will shake the crystal ball.

"Oh, this one looks like a woman in distress, too. But is this... a little different from the erotic shabby? Looks like there's a cause. Heh heh, we're all aware of each other. Do you have any idea?

"It's all in the middle. There are many of them."

Ryuji laughs and affirms, while this fortune-teller decides that he has definite power, including the fortune-teller results of Yuya and Good Governance. In the future, when something gets stuck, I think you can rely on it for divination.

At the end of the day, it was sharp. Here Tamao makes a difficult face.

"This is... um... quite a ordeal awaiting us. It takes patience. I also need luck. Big enough trials to feel for a short time…"

"Too vague to be of any use. That's divination."

Sharp one who says it without bites.

"Yes, I forgot. Release the spirit you used to locate the target properly in front of me. Shining tells me to check it out too"

"Oh, they tell me to do the same."

Yufu is urged by good governance to do the spiritual liberation.

Good governance speaks to the spirit of the murdered students and teachers who are summoned in front of them, checking their names against each facial photograph.

I could only partially understand what good governance and Tamao were doing to the three members of the murder club who couldn't see the spirit.

"Oh boy, what a way to get in. How can you not trust me?"

Jade husband with a dry laugh. The look on his face flashed but tightened.

"Did they see you from right around the corner?

Says Akiichi. Everyone felt gaze and signs.

"I thought you were hiring an informer to check the hotel perimeter. I just noticed though. If so, you should have thought about it a little bit more and acted on it."

And, Yu.

"Too much now...... It's a dumb story."

Sharp Ichi pounds his tongue.

"You're not an informant."

Good governance denies it.

"Oh, there's remnants of the paranormal realm drifting. You're not trained magicians, so you don't know. This is like a demon. Besides, he's the type who specializes in secrecy. Neither I nor Shinji have ever noticed."

That's what Tamao says. He sits next to Good Governance.

"If you're in that hotel, can't you get your hands on it? While we wait here for a while, let's try to work out the operation slowly"

"Come later and don't divide it. I'm already going to, and this is how I've been waiting."

"Whoa, I'm sorry about that."

Sharply speaking in a grumpy manner, Yuhuang grinned and put his head on.

In the Hotel Opossum. Joonsan learned, through the demon of use, that the face that had attacked him before was staked out.

"So, Doctor, can you come and help me?

After explaining the situation to Shirley on the phone, please use a mouthful like other HR.

"Okay, but make sure you don't get engaged before then."

"I was wondering if you'd be okay as long as you're in the hotel."

"I don't mind, but I'll call those two, too."

"That's helpful..."

The phone was hung up halfway through the words, and Jun-san grinned bitterly.