After the dog owner and Viper enter the gym, Kate and I come in for two nights.

"Are you going to visit me?

"I'll see you soon."

Kate answers the asking dog owner with few words.

"You know what you're going to do, but it's just a little different from what the novel says, and there's a gallery, and it's the seventh mission greeting. In this game, get them to use the equipment they have in the sports gym"

Yao Sun explains the mission content.

"What's different from a novel is that it's one-on-one, so narrow down the number of types of instruments you use a little bit more than a novel. Make it five cross trainers, shoulder presses, chest presses, rat pulldowns and leg presses"

"By using it, do you mean using it as a proper exercise device?

The viper speaks the question.

"That sort of thing. I'm not gonna keep using it all the time."

And, dog breeders.

"Picturesque, don't be too mismatched with a sprouts dog owner"

"I think so myself"

The dog owner agrees with the tearing viper.

"Continuation of the explanation, okay?

"Oops, sorry I broke my hip"

To Yao Sun confirming, Viper lowered his head gently.

"Let's explain it in practice. Before using exercise equipment, play first with a card. This is the card you use."

Yaoshan shows her six cards and gives them to the dog owner. Each one of them has a cross trainer, shoulder press, chest press, rat pull-down, leg press and the name of the machine that Yaoshan has just named. In addition to those five cards, there was one blank card.

"I can write blank cards with aqueous magic, and I can turn them off right away. Players can write any machine on a blank card once a turn. You can change it every turn, or you can keep it that way."

"You're just like my novel there."

A dog keeper who receives a card while I say it.

"First, we decide to attack and defend each other. Two cards per turn, divide the attack cards to the right and the defending cards to the left and put out the cards"

Yao Sun said, on the table nearby, placing the card face to face. Chest press on the right, rat pull down. And on the left, place the cross trainer, the shoulder press.

"Of course, when you put it down, lie down and put it down. Put you down, too."


The dog owner also lay down on the table by Yaoshan's side, and let him turn quickly. Cross trainer on the right, shoulder press, chest press on the left and leg press on the left.

"If the card you chose on the side you attack was worn with the card the other side defends, you only score points on the number of cards you were wearing. In one turn, more points win. In this case, I get one point, you get two points, you win."

"Description What did you think when you saw me beat dignified and outspoken in the aftermath, though play?

"And from the cards I wore with my attacker, I can make a choice. Choose one of the cross trainers you just won, the shoulder press, and let the machine be used against you"

Yao Sun ignores the dog breeder's light mouth and continues to explain it pale.

"On any one of the five machines, a bomb is planted. If you use the machine where the bomb is planted twice, you have a 50% chance of exploding in the first use of the machine, but 100% in the second"

"Is that the kind of game..."

Vipers arm in arm and whine. At that point in time, both Viper and Kate got an overview of the game. I know because I'm calling a novel about dog breeders two nights.

"The card of the machine, which has been used twice and has been checked for safety, can also be used as is. However, if you win with the cards of a machine whose safety has been confirmed, choose randomly from the rest of the machine. The winner lays down the cards of the rest of the machine and lets the loser choose"

"Uh, just a suggestion"

The dog owner raised his hand small.

"Let's not turn everything at once, but if one of us turns the offense first, the other decides to turn the guard. So, you turn the guard first, you turn the offense, you turn the offense first, you turn the guard. This is more exciting."

"It was open at once in the novel, but it does look more interesting..."

"Oh, I just figured it out. I'm glad the pieces are in that order now."


Yao Sun accepted, especially since he did not make any changes to the rules.

"As the novel suggests, the bomb doesn't know which of the training machines it's planted on, but it doesn't detonate immediately when it's activated. Before that, a warning sound sounds that informs the explosion. Hurry and run, you might be able to help. This is just like your novel."

"I don't care if you don't die, you're going to get seriously hurt."

Within the dog breeder's novel, the protagonist's side was defeated and helped by a hurry to escape, but his arm blew away. But that's only a story in the novel. It's not what I found out in real life.

"I mean, you know where you're planting the bomb, but you don't know the dog owner. That's a lot of unfair, huh?

Vipers penetrate.

"I didn't ask where the bomb was planted. If you ask me, it won't be a reciprocal battle."

Towards the viper, Yao Sun answers with a true face.

"No, even if they say that, there's no way I can pepper you in a dog breeder's position. It's you guys who are forcing the dog owners to lock up and play death games. You can't believe I'm going to compete for the fair. My life is at stake."

Having said that, Viper seemed like a pretty dumb honest guy, as far as Yao Sun was concerned, and I felt like the type to play a serious and fair game.

