"The world is full of mysteries. When we solve a certain mystery, that's all we know, and we can be smart, empowered, and more fun. It's also convenient. But the unraveled parts of the world are still limitless, aren't they? I got an infinite amount of time to figure it all out, and I've been following it with history, and I'm going to keep following it. Once you've solved all the mysteries of the Earth, go to space next. Once we've solved all the mysteries of the universe, we'll go to the afterlife. Once you know everything about the world, now go to Parallel World. I don't know how far I can go, but I'm going to try to get to where I can. '

The girl, once loved wholeheartedly by Rainshore Lily, said so with pleasure, glowing her crimson eyes.

It was her purpose to evolve all humans. Get supernormal powers. But okay, super strengthen the flesh. The girl, who speaks plainly for the purpose of Changing the World, was so beautiful and brilliant. I can still easily recall the impact of that time if I meditate on my eyes.

"Even the Japanese Air Force's failure to crusade the Leviathan, a monster threatening the coast of Japan, would have proven the power of the Grim Penis? What do you suspect? A number of endorsers are already recruiting under me. Yet there are still some supernatural capable people in the world, as well as extrahuman intelligent life forms. You won't be late. '

Lily gets frustrated when she sees a guy who has been snuggling around on TV shows for the past few days and giving away videos online as well.

For once, Lily and I are only allied against Junko, but I am angry nonetheless. No matter how you look at it, this man, ahead of Junko, is practicing Change the World. Moreover, it is a tremendous arrogance, such as declaring all the paranormal realms to the whole world when you manage them. Either way, the anger of lilies boils.

"Woohoo... I want to go to the movies..."

Ye Shan, who was also coming to visit the Rain Shore Mansion today, groaned pompously. He doesn't seem to be interested in Van Damme on TV or anything like that, he's on a holographic display, browsing the internet. In the same room are Platinum Taro, Mutsuki and Akiko.

"Why don't you go?"

Platinum Taro says as he puts the teacup in front of Ip Mountain and pours the tea. He has a glance at Ip Mountain, so he treats it with respect.

"No, you can't. Something like me... a maggot like me can't watch a movie in a movie theater. You shouldn't do that. It suits me to gobble up at home and kill my time for no reason... because I'm a maggot..."

Ye Shan complains of anguish and self-infliction with a sad voice.

"Aha, you're too negative. Just go to the cinema, who's in trouble? Ye Shan downplayed himself and narrowed the world... It's Ye Shan himself who's finally maggotting Ye Shan."

"Ugh... that's often said too"

When Mutsuki pointed out in a calm voice, Ye Mountain held his head with a crying face.

"Changing yourself can be difficult enough to change the world. No, I can't even call it synonymous."

Four other people indoors pay attention to the lily dialogue.

"Platinum Taro, Mutsuki, Akiko. At least three of you know that, right? You've experienced the moment when the world changed, haven't you?

"I know, but I can't resist Mom telling me again..."

Akiko becomes a complex face.

"Ye Shan, instead of knowing it, refuses. It's pathetic and lamentable."

"Aha, are you chasing me?

"In other words, the interpretation is a recognisal of maggots..."

Yuzuki, who sounds strange, and Ip Mountain, who sneers at me.

"It's not like that. Isn't it interesting to try and help open up the world of Ip Mountain? No, it must be fun."

"Dear boulder lily, as merciful as bodhisattva"

I just want to compliment Taro Platinum on his suggestion that he's here.

"No... this is for me... no... I can't believe I volunteered for maggots..."

I could see Leaf Mountain looking somewhere happy, shaking his upper body with a twist.

"Mommy and the rest of us. It's a story flow, but what exactly do we do?


The look on Lily's face changed when I said it.

Ip Mountain also stops twisting and sends a sharp gaze out the window.

A little later from Lily and Ip Mountain, Mutual Moon, but a little later from Mutual Moon, Platinum Taro and Akiko also sensed with their skin the presence of an intruder that emitted heterogeneous killings.

The person appeared outside the living room window, walking gently through the garden, dignified into the grounds of the lily mansion and with his hands stuck in his trouser pockets.

He was a short-haired little man dressed as a blurry hoodie and jersey trousers. She is also thin. I think my age is in my early twenties. He was a badly cat-backed, uncharacteristically faceless man, but his eyes are unusually sharp. And the killing spirit that gets released is also sharp.

"The strong wind blowing over the weekend and the same room being friendly with Arlaune is a very unusual sight. If you're Arlaune, you're dull enough to make a copy... Strong winds blowing over the weekend, or slightly odd wavelengths, this one is also weak"

A man opens his mouth when he alternates with Hatsumomo Ip.

"I stopped."

When a man utters a word, his killing spirit disappears.

"Something seems to be going on. Even if it's a strong wind blowing over the weekend in the first place, it's from this star. I guess I'll take them both."

When the man put his hand out of his pocket, something like black tar overflowed out of his pocket. Not only from the pockets, but also from the hoodie's cuffs, which at first glance appear to be without a tip from the wrist.

The amount of liquid like black tar increases and eventually you can have two black tar accumulations. And when the tar-shaped thing stops to overflow from the cuffs and pockets, a black stained hand appears from the cuffs, and the two tar buildups flourish, and the shadow magician in a sloppy shape materializes.

"Hey, don't remind me of Devil."

Seeing the materialized Influence Master, Mutsuki shrugs.

"Platinum Taro, if they don't break the window, open the window and deal with them in the garden. And to that extent, can't you do it without being told? Need punishment later?

