Ip Yama himself has been at the Snow Oka Institute since yesterday. Leaf Mountain was remotely manipulated from here to send meat dolls into Grimm Penisville.

"I've been spotted perfectly. The purpose of collecting information has also been spotted lightly on this again. Would it have failed?

Ip Mountain, wearing a large goggle on his head, reports to Junko, who is in the same room.

"Well I didn't expect to find out so soon...... Hey, Fumi-chan, I wonder if you were underestimating me. This can't even be my failure."

Put your hand on your jaw, Junko to think about.

"Has the meat doll been destroyed?

"No... I'm in custody"

"Oh well. I mean, for the other side, it would be an outfit to have a chance to talk directly to the enemy, Mr. Ip Shan - and also leave a chance to explore. Of course, it's the same thing from here."

Junko smiles small.

"Mr. Ip Shan, please keep operating the meat doll for a while."

"Huh...? Keep it up...?

When I hear Junko's request, Ip Mountain gets stunned. To remotely operate a meat doll, I have to stay at the Snow Oka Laboratory and wear goggles in this room. I mean, this is what you should do all the time.

"Well...... I knew you would. Because I'm a maggot, so you've given maggots the role they deserve... I'll do my best. Don't show me the guts of maggots here."

"Ugh, yeah......"

After a little worrying, Junko nodded hesitantly for now, not knowing how to answer Ip Mountain, who puts his temper in a strange direction.

It has been several days since Richter began to enter and exit the Grim Penis Japan Branch Building, but now was the first time he met Cornelis Van Dam, Chairman of Grim Penis, who has been rooting for this building ever since he made the Administrator's Manifesto of the Paranormal Realm.

"Are you the host of the rumored parasitic space plant Arlaune?"

"Yes, it is"

Richter lovingly laughed and nodded at Vandamm's confirmation of his visit to the lab of Historical Pleasure.

"It seems like it's something that China wants to acquire and is eye-opening, and it's better not to pee"

"Ha... Really?"

"So, what did you make a pact with Arlaune for, and what did you come to us for? I want to hear it for once because it seems like you are different from the rest of the psychic."

Asked by Van Damme, Richter wonders if he can answer honestly.

"I'm reluctant to tell you something important about my life that I've just met."

"For once, I'm at the top of the organization. Is that enough to keep me from revealing it, too?

To the hesitant Richter, Van Damme asks further in a tone he cannot do.

"The purpose is the destruction of the back streets - no, the destruction of the whole world, the destruction of the back society."

Richter answered honestly, wondering why I had to say this on this occasion.


Historical pleasure opens her mouth wide and only makes her face funny. At least it's not a good impression response to Richter's unclamped answer.

"I also want you to help me do that. Instead, I gather supernatural abilities one after the other, and in some cases, I can produce mass. Not until I know my usefulness. When it's worth working with, you can accept it. I need your help."

"That's funny. Purpose, and how to sell it."

Vandamm smiled at Richter, who pleaded earnestly.

"May I ask why you deny the back streets?

"Residents in the back, society in the back is unnecessary to me. It's only harmful to decent people. I want to crush it if I can crush it. I want to wipe everything out of this society, such as those born of distortion."

I avoided saying decisive reasons, but I was a Richter who would be honest about what I thought.

"Gupiu, Richter. That's a great story...... It's big, but it's a big dream..."

Even though Historic Pleasure praises it, its eyes are staring. The mouth is also distorted.

(Something's wrong with History. I mean, because this kid is a kid who can't hide anything at all)

With Historical Pleasure sidelined, Van Damme shelves himself and thinks.

(This guy is awesome. I don't like him... What is the backward social devastation? Just kidding......)

With Richter sidelined, I think Historical Pleasure.

(I know it's such a grudge that Mon killed you in the backyard or something. Wow, I know that. Backstreet, Zunfantasy City, "Lost Paradigm," and guys who don't live well behaved. The world boils down, so we need reception for those guys. This guy... denied it. You're denying what Harry did... Wow, I don't care -)

Unparalleled hostility had boiled in History Pleasure, but Richter had not noticed, and only Van Damme had seen History Pleasure change.

"By the way, you're targeting... multiple forces at once. You're too greedy to be making many enemies at once. I don't mind, but I'll ask the true rulers of Japan to increase security here."

