Threesome who have been bullying their protection since middle school. Marumi Minoru Marumi, Yuanta Komamura, Yuichiro Morita Itsuke.
In this, Yuichiro was the only one who didn't look like he had a little fun when bullying his protection. On the contrary, after the bullying, he always secretly apologized in his protective ear.
I knew what that meant for protection, and because of that, only Yuichiro was unwilling to resent it.
The fact that he was a leader of the three and most aggressively bullied was that when he was in the backlash of the protection he had gained power at the Snow Oka Institute, he was crying and sitting down and begging for forgiveness, and then he never did bullying, but he also knew that he was not seriously reflecting. Still, I decided to forgive both the fruit and the ex.
After school went crazy, these threesomes naturally became C, and in fact, they were lucky enough to win the ritual draw and were cut off their ears. I can tell you that I was fortunate to be unhappy.
And then, in fact, I started to put some protection on it. Of course I'm not going to be bullying you, but I'm going to be sarcastic and evil. Because the position of the fruit is the position, the protection never really received this, and ignored it.
Regardless of the fact and the former Tai, even Yuichiro becomes C, and it hurts the guardian's heart to see him abused in class. Moreover, in doing so, Yuichiro has always turned his gaze to himself in search of salvation.
It was an event the day after the oath and protection solved the mystery of this school, decided to restore the school to its normal state, and decided to call each other in their lower names.
Yuichiro Morigaka was called by name in the ritual of day.
Pray that the better part will be chosen, both the fruit, the former Tai, the protection and naturally Yuichiro himself.
"Neck! Long time no see -! Neck! You did it! You can see Dr. Koga's chainsaw! Ladies and gentlemen, applause!
But Roulette will be the worst result, and Yuichiro will have a pale face on the stage.
The teachers all applauded with a full smile. B and C students applaud accordingly. If I fail to clap, I will clap desperately because I can match the same eyes as the sacrifice.
Physical education teacher, deputy to the class of guardians, takes the chainsaw in his hand with a delightful smile and goes up on the stage.
It was a protection that I thought of helping with the power of paranormal, but I also know that it is hopelessly impossible.
Whoever made the school this way would undoubtedly also be the bearer of superordinary powers. Here and now, if I try to help Yuichiro, there's a good chance I can get my eyes on him. And now it's my turn to be killed. There's no way you can perform treason in such a large number of places, even though you have little idea of the enemy's power.
(If you're a comic book protagonist, you can run to help without thinking about it and conveniently cut through a pinch, but reality doesn't. jeopardize my position, sucks, it just kills me)
A protection that tells itself realistic excuses, resentful and pitiful of oneself who cannot be helped by our own cuteness. It also feels pitiful.
"The bee hit me..."
Yuichiro on the stage cried, squeaking pompously.
Yuichiro, as usual, had his gaze on protection. But not the usual gaze for salvation. It was a gaze of forgiveness.
"I don't want to do this anymore in the next life. It's true. Believe me, Red Mouth... forgive me... I thought it was bad..."
In front of a large crowd, Yuichiro begs forgiveness by name. The students' gaze concentrates on protection, but the protection does not wander, and they keep looking straight at Yuichiro.
(Guilty, you've been in pain forever. I know)
A protection that speaks with an unreachable voice.
Eventually Yuichiro's body is tied up and knelt. The teacher stepped on his back from behind, and the teacher laughed at him, causing him to start the chainsaw.
"Red Mouth...... sorry"
That became Yuichiro's final word.
As he reacted to Yuichiro's apology, Yuichiro nodded small toward Yuichiro. With the feeling that I'm forgiving you so much.
Yuichiro's eyes also seemed to see and convey it firmly, with a relieved smile.
It was usually a protection that turned away, but Yuichiro's neck was cut off with a chainsaw without distracting him.
The guardian back in the classroom had spoken to force him to pack his lunch. When Yuichiro saw him killed, he had no appetite at all, but he felt like he was caught in this situation.
Watching such protection makes my vows painful.
"For the future..."
And when he had finished his lunch, he came from his guardian unto his oath, and called out. In the earlier case, I know very well that the protection is quite motivated.
"How about hitting a teacher?
"The teachers seem to be brainwashed, and you can't have a decent conversation. Besides, if the teacher is connected directly to the mastermind, our movements are going to be detected, and we should put it on hold because it's dangerous."
The oath calmly and calmly rejects the proposal for protection.
"Guardian, you don't have to rush. Aren't you confused now?
The oath touches on the matter earlier and protects him.
"The height is... I don't want to be bullied, so I was just desperately suited to the whole rice guys. You don't have to kill him..."
A protection that speaks remorse. That was also heard and known from the protection before, and indeed the protection was right, and as far as Yuichiro was concerned, he didn't even look the type to make bullying aggressive.
Where the protectors and vows were speaking, two people came, Marumi Nu and Komabu Yuanta.
"You... it was so much fun to see Yuichiro get killed. He just apologized to you. You're always meditating on your eyes."
The fruit bites loudly into protection and gets the attention of the class. Yuanta is grating behind her.
"And I ate flat out. Yuichiro is dead and the rice is delicious!
It was the fruit of striking anger straight, but the guardian sighed like a heartbroken.
"You've been observing me a lot, and you don't know anything."
The face of the fruit is further distorted by anger in the protection of telling in a cold voice.
"Sheng Gao is like being killed by you. No, you killed him. If I hadn't gotten involved with you, Sheng Gao wouldn't have died."
Both the vows and the ex-tea were surprised by that dialogue of protection. It was incredible that a gentle and gentle protection, both in appearance and in deed, always spoke of such a dialogue.
"Holy shit!
"Let it be, fruit!
Stop the exotic fruit by strangling its wings from behind. If C is going to give A a hand, he will be killed without question. Keep getting plenty of it over the course of a few days.
"Me, I couldn't hate Sheng Gao. He was weak, too. He threatened to bully himself if he didn't join the jerk. I thought Sheng Gao was your victim, and I forgive him."
Hearing the words spoken by the guardian, he actually lost his power from his whole body and his anger at the guardian disappeared. But the murder of a friend and his anger and remorse for his helplessness have not disappeared.
"So what... You, you have special powers. With that power, this school... do something. Take Yuichiro's revenge... Vengeance... take it..."
The demands of the fruit had turned from halfway to pleading full of remorse.
Protection is exercising its abilities once when the bullies of the actual people were ripped off. We also naturally know that protection resides in extraordinary powers.
(I intend to)
Protection that answers without speaking up.
(It's causing some weird noise and getting my attention. Even during the lunch break, Sheng Gao called your name when he was killed, and even though he has his eyes on it, I wonder if it would be unnecessarily unsavory...)
On the other hand, the oath was fearful.
After the fruit and the former Tai disappeared, the oath and protection moved the place behind the school building and continued to consult. It doesn't taste good to talk like that in a classroom to a boulder.
"I'm not saying absolutely, but I have almost a ninety percent chance that whoever made the school this way, I think he's among the students. I'm enjoying the situation."
An oath expresses its thoughts.
"I wonder if it's a paranormal force to force you to come to school, even if you're sick. Could... build strength at the Snow Oka Institute?
"I think there's a good chance of that. First place to explore, you've decided."
When I heard the word of protection, my vows laughed. But the guardian's face didn't float. Because I didn't want to go to the Snow Oka Institute anymore.