Two days after the Florescu vampires raided Grimmpenisville and they caught the operator.

There were an unprecedented number of visitors to the mansion and Naoki was uncomfortable.

High-crowning lonely vampires. Moreover, the leading men face each other in the main hall of the mansion. The number of people exceeds twenty. It is very difficult to say what a good atmosphere is because the reason for being called is also why.

Naoki and Kristian both had their first experience with the fact that this hall was surrounded by such a heavy atmosphere, even though it was usually visited for fun purposes in the halls used for parties, etc.

(They're not all cute. Even if your face is shaped, it's not cute. The ugliness of the contents makes me see through. unlike Operator or Chris)

For that reason, Naoki has always been grumpy.

"It just seemed like a bad joke, such as that operator getting caught after he lost"

An old white man, who grew a Kaisel beard and other things in his suit, said as he shook his head. He is a much closer person to the Florescu family. His name is Alfred Harker. Among the lonely vampires, he is in a fairly high position and has considerable speaking power.

"Kristian will be worried too. My mother got caught. It's a rumor that Grimm Penis has a bunch of mad scientists, and I don't know what they're doing by now."

What I said in a nagging, nagging tone of laughter was a white middle-aged man dressed in a black mountain hat and a black coat. It is an eagle nose with a broken nose after an unusually long nose, and its nose is the first appearance to catch the eye.

I also remembered Naoki's name. Thomas Curtain. A man with the alias Thomas the Sorcerer, etc., but does not know where the name comes from.

"You, watch your language."

Alfred stares at Thomas, the man with the mountain hat eagle nose.

"This is rude. Imagine getting excited. Aren't you excited to imagine what that beautiful lady is seeing by now? Uh-huh. I went all the way from Germany to Japan. If you're rescuing an operator, I'd love to see a good scene. Ah-ha-ha."

A cold gaze pours into Thomas, who gives him a disgusting laugh. Thomas' words and actions, which the Curtains are not very close to the Florescu family, but nevertheless have no shards of courtesy and are nasty and extreme, make me sick to hear. He was a nose knob among the lonely vampires because he is a man who takes such words and deeds in front of everyone from day to day.

"After explaining things, I honestly didn't think that so many would respond to my call. I thought it would be disregarded with contempt as a cry of a wretched loser."

Kristian speaks faceless.

'Cause it's a big deal.'

In the corner, a man said, not even sitting in a chair, leaning against the wall and arm-wrapping. It's a man with a red jacket, red slacks, and a red hat and a uniform color of clothes in red. I didn't even know Naoki's name. That's the first face I've ever seen.

"Operator Florescu was undoubtedly the strongest vampire among the loners. And he was the proudest vampire. It is no exaggeration to say that it is our symbol. That she fought and lost ahead of the grim penis with our proud palace state. Overlooking this involves a vampire ticket"

"Exactly. How can you leave me alone in such a serious situation?"

Another vampire sitting in a nearby seat agrees with the words of the redneck man.

"Rather, he's not coming in this phase. Bad guy. A guy who's really proud of vampires, a guy who stands up."

"Yes, they do."

"That's right!


To the dialogue spoken by yet another vampire, many vampires express their approval with a powerful voice.

(You're not very good... This kind of thing...... Especially the father-smelling Nori guy. Far from 'cute'. Would it make you a little cute if I crushed your face and then skinned you?

Naoki, who hates collective action but also has an unholy nature, was sloppy. Earlier I was patient because the operators were with me, but I don't even want to follow vampires other than the operators.

The visiting vampires could not accept only the rooms provided for the Florescu family, and those who could not stay were to be asked to stay in a nearby hotel.

"Totally...... that Thomas really got me on my mind. I know you can't handle it in the position we're asking for, and oh, you've been doing it and stirring it up?

Where Naoki and I are alone, Christian throws up in a heartfelt abomination.

"It's my guess, but he could be the same type as me. You're the type of person who acts like you think you are and doesn't care about clumsiness or other people's eyes."

"Naoki... were you aware that you were..."

Listening to Naoki's views, Kristian spills a strange, smiling smile.

"Naoki seemed all the way grumpy when we had visitors. He seemed uncomfortable."

"Oh, you hated it so much. It was just depressing. But I wanted to check it out. I don't know which one is going to work or what kind of guy there is, for once."

I usually don't care about that at all. I don't really care about other people's affairs or anything at all, and I only care about myself. But now it's a situation where the operator is caught, so the story is different. Even if it was troublesome, Naoki was thinking about acting by the best choice she could make.

Seeing Naoki as he was not always, he understood that it was for the rescue of his mother, and Kristian felt very reliable and grateful for Naoki.

When Kiriko Toyota called, the opponent answered immediately.

"Yes, hello"

"No particular change?

'I'll report it properly if there is one. Is that all you have to do?

Biru Miyakuni makes teasing noises.

"It's been two days since then, but there were a bunch of vampires named after the Florescu family. As early as tonight. They'll be moving tomorrow, even if it's late."

'If that's the information, I'm grabbing it too. Is that all you have to do?

Mouthwatering Miyakuni who obviously doesn't feel comfortable about this one. All I'm saying is, just hang up. But Kiriko also thinks it's impossible. He wasn't into Kiriko's plan from the beginning.

"Are you doing good with the Vipers?


(Lie...? Something happened to you)

Kiriko decides so to Miyakuni, who replies with few words.

"If you need a fix, say it early."

'Copy that. Don't rely on me, I'm worried about something. Bye.'

Finally, discarding sarcasm, Miyakuni hangs up the phone.

(Could he have been such a bad guy? Or because I'm the other guy?

In fact, there are times when Miyakuni was close to men and women, Kiriko.

Kiriko then calls another person and reports the progress.

"- So. I hope it works."

'There's no guarantee it'll work. Kiriko knows that, doesn't she?

"Sort of. Thanks. I'm a little calm talking to Junko."

Kiriko's sense of sprouts, which arose on the phone with Miyakuni, blew up beautifully when I heard the voices of the few heart-forgiving opponents for me.