Historical pleasure swirled reflexively, realizing that intense killing was swelling from the rear.

True fires two guns at Historical Pleasure, but is diverted.

Junko manipulates the jet ski with his left hand, while holding his right hand toward the rear historical pleasure.

"Divine Eclipse."

Using Pure Son's ability to proliferate his own cells, he stretches hundreds of blood vessels from his right hand toward the pleasures of history in the air.

It divides into a blood vessel that stretches straight and tries to pierce the body of historical pleasure, and a vessel that alters its orbit along the way and tries to wrap it around the body of historical pleasure's hands and ankles.


When Shi Yue sees it and shouts, he radiates a large amount of liquid from his mouth and exposes it to blood vessels. The blood vessels dissolve instantly.

I don't know how to defend it.

I smile bitterly, pure child contracting stretched blood vessels. Whether it was digestive fluid that threw up from your mouth, judge it based on the feeling of melting. Probably like spitting digestive fluid out of your mouth, dissolving things, then rinsing and eating them.

Junko knows that Historical Pleasure incorporates the properties of various organisms into his own body. It is unclear how many creature properties they possess, but they can be transformed into those of organisms incorporating parts of the body.

True shoots more guns. Shi Yue flips with wings, packing the distance from Junko's jet ski all at once.

(I guess I'll let them catch up on purpose)

That's what I thought, Junko waited for Historical Pleasure to catch up, not trying to intercept him on the way to his own jet ski. Of course I wouldn't do anything to stop jet skiing.

Shi Yuan rides the back seat of the jet ski and takes the back of Junko from close range.

More truth shoots guns there. I won't change it this time. Avoidance became a hassle.

"Shiatsu - Hungry Ssss. Your murder dolls and all that."

Historical pleasure flickers a demonic grin as he is shot through the abdomen from the waist and let blood hit his legs from the underside of his school swimsuit.

"As a punishment for hurting me, I'll replace your head with a hammer and kill you with his bullshit."

Historical pleasure gunshot wounds block while I'm saying it.

A spinning kick of historical pleasure is rolled out to Junko, who tried to look back.

He was Junko, who had eaten the kick of History Pleasure and was dangerously about to fall off the jet ski, but was dressed to fall on his back so that it could be brought to the joystick, and stomped.

"Yes, quiz here. Fumi-chan, do you know where my leg went?

Junko turns an unrelenting grin on History Joy and asks with a bounced voice.


Hearing Junko's dialogue, Shi Yuan unexpectedly looked at Junko's feet.

The bottom had disappeared from Junko's right leg knee. I opened the door to the space and only my legs were metastasized.

Hear the sound of another jet ski approaching and understand what Historical Pleasure means.

Junko woke herself up, releasing a clap to Historical Pleasure's abdomen.

"Gu... Piu..."

With a tremendous impact on his belly and a large fold of his body, he blew backwards spitting blood reflexes and fell into the sea in a historic pleasure.

And an unmanned jet ski running from the rear down the sea crashed into Historic Pleasure's body.

Unmanned jet skiing is what Historic Pleasure has come on board. Since Shi Yue left Jet Ski, Junko had transferred one leg and sneaked the Shi Yue Jet Ski with his leg.

A normal person could die instantly. Historical pleasure with the damage. Several of his guts have burst and his spine and ribs have been broken.

"Gu... gu... pu! Junko, wow!"

Blowing blood bubbles and sea water out of his mouth at the same time, the wasting demon-eyed beam released from the pure child's eyes, lowering the body of historical pleasure to three pieces, in a grudging cry from within the sea.

Of course you won't die to this extent, but if you still do this much damage, you'll be incapacitated for a while. In addition, if there is more damage to regenerate, that's all it takes. Being in the ocean would also accelerate depletion.

"Fumi-chan, if that's all right, well... we're a lot behind."

Junko whines when he sees Leviathan behind him. Junko became quite distant from Leviathan as he fought History Pleasure.

Jet skiing forces and Leviathan had already engaged in battle. Leviathan still continues to swim at high speeds, with several jet skis running parallel to the surface of the sea, while the offense rages on.


The elder in the figure provokes by standing on the jet ski and manipulating the lever with one foot while swinging the swing with one hand toward Leviathan.

As Leviathan turned his sickle against him and saved his strength, he opened his mouth wide and slammed his elder jet ski into his head.


Masami screams. I don't think Leviathan was killed easily because I witnessed Leviathan taking an offensive position or not and the elders putting up a double hand, but Leviathan's current blow was still reflected in the eyes of Masami, a fairly fast and sharp substitute.

I heard a dull noise.

Leviathan can pull his head right in. It was strangely visible to Masami's eyes that she could pull in deliberately without going into the sea and swimming.

It was then. Something flew in and fell on the surface next to Masami and the others' riding jet skis.

White, big, slightly upside down, pointy ahead. I didn't know immediately what that was, Gaye and Maye, but I knew immediately to Masami. It's Leviathan's fangs.

"Fu fu fu..."

An elder falls on his back over a jet ski, smiling and thumbs up.

When the sisters turned their gaze to Leviathan, one of the fangs was indeed broken. As that Leviathan poked out of his head and tried to chew up the elders, the elders were cleverly attacking each jet ski, breaking Leviathan's fangs.

"The elders are too strong"

"But since I'm old, I look like a glockey already..."

Gaye uttered words of admiration, and Maye uttered the status quo of the elders.

"I'll take care of it, so the elders can pull in now. Old age can't be too squeaky, absolutely. Leviathan, now I'll deal with him."

When Masami speaks, Leviathan's gaze is directed toward the three riders' jet skis.

"I wish you hadn't bothered to provoke me"

"When I rode with Masami..."

The Bull Village sisters who will be toho faces.

"I won't let you get away with it this time. I'll do it until one of you dies. You know what? Hey, you really know what I mean, right? Let them know even if they don't. But I want you to know before you do it. I'll do it until I really, really kill you. The time has finally come. This is the long battle between you and us, and this is the period."


Leviathan growls, as if he had reacted to Masami's words. Seeing it makes Masami smile satisfied.

"That's right. I knew you knew it. I've been fighting and I've been killing you, and you don't want to die of aging. You want to fight and die. After all we've done, you want us to kill you and die. That's what you want. I can see that. I'll get through."

Masami swirled the jet ski. The front of the jet ski forms towards Leviathan's torso.

But it's not like I'm going into Leviathan. He pressed one of the switches on the joystick and ejected the two jaws mounted on the jet ski.

The two twins, ejected by nuclear power at superfast superpower, pierced Leviathan's torso. Given the Leviathan giant, it would be to the extent that the claw yang branch was stabbed, but at the end of the jaw is the ore for the anti-Leviathan. In addition, it enters the back of the body. If it's a claw twig, if you stick it in your gut, it's serious damage.

As soon as he shoots, he reverts to the direction of the jet ski and returns to the running position in parallel with Leviathan.

"Go back. Recovery -" "Fit properly in place -"

Gaye and Asae retrieve both of the shots and use witchcraft to set them back on the jet ski.

Confirming that he had returned, Masami swirled the jet ski again and pressed the switch, shooting two pieces of cake into Leviathan.


"Wait. Because I fulfill my vows. I'll kill you if I have to. [M] That's the best. I don't admit to disagreement."

Masami speaks in a powerful voice to Leviathan, who gives a shout of agony.

"And we'll see to your end."