Time goes back, Blue Rust Village at nine in the morning.

"I didn't expect an elder to come for a bath peek..."

"A tide of forgiveness for doing whatever it takes for a bogged old man"

"Maye, you can't call me a bokeh old man. Fatigued at the end of a long battle called life, my brain...... is that okay? The Right Way to Call an Old Bokee These Days"

"Gaye, word hunting wuss. I mean, that could be a mess."

"Mr. Bull Village, do you have a minute?

In the appreciated room, as Gaye and Maye chatted remembering what had happened last night, a bogey came to the room who was the leader of O'Annes.

"I came to Negiri. And thank you for yesterday."

Bogie smiles. He looks far from people, but his expression is starting to look good while he's dealing with him.

"You want to go home soon." "Poor thing."

"We apologize for the inconvenience caused to so many people."

To his comforting sisters, Boggy said as he lowered his back.

"The first thing that bothered you was the human side."

"That Mad Scientist named Soundwood Historical Pleasure is Bad"

Gaye and Maye say. Become dressed to sit in front of the bogies.

"I don't think I'm tired of that sitting, even if I look at the Xuan Arrow. People on the bottom of the ocean, but it's a unique way of sitting."

"Human on the bottom of the ocean!?

My sisters are surprised by Bogie's words.

"Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said it. Well, there are all kinds of races in undersea cities, and some of them are human."

Shit makes me head bogie.

"But... aren't we going to be able to go home yet?"

"I cursed Van Damme to keep him safe."

"Even if they believe Van Damme, not as long as there's that soundwood history pleasure"

Gaye and Maye said to Bogie, who spoke a slightly sinking voice.

"By the way, how did you get caught by a human?

Ask Asaye.

"You were used to visiting the shallow waters of Blue Rust Village at your wedding as a family. I was caught clan together then. The bride and groom were killed after being turned into experimental benches by Soundwood Historical Pleasure. I am the father of the groom."

'Too much......'

The sisters utter a dialogue at the same time and face the same shape. Hands placed on your knees grip naturally tight and tremble.

"You haven't been able to return smoothly to your hometown since, and this is how you're swinging by your destiny. Besides, you guys have been dating."

"Never mind." "I'll do everything I can to protect you."

"Oh, thank you."

Ryujiro appears where Gaye smiles gently and Maye declares forcefully.

"I just listened to you for a moment, but I figured a Mad Scientist named Soundwood would be more of a problem."

"And strong"

"Even the three of us and Masami were tight."

Turning to Ryujiro at the same time, the sisters said.

"Is it impossible to cover Mr. O'Annes' hometown?


Ryujiro talks to me, and Bogie makes a difficult face.

"Previously, he said it was military or impossible to forcibly break through."

"I also heard of big cities. It's a little hard to imagine."

Asaye, say in the order of Gaye.

"In military power, unless you're hit by an anti-matter bomb or even a nuclear weapon, you don't seem to be a submarine in the ocean. And at the bottom of the ocean all over the world, there are several huge cities. I've been to several other cities, but they were all huge. To be precise, there are cities in even more subterranean places at the bottom of the ocean."

"Pretty awesome, Undersea Man." "Still on guard?

Listening to Bogie, Maye hit the question. That's what I thought if we had such a solid civilization, we wouldn't have to be so vigilant that the place would find out.

"I don't want to make any sacrifices to either of them, and I've tried not to interact as deeply as possible. I want to keep that. I don't know what kind of disaster this will lead to."

"I see."

Sisters with their mouths together and convinced.

(Mr. Bogie seems like a good person, and the Niu Villages are convinced, but I'm not convinced. Is that something you need to be so vigilant about? Or does that mean that someone named Soundwood Historical Pleasure is a threat -)

Ryujiro still had doubts, but he remained silent when he persistently touched on the matter, feeling that he would not return a convincing answer.

10: 30 in the morning. Sauna Tanizu and Angel visited the inn in the next town of Blue Rust Village and joined the Laimendas.

"Me and Mina will work together. We're in charge of Yang Dynamics. Brother Kehiko and Angel are separate teams."

"That's a rare combination. What do you think of our lovely angel chief?"

Listening to her decision to come and dream, Angel spits cigarette smoke in a circle and smiles.