"That's well..."

I also think Viper's words are the best, and Yao Sun clogs the words, adding and subtracting the nagging.

"Well, next time you do it, prove it right. I'm also talking about whether there will be another time."

I think dog breeders as I say that I give strange advice myself.

(clumsy and straight, unlike his father... Parents and kids don't look alike, except for what they look like.)

So he was a dog breeder that this young man could not dislike.

Let's get started.

A dog owner filled out a blank card and placed four cards side by side.

Yaoshan also fills out a blank card and arranges the cards.

(I knew you would use blank paper. This expands the choice)

Look at the two of you, Viper thinks.

"Okay, you're coming from me."

First, the dog keeper turns the attack card. It was a cross trainer and chest press.

Yaoshan's complexion changed, but in a motion that did not precipitate him, he turns the card of protection. Yao Sun's guardian card is also a cross trainer and chest press. Attack is the form to get the highest score on defense. This makes it two points for the dog owner.

"Dude, you're hitting it right..."

Vipers roar. Odds are pretty low, but there's nothing there.

Next, Yao Sun turned the attack card. Both leg presses. One was writing a leg press on blank paper.

When the dog owner turned the guard card on the poker face, it was a leg press and a chest press made of blank paper. The leg press is a hit, and Yaoshan is now two points.

"That's a draw for both points in the first turn."

Yaoshan said in the face of relief. Seems pretty freaked out by the first dog breeder's two-point victory.

(Have you come to bet on a one-shot battle... superior)

The dog owner spills a laugh.

"You can start next time."

After arranging the cards, the dog owner said.

Yaoshan turns the attack card silently. I also fill in the same blank paper. They were both chest presses.

Shoulder press and chest press as the dog keeper turns the guard card. The chest press won and again this time it's in the form of two points taken.

The dog keeper turns the attack card. Cross trainer and chest press. The latter was written on blank paper.

Yao Sun's protection is shoulder press and rat pull down. The dog owner's attack is not a hit. Dog owner has 0 points. Yao Sun has 2 points for the second turn. The dog breeder was 0 and was a victory for Yaoshan.

"How do you use your blank paper, you mean you give me too many fins, or you don't put too much back on it?

"I thought so myself a little..."

Being stuck in a viper, the dog owner honestly admitted. If you're going to use blank paper, it's better to concentrate on one or the other, either thoroughly attacking or consolidating your defense, like Yaoshan did.

"We won the chest press, so we used the chest press. Three times."


A dog keeper heads to the appliance and sits in a chest press chair.

A chest press is literally an instrument that strengthens your chest muscles. Grasp the bar on either side of the seat and press or pull the bar.


I just did it twice, a dog breeder that sounds like a belly wound and gives a groan full of bitterness.

"Yes, over..."

Nothing happened after doing it three times, and the dog owner came back to the table with a spicy face.

Yao Sun blues lightly when he sees blood gushing from the belly of the dog owner.

"Hey, what do you look like? The haters who killed your father are suffering, aren't they? You look more fun. This is what you wanted, isn't it? You wanted to see this, didn't you?

"Don't be mean..."

Vipers stunned by stirring dog breeders.

(Well, I don't know if the chest press was a hit or off, but in this case...... I don't know if I can take it off my options. It can also be said that the odds have decreased only slightly)

The dog keeper thinks. In the first round, even if a bomb was planted, there is only a 50% chance that it will explode, so I don't know if a bomb is planted on the chest press at the moment.

(I mean, I want to take off the choice to use chest press for offense... so it's a safety precaution to consolidate into protection with chest press in anticipation of that. Then I'll see what I can do to consolidate it in the chest press on the defensive hand tag... Looks like this guy's not even that kind of the type to come behind the back)

As a result of the idea, the dog owner greeted Yao Sun on the second turn and consolidated the offense with two chest presses.

"Well, now it's my offense."

Dog keeper turning attack cards. Yao Sun opens his eyes wide when he sees it.

Yao Sun opens the card of protection. Both are chest presses.

"If Cono...?

Kate asks.

"My four-point win. You don't have to turn your back on the next offense to win."

The dog owner laughs.

"And a 1/5 chance of dying. Be prepared ~"

Ignoring the dog breeder in this tone, Yao Sun immediately heads to the chest press and uses it.

There was no explosion. Yaoshan exhales loudly.

(Now that the chest press is off the blast's choices, it's a random frame in the game of cards, so it's the same with the rush reset)

Yao Sun chooses the next card at the end of any thought, dog breeders make predictions by turning their heads around at high speeds.