Van Damme declares. Originally, this building now houses a considerable number of supernatural power bearers, but it is in a jade stone confusion, and as a van Dam, it is not entirely counted on as a force of war. Of course, I intend to get them to work at times, but I can feel more secure with the help of the ruling class than that.

"Gupi. When Ip Shan means he's under the protection of Junko, there's a good chance that the Arlaune guy will cry at Junko, too. As soon as Leviathan's case is over, Junko's gonna get in my way again? I'm sick of this."

Historical pleasure drops her shoulders and mourns.

"Don't pick two, narrow the target down to one point. Maybe it's too late."

"I regret it, but I get it. Do you want to go and collect Arlaune with all your might? Richter, leave the Ip Mountain alone for now. I don't know if Ip Mountain will follow you, Arlaune."

Copy that.

Embarrassed by Van Damme, Historical Pleasure and Richter drank a change of policy.

Leaf Mountain meat dolls were under house arrest.

While I think it's a strange feeling to imprison a doll, from the remotely manipulated Ip Mountain, it also feels like being in this holding cell.

But I'm free on my own, so Ip Mountain turned off the feeling of a meat doll, and at the Snow Oka Institute, he was fishing for information online. On the other hand, if there is any change in the meat doll, it is so that the sensation can be restored there immediately.

Since the knock sounded, Ip Mountain returns its senses to the meat doll and resumes remote manipulation.

"Go ahead. Welcome to the maggots doll room"

Ip Mountain greets the visiting Richter with a disgusting greeting. Richter, somehow, was bringing a guitar case.

"We've decided on this policy. In the meantime, I'm not after Mr. Ip Shan."

Richter tells with a gentle expression.

(You wouldn't be able to even if you wanted to. Somehow the maggots' main body is at the Snow Oka Laboratory. underground in the Cando Building in the Neutral Designated Area)

I thought so, but of course I don't have to teach it.

"Can I ask you a question here? If maggots will admit questions to humans."

"Go ahead."

Richter smiles bitterly at the words of Ye Shan, who was a snark.

"It seems that an organization called Sputum Kettle Support Group existed, and it seems true that its constituents are missing, but maybe Mr. Richter destroyed this organization?

"I don't know."

Richter in the inquiry of Ip Mountain. Richter was worried not to say anything extra, as this conversation seemed to be recorded as well.

"I thought you might be free, and I've come to take extra care of you. I really like Ip Shan. [M] Even though I'm from the back street, it feels a little uneven from the residents of the back street, and I like it there."

That's what Richter says, while he takes out the guitar.

"Thanks for that..."

Ye Shan wonders what it means to feel uneven from the residents of the back street. But asking it was also resistant for some reason.

Ye Shan felt a little darkness at the bottom of Richter's heart just because of the current dialogue. Words and deeds that deny it somehow while being a backstreet dweller themselves. By the way, Richter didn't like the back streets, Leaf Mountain thought.

"Combine your spare time with practice, right? If you shut up, I'll stop."

"No, all honored by maggots and such. Even maggots know music."

Then Richter let him perform many guitars and songs.

Ip Mountain was listening to a lot of people. Strange situation, but I don't feel bad. Above all, Richter's guitar was good, he sings well, and I feel like a good time.

"That's a lot of songs with a bit of a sad tone"

Between the songs, Ye Shan said. I didn't know because the lyrics are in German.

"You know what I mean? Hehe... because I'm sad, and I have so many sad lyrics"

Richter takes his gaze off Ip Mountain and spills a masochistic grin.

"It also struck the minds of maggots. Thank you for your time."

"Why do you call yourself maggots and maggots?

I asked Richter a question that was intriguing, but I wondered if he would get a horrible answer back, and I regret it a second later.

"For a long time... you say you can hear that in your head... Is it an unexplained obsessive notion? I was worried for a time, but now I think it's a spirit, a spirit, to embrace my negative self positively already"

The answer out of Ye Shan's mouth was not such a bad substitute, but in the end it remained unintelligible.

"I'm not sure you accept negatives positively."

"Or to move yourself negatively forward and crawl up there. Hey. If you're at the bottom, all you have to do is climb. I think I got stronger when I realized it was the bottom line. I think people get stronger. Of course, you can't do anything while you're accepting what's at the bottom."

"I see."

On the bad side, Richter was about to think that he had returned a more decent answer than he thought, but still quickly reconsidered that it was not decent to associate himself with maggots maggots.