"Brother Kehiko's subspace tunnel is short, but if you still travel hard to discover by your enemies, you should rely on Brother Kehiko. I want Angel and Brother Kehiko to destroy the walls and trees around the Palace so they can't be found as much as possible."

"And what's the point?

I don't know what it means to destroy a building, and Kehiko asks.

"Junko used to say. Witchcraft, sorcery, and fairy art are all the same in the art of the kingdom. He said that building a bond would require a pillar substance. It is the walls connected by struts and struts that unite. If the number of pillars falls below two, the junction will be destroyed"

"Oh... is that the same one I did at the Biology Laboratory in the moment"

"An attempt to crush the support of an invisible angel and drop it to the bottom of the earth"

"Oh, I remembered my dreams very well. It's great."

Explained in the coming dream, both Kehiko and Angel and Mina are convinced.

"What about Sauna?

"Excuse me."

Even though she was stunned by her dreams, Mina laughed naggingly.

"The junction of this House also prevents the power of spatial manipulation. There are likely to be other ways to prevent various forces. If you break the junction, you can infiltrate it in Brother Kehiko's subspace tunnel, or you can expose Oannes."

"Isn't our destruction angel better suited?

"No, you can't. I want to enjoy the fight. This is my boss privilege. Besides, that's why they brought a bunch of plastic bombs."

Angel suggested, but the coming dream was dismissed with a tear-filled grin.


"Yesterday's enemy came again. A pair, but one of them is another."

To Gaye, Asae, and Ryujiro, that's what Takiya reported.

"I mean, the other could be hiding."

Ryujiro says.

"Me and Ryujiro out"

Mr. Tsuya is on O'Annes's side.

Asaye and Gaye said. We could also recognize each other that our thoughts were the same and in short words the thoughts were the same.

"You mean maybe you can move and another guy breaks into that gap and come and take it? Okay. I'll call Masami and Kikuo too, so don't push it. Make sure reinforcements arrive in time."

"Copy that." "That's the point."

Xu Ya said in a rare and hot tone, so the sisters also respond by squeezing their faces together.

When the Bull Village sisters and Ryujiro went outside the house, there was a dream of coming and a look of pity in front of the gate.

"I need some more time before my brothers Kahiko plants the bomb. Talk properly and postpone."

"It's a point of agreement!

Sauna responds forcefully to the ear-threatening dreams.

"That blue tight guy, he's a little intimate..."

Listening to the dialogue of the response, Maye looks at Mina and squeals.

"I have two heads"

My dreams stare at the Bull Village sisters and speak up.

"So what? Any inferior species with only one head will soon be banished.

"No, there's no future like that."

Gaye, who turns a cold eye, and Maye, who proclaims with a delightful evil man's face. And Ryujiro going in.

(As for this one, I would appreciate it if I could prolong this conversation because I want to buy some time before reinforcements arrive. But...... maybe it's the same over there -)

And, Ryujiro thinks.

"Two headed kids, what would you do if you could have a lover?

"Come on......" "Sneak assassination of Gaye"

"Hey Maye..."

To the questions of the coming dreams, Gaye looked troubled, but Maye answered instantly, and Gaye was as flat as usual.

"Wouldn't it kill you better now if I declared it?

"It's okay, Gaye doesn't have that kind of guts."

Weirdly smiling and questioning the coming dream. I assure you, Maye.

"I don't have the guts to do that, but I want to kill you."

Gaye said in a low voice. In the first place, the reproducing apparatus is embedded, so we both know that killing one or the other is impossible. I'm with you no matter what happens when you die.

"What I'm particularly interested in is what to do when H. I wonder how you would feel if you were to H with someone you liked or didn't even like."

"This guy... he looks cute and he's a porn kid" "I've thought about it a lot"

"Hey Maye..."

Gaye smiled at the words of her dreams, but Maye said them with a true face.

"We're in a lot of trouble, so let's start the fight."



Maya and Ryujiro give a nuanced voice to Gaye's decision that she should buy time.

"Come on dreaming, don't be a time buying failure. Think about it a little more."

"Yeah. Looks like the devil just asked a nasty question and got his revenge."

To pity Na protesting in a whisper in her ear, Laimeng replied with a smile sticking up.