"Ha, ha, sorry"

Lily tells me that Platinum Taro hastily opens the window and leaps out into the garden.

"Hayama's hunch, you seem to have hit it."

Lily squeaks as she looks out the window.

"It's like I'm destined to be targeted by someone. The reason is different every time though. Haha."

Mutsuki also went out to the garden laughing. Ye Shan and Akiko also pull out their guns and firecoats, respectively, and go out into the garden.

"Looks like I'm being targeted this time, too, Harumi. Let's hang out together."

"Haha, why is that where the gnats come from? Come on."

"So, it's no different that I'm always in a position to help."

Ye Shan, Mutsuki and Akiko say each. It's the usual position of these four, with Akiko and Platinum Taro at the forefront, Ip Mountain at the rear with guns, and Mutsuki at the middle guard.

"Hmmm...... very naturally show the stage of engagement? Do you also possess extraordinary powers? You can take me home now."

When Parker's man says, two sloppy influencers head for Akiko and Platinum Taro, respectively.

"Platinum clay lilou!

Platinum Taro drills ahead from the elbow of his right arm and protrudes vigorously toward the Impact Master.

The upper body of the Impact Master could play along with the feeling as if he had played water.

(What? This response...)

To the surprise of Kitaro Shirakashi, the shadow of the bounce descends into a black liquid.


The spot where the liquid adhered was attacked by severe burning pain, and Platinum Taro screamed around.

But the pain quickly subsided. The black liquid came back and replicated the Impact Master. When the liquid left the body, the pain disappeared.

Another influential magician strikes at Akiko, who was looking sideways at Taro Platinum.

(Returning blood? You mean you have to knock him out so he doesn't bathe? But...... that's hard)

With a knife in one hand, Akiko avoids it thoroughly. I decided to let Mutsuki and the others attack me thoroughly without attacking me.

Mutsuki releases a sparrow to the influential magician that Akiko is attracting. To the Influence Master in front of Platinum Taro, Ip Mountain shoots the gun.

A sparrow easily breaks through the body of the shadow magician. But it doesn't penetrate as it is, and the momentum of the sparrow stops. Mutsuki tried to detect a sparrow anomaly and put it back on his hands, but it was too late.


Mutsuki was so convinced. Even if you're away from hand, I know how Family Fresh is. It's a pseudo life, it has no soul, it's just a story to rebuild, but it's still sad and angry to be killed.

The Impact Master, who was shot by Ye Shan, hits for a moment by impact, but that was all. Afterwards, continue to attack Akiko until then.

"Watch out, everybody! After being touched and awhile, they erode!

Happy Moon warns aloud.

"That warning was something Platinum Taro should have done first. You need to punish me later."

Lily, who was watching the battle through the window in the house, whines in a sigh, gracefully carries the teacup to her mouth.

"It's not as erosive as it sounds in an instant. I don't mind if I hit him with one shot. But it doesn't taste good if you keep touching it."

Said Platinum Taro, avoiding the impacting magician coming around.

"Taro Platinum, please be thorough with the hit-and-away. Mutsuki is a form of attack aimed at when you avoid Taro Platinum. You and I need to work together."

"I know the point!

"Aha, Roger that. It's not uncommon for Mr. Ip Shan to give instructions."

Upon instructions from Ip Mountain, Platinum Taro replied with a temperamental voice, and Mutsuki smiled strangely.

Mutsuki, as he was told, attacks with a blade spider and a noon whip for the moment when Platinum Taro leaves the Impact Master. It's a combination of Kitaro Shiraki attacking with a drill when Mutsuki's attack is over.

"Hey Ip Yama-san... my backup isn't too good."

Akiko raises a voice of protest as the Impact Master attacks.

Ye Shan did not answer, shooting the gun. Aim for the little guy with the short hair hoodie, not the shadow magician.

A bullet hits the center of the chest. But the clothes just seeped black with black liquid, and the little man sits flat with a thin grin.

"Hmm. So how about maggots bullets?

Leaf Mountain that turns into a bullet with a solution and shoots.

It hits my chest again. Now the little man's complexion changed. The proteolysis of the meat solution seems to have been damaged, clearly becoming a distressed phase.

The Influence Master's movement also stops. Looks like the little man's control stopped working.

"He seemed chronic...... Not that this body is immortal."

As the little man held down his chest and groaned bitterly, the shadow magician crumbled and changed like a black hedron, moving to the little man's feet so that he could be sucked into the man's feet and disappeared.

"Interesting people. Next thing you know, we'll be ready before we come."

"No, you don't have to come"

Akiko blatantly tells the man who leaves behind the discarding dialogue and rushes off.


A little man screamed while he was on the run. Two shots were fired in the back, and Ip Mountain shot a warhead with a solution.

The man's leg stopped for a moment, but he runs straight away and escapes.


"Maggots tracking ~"

Platinum Taro and Ip Mountain chase him, but the little man escapes on a motorcycle that was parked in front of the mansion.

Ye Shan tried to stop him by shooting a gun, but there were passers-by nearby, so I stopped. A fallen motorcycle could blow up and hit passers-by.

"Maggots get away with it. What was it..."

"He got away on a motorcycle."

Ip Mountain and Platinum Taro reporting through the gates of the mansion.

"Even now, Mr. Ip Shan, only Mutsuki is abandoned."

"I don't like your manipulation or your manipulation, because Mutsuki said so. Ugh."

Pointed out by Platinum Taro, Ip Mountain answered with his hips twisted for some